Chapter 1118: Old Face Burned

After entering the city, the carriage went straight to the palace without going back to the palace.

From the time the passenger ship entered the boundary of the capital, Liu Yusheng returned to his heart, the closer he got, the more he missed the two children.

The thoughts I had forbeared in Xinghua Village seemed to erupt all at once.

When I miss, I feel more mixed with guilt and timidity.

"Wind green cypress, do you think Croton Red Bean doesn't remember us?"

Feng Qingbai smiled, her fingers interspersed between her fingers, her fingers clasped tightly, "No, mother and son are connected, they may not remember me, but they will remember you. You can recognize them when you see them."

"I hope so." Liu Yusheng breathed a sigh of relief. As for "they couldn't remember me" in the man's words, she didn't take it seriously, making Feng Qingbai angry and funny.

Dare to love as long as the two Douer remember her, it is not important to remember whether to be a father.

Xue Qinglian sat diagonally across from the two, half-tilted, and kept looking out the window.

The carriage was fast, and the dark street pupils reflected the street scene outside the window.

The vermilion palace wall of the Royal Palace is soaring and magnificent, and it is full of the thick sediment of history.

Guarding the silver armor at the gate of the palace flashes cold light under the refraction of sunlight, with a solemn appearance and a spirit of killing.

These fell in Liu Yusheng's eyes, but showed a kind of kindness.

Because here is Nanling.

After getting out of the car, the gate guard first saw the four people, and saluted immediately after a moment.

As the four stepped into the palace gate, the news of the return of King Nanling immediately flew outside the palace at a speed sweeping by the autumn wind.

At that time, Feng Moyan was thinking hard in the Royal Study Room, trying to get the brain out of his head. Croton and red beans are the queen's heart and liver. He bought the money for biting the crocodile's baby crotons, so he was not surprised that the queen took the feather duster and pumped him.

But the fire went out. If it doesn't go away, will he have a way to live when Uncle Huang returns?

"Emperor, emperor! Big deal! ..."

"Which thing in the palace isn't a big thing? What kind of system is shouting!" Feng Moyan scolded.

He was getting annoyed, wasn't he whizzing into his knife?

"No, the emperor, the prince and the princess are back! Now that they have entered the palace, the minions have reported that they are heading to the Temple of Yang Xin!" Due diligence, but rather scolded.

What system ...

咣 Dang! The chair under the Feng Mo Yan fell to the ground, and people rushed out of the door, "Why don't you say it earlier!"

The innocent little board cried.

At the same time, the news came to the empress queen's ears.

The prince and the queen finally came back. Although they did not say in the mouth of the queen mother during the period of Xiliang, she could see that the queen mother was also worried about the two.

Sure enough, when she heard the news, the queen mother's face was clear, and she even smiled slightly at the corners of her mouth.

But the next moment, his face changed.

"Well, close the door."

"Mother Queen? ..."

"It's been half a year since I walked away, and I just left the two babies and let them go. This is what I should do as a father and mother? I think of Croton and Red Beans when I'm busy. ! "

The old lady did not dare not listen, and instructed the housekeeper to close the door of the temple and bolt it.

After serving the Queen Mother for so many years, can she still not know what temperament and temperament the Queen Mother has?

It's true that the queen of the angry queen has lost the two little masters for a long time, and it is more worried that the queen of the grand princes will take all the little masters away.

In the past few months, because the two little masters were here, laughter could be heard every day in the Hall of Yangxin, and the excitement was so intense that the loneliness that the Queen Mother gathered all year round was scattered little by little by the little masters. There is no way for the young people to communicate normally, nor can they conceal the joy of being together.

If the prince and prince really took the little master away, the Yangxin Temple would be deserted again.

The queen queen was alone again.

Holding the figure of the empress sitting on the couch, the old lady sighed quietly.

The delight on the queen queen's face had faded. Looking at the little baby who was babbling in front of her, the smiling smile was extremely reluctant.

"Grandma, grandma, play." Croton held up a small wooden ruler and used it as a mallet.

Hongdou climbed up, stepped on his short legs, took two steps and walked closer, flung directly into the arms of the Queen Mother, and giggled after being caught in time. Climb back, walk back, and flutter again, and enjoy it as a fun game.

Be careful not to let the little baby fall off the couch. When the baby rushes over, she is careful to put her arms into her arms. The queen queen smiles at the baby and bends the corner of her mouth, but her eye circles slowly faint. Red, getting redder.

The children were ignorant, still laughing innocently.

Outside the door, a rumor came again.

"Mr. Kai Qi, Princess Wang asked to see."

"not see."

Outside the door, Si Ziliu Liu Yusheng was already standing at the door, almost affixed to the door, clearly hearing the two words floating inside, very powerful.

"..." Looking back, staring at Feng Qingbai, "Did you get angry with the queen mother again?"

Feng Qingbai's forehead had black lines and jumped faintly. He had just returned. Even if he wanted to anger the empress queen, he had a chance.

But it was Sheng Sheng who attacked him, so he was hesitant for this unsuspecting charge.

Raise your hand and ring the copper ring on the gate of the heavy hall. "Dear queen mother, don't struggle, you can't escape fifteen on the first day."

Liu Yusheng wanted to faint.

The queen queen closed her door. Can she think of the reason? I was just afraid they would come back and grab the beans.

At this time, it should be coaxed, look at the second uncle Feng Qingbai, so arrogant, he came to the fire to add fuel?

Sure enough, the dim voice that had been dim in the previous was suddenly right, "No!"

Liu Yusheng scratched his head, scratching the head of the wind green cypress.

Feng Qingbai raised her head, sighed, and held the woman's hand in disarray, "I think of a way, don't make trouble."

The words were lightened, and the queen queen was sitting on the innermost couch, which was farther away and could not hear.

It made her feel uncomfortable.

She had to know what they were talking about to come up with the best solution.

The corner of his eyes was at Lao Chen, and then at the door.

It's a pity that the old lady was too obedient. At this moment, she lowered her head slightly, and raised her eyebrows, but she didn't see the queen mother hint.

The queen queen wanted to speak, and remembered that Feng Qingbai's ears were more spirited than dogs. There was no way she could bite her teeth, put the red beans in place, and get up lightly and walk towards the door.


The old man finally saw it, and his face twisted.

She couldn't think of breaking her head and one day the Queen Mother would make such an unsuitable move.

That's the empress queen who is most polite!

After turning his head and glaring at the old woman, she scared the old woman and lowered her head again. The queen mother continued to lurk forward, and her old face was panicked.

She hated Feng Qingbai again. If it weren't for Feng Qingbai, she could do such a thing?

Double, double, do you still have your tickets?

(End of this chapter)

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