Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1114: Grandpa will leave this old age in the future

Chapter 1114: Grandpa Will Hold This Pension In The Future

Liu Zhixia looked at the scene straight.

In order to please his daughter-in-law, Qingbai made inner and inner roles in the team of the masters, and the husband and wife should join together.

Just to coax them to wear gloves?

However, his vomiting sound lowered his voice, and he was right next to Feng Qingbai, so the words were not heard.

On the field, the woman has briskly returned to the shade. Feng Qingbai's side, after being arrested, Bao also changed his face.

"Sheng Sheng got up in the middle of the night to pick up my hands with water and apply medicine. I got this glove up early in the morning." Feng Qingbai's voice was faint, and the action of cutting rice on his hand kept moving. He couldn't hear any other emotions in his tone. From the side, you can see the corner of his light mouth. "She feels more pain for my hand than me. Wearing a glove can make her feel relieved, why not."

Liu Zhixia looked down and looked at the weird gloves with flat and fine stitches on her hands. I didn't know what to think, and my eyes overflowed with soft colors.

Not far away, there was a muttered boy from the family, "It looks strange, it looks like a piece of noodles, but it's okay to wear."

"Hurry up." Liu Zhixia buried her head, and the three went almost side by side, starting to overthrow Dahe.

The soreness and fatigue from the first day of heavy work were still there, but the movements of the three young men did not slow down, and the whole day seemed to be beaten with chicken blood, and the harvest was faster than yesterday.

There are a total of ten acres of land in the family, and the rest of the day will be busy.

They were responsible for harvesting, and the piled rice was piled up in the field. After the bundling, the couple Wei Lan and Wei Hong helped pick to the sun valley, where there was a winemaker sitting in the town, and they convened a group of old guys in the village to thresh and dry.


Finished smoothly.

The rest of the village's closing time is almost the same as theirs.

After the rice fields were harvested by each household, a group of old men sang and drank on the Liu Family Courtyard that night to set up the Longmen array.

Harvest in the village.

This is no longer a rare occurrence in Xinghua Village, but everyone is still very happy.

It's all over, and I'm still happy, but I can't drink to celebrate.

The Liu family stove was full of people, and the atmosphere was extremely lively.

In this excitement, several silhouettes quietly slipped out.

Did not go elsewhere, holding a jar of wine, holding a few wine glasses, turned to the inner courtyard.

It is Feng Qingbai, Liu Zhixia, Liu Zhiqiu and Xue Qinglian.

The village masters are all talking about how many rice vendors have come to the village today, and the price of rice in the village has soared again.

These are not their concerns, and they are really not used to chatting with their throats.

When I was in the cooking room for half an hour, I was little transparent.

The inner courtyard is very quiet and contrasts with the noise of the stove.

At this time, the moon is empty, and the entire courtyard is bathed in a faint moonlight. The surrounding area is unique to the village, which can hear the worms under the moon. Being in it makes people feel that the soul is also washed by the moonlight and is very peaceful.

"It's time to prepare to return to Beijing in the past two days?" Liu Zhixia said.

"Well, Liang Douer is still in Beijing. Naturally, he has to go back. The affairs of North Korea and China need to be handed over clearly." Feng Qingbai smiled.

Soon, he and Sheng Sheng will be able to bring their children back here and start the life they have been yearning for.

"My order has also come down. After the farmer is busy, he will have to rush to Beijing after the new prefecture returns to hand over."

"I thought you would go to Beijing in July."

"You are still in Xiliang in July, and you are all worried that you will go, whoever thinks about those." Liu Zhixia said this with rare emotions. It wasn't that the unpleasant tune made it slow, but it was the unpleasant cypress that soon returned. Xinghua Village was retiring in advance, but he still had to work hard in Beijing, and he was charged in the scams.

The man was patted on the shoulder, and the man said, "Have a good job, and Feng Moyu will give it to you." Liu Zhixia was so angry that she blew blood.

"Feng Qingbai is going back to Beijing, and his elder brother is going back to Yunzhou. You are on the right road together. Is Xue Qinglian going to Beijing?" Liu Zhiqiu also has a small abacus.

Of the three people here, three are absolutely incomparable to him.

He wants them all gone so that he can continue his position at the top of the young food chain at home.

As soon as he said this, the three looked at him together. "Why, there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are kings?"

"How can you, you are all people doing big things, and it's the same when you finish things and come back. Always handle your hands to ensure peace of mind in the future, isn't it? Our family can run in Xinghua Village? When will we come back No? I'm in no hurry. "Liu Zhiqiu smiled, opened his eyes and talked nonsense.

"Roll the calf, don't pretend to be thick, you can't pretend." Liu Zhixia.

"I'm not pretending. I don't believe you look into my eyes." How sincere.

In this regard, the three gave their incisive evaluations.

"Throwing eyes."



Liu Zhiqiu's body is incomplete, "grass!"

No one ignored him.

The other three basically did not exist, and continued the previous topic, "I will return to Beijing with Sheng Sheng the day after tomorrow. As for Xue Qinglian, you can decide for yourself."

Xue Qinglian was silent.

He knew what Feng Qingbai meant.

In the capital, Xue Zhong is still in the Nanling Palace.

No matter what Xue Zhong did, his name and fact are his uncles. Feng Qingbai looked at his face and asked such a question to give him a chance to decide for himself.

Decide whether Xue Zhong is dead or alive, how to die or live.

His silence was not because of confusion, nor because he was soft-hearted, but just looking back on the days when he had depended on each other, he still had a little unwillingness in his heart.

He was curious to know that he had worked hard for his uncle for so many years, and what role did he play in his uncle's heart.

Relatives? Or a tool?

Or was there a moment when the uncle had regarded him as his nephew.

He was silent, and the three men around him were silent. Give him time to think calmly.

"I ... go with you to the capital." Xue Qinglian spoke for a while, and her voice was a little dull.

Feng Qingbai should, "Well."

On the shoulders, Liu Zhixia and Liu Zhiqiu patted each other. This is their comfort and support.

No matter what he decides, they are all around him.

These people appeared in his life, he was fortunate, this was his friend who was better than a loved one.

Everyone in the Liu family courtyard actually regarded him as a member of the family.

In the second courtyard, he has his exclusive position.

Thinking of this, the haze that just covered my heart suddenly disappeared.

Xue Qinglian laughed, lazily, unbridled from his bones.

"That's the end of my hand. When it's done, no matter how you deal with things, I will return to Xinghua Village first. Grandpa has been a bit tired for so many years, and I will leave here for the elderly in the future."

Alas, I thought there was a chapter and a half, and it turned out to be exactly one chapter. This will not work. I can't always overestimate myself, it's easy to be bricked. I can only motivate myself with my energy, I am a motivated orange. Everyone will fertilize me more, maybe I can mutate, hahahaha!

(End of this chapter)

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