Chapter 1112: He Had Made Her Vow (8)

For Liu Zhixia's explanation, the Liu family immediately believed.

In the eyes of the elders, the grandson was calm and restrained. One said one, unlike the second one who didn't adjust to the sky. What he said didn't know when and when it was fake, so the credibility of the grandson's words was 100% credible.

When I saw the elders in a blink of an eye, I drank and ate at the table like nothing was happening. Liu Zhiqiu pumped his face. This trust was too blinding. Anyway, you can ask two more words!

As long as you ask a few more words, I can tell you that it's not true. I was overcast, overcast!

Your grandson, who is calm and restrained, is dark in ink! Grandpa, milk, seek the truth!

His head was patted by the big hand again, "Go to eat."

"..." Liu Zhiqiu suddenly changed his color and followed his elder brother bitterly, "Brother, don't pretend, can you change back to the way you were before? I'm not used to it, please."

"Good to you, do you ask for abuse?" Brother looked sideways, confused.

Liu Zhiqiu burst into tears, "Brother, I beg for abuse."

"Well, I'm ashamed of you. Since you asked, I'll do my best."

"..." Here comes a Taoist priest, who has collected this evil!

Later, Xue Qinglian and Feng Qingbai walked next to the stubborn man in turn, leaving him a word of proverb.

"Don't struggle."

"Fate it."

After walking past, he turned around and explained to him the final mystery of a proverb, "You can't fight it."

Me, fuck!

Dinner was very harmonious.

After a tiring day, even the younger generations were too tired to lift their arms, which did not affect their performance on the dinner table. A dish on the dish was a ghost and dazzled the eyes.

Among them, Liu Zhiqiu grabbed the most fierce, even eating the taste of teething.

The first day of busy farming is the most tiring. Suddenly working at high intensity can make the body extremely tired, and it takes a process of adaptation. Therefore, after washing, the big guys have no more leisure energy and return to their rooms to rest.

In the room of the second courtyard, Liu Zhixia lay on her back, surrounded by edamame with a small belly on her back.

A pair of slender hands behind him, kneading and pressing on his shoulders, arms, and back, helped him relieve the pain of laboring for a long time.

"Today's teasing again? The old boss is not young anymore, why is he still bullying him?"

"That boy, don't bully and bully him. He's not at ease, and I can't help it."

This sounding reason made Fu Yuzhen cry and laugh.

As the experience deepened, Zhi Xia was more stable and sophisticated when dealing with people when she was outside. Only in the Liu family courtyard, in front of his family, he would become slightly different, showing a little childishness that did not fit his age.

For example, tease Zhiqiu.

"I'm tired today? When I came back from knowing you back, I think you look a bit bad," she said, and she wouldn't miss all the details. "If it's too tired, just slowly, in recent days it should be There will be no rain and no rush to harvest. "

"Isn't it tiring to be busy?" Liu Zhixia laughed. "I'm not in a hurry to grab the harvest. There are so many fields in my family. I can do more. Grandpa, dad, and uncle. They can do less. At the end of the year, I There are only a handful of times I can go home to help, and I can only make up for this. "

Zhiqiu teased him and deliberately made him work more. He happened to think so, so he pushed the boat down the river. However, instead of playing tricks on the jerk, he was also deliberate.

The two complement each other without conflict.

"Otherwise, I'll let you and Mu Qiu look at the edamae tomorrow. I'll work with you. I don't need to keep so many people at home. I have nothing to do when I stay at home. There is always something to do on the ground." Fu Yuzheng said.

Although she has not done any farm work, it does not mean that she cannot do it. Nothing is never learned.

"No." Liu Zhixia vetoed. "What do women do when they go down to the ground? It takes only three days to finish up to a dozen acres of land. You and their uncles help to cook water at home."

Liu Zhixia rolled over to lie down and pulled the woman down to rest.

"I'll give you some more time ..."

"It's been rubbing for a long time, enough, sleep." The man's voice soon became blurred.

Fu Yuzhen stunned and lay obediently beside the man without making a sound.

Soon, his ear was breathing slowly, and he was asleep.

Fu Yuzhen glanced over the distressed eyes, his eyes fell on the man holding her hand. She knew he wouldn't let her continue to help with the massage, but she was afraid that her hands would be tired.

However, his hands worked for an afternoon, but a lot of small scratches were added to the back of the hand, which were scratched by the leaves of the grass seedlings, and his palms were also red and red, with transparent blisters. They were holding the sickle and rice. Caused by a shot.

He didn't say it hurt, she hurt red eyes.

Quietly got up and gave the man hands with medicine, Fu Yuzheng lay down beside the man lightly, clasping his fingers together to sleep.

The eyes were reddish, and the smile in her dream was so happy that she could overflow the honey.

The dream was all his figure, all the vows he had promised her.

——I can't erase the trauma, but I can give you countless flowers to cover it, and make you smile happily all your life.

——Yuzheng, let's not use our limited life for crickets, shall we?

——I can use my life to prove how much I love you, I can really do it.

He's been doing it. He doesn't say much sweet words, but he feels good about her in every detail.

He has been married for almost four years, and he has never changed.

She believes that no matter how many four years are left in his life, he will, just as he promised her, love her.

Farmers are busy these days, and every household will get up earlier than usual.

Harvest more before the sun comes out.

Therefore, the family members of the family must also get up earlier to prepare breakfast.

When it wasn't dawn outside, you could hear the movement in the front yard.

Liu Yusheng got up lightly and lightly, before he was still seated, and his waist was tightened by a force. The man was falling into the man's arms and worried about pressing him.

The man didn't appreciate it, and gently closed her two tiny arms, letting her rest on him.

"Wind cypress--"

"Stay with me again." Under the dim light, the man's eyes did not open, but he was clearly tired, but his voice was abnormally clear, and there was no blur.

"Grandma got up with her mother and their two sons. I'll help make breakfast. You can rest for a while. I'll call you when breakfast is done."

However, the arm did not loosen, and the man didn't see a snoring sound. This meant not letting her go. Liu Yusheng thought about it, and lowered his head on the man's cheek.

The man's lips cornered, and then let go of her.

(End of this chapter)

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