Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1130: Rather die, never let anyone touch!

Chapter 1130 Rather die, never let anyone touch!

On one side was a man in a stream of human skin.

A small girl with a petite-colored inside.

Among the tea-teachers who stood by and watched silently, many people shook their heads secretly to regret the two beautiful girls.

As long as the man in the road is in and out of the teahouse and wine shop, he does not know him.

On the Jingcheng Street, the name of this person is quite loud.

He is known as Tang Gongzi, Tang Tang, who is famous for his fun and loves to play beautiful girls on the street. No ordinary people knows what he is doing. It is only rumors that he has made friends with many noble children in Beijing. Some people even saw Beijing. Zhao Yi's sons respected him.

Where would the little people dare to provoke such a character?

Tang Yan is also used to being accustomed to, and has been scolded as a dog one after another, and the smile on his face has cooled down.

"Since the two wanted to go to the box so much, wouldn't there be any reason for my son? Let's go up together."

This is to force them away.

"Who's going to the box with you? It's shameless to talk to yourself!" Qian Yi jumped and scolded.

Liu Ya raised her head in horror, looked at the other with a trembling lip, her body was already shaky.

On the front, Tang Yan who looked up at Liuya's head, flashed a fascination under his eyes, and a smile appeared on the face that had just sunk. He was bound to win, "Please invite the two girls up."

"Yes, this kind of trivial matter lets us come!" The three men standing behind Tang Yan flattered with dog legs, and the same hippie smiled and squeezed up, enclosing Qianyi and Liuya in a triangle, breaking all their escape routes.

There were wolves in front and tigers in front of them, and the two women resisted and were useless for the results.

The tea guests around saw the symptoms, and the pity in the eyes was deeper and more compassionate. Many people had already bowed their heads and couldn't bear to look any longer.

Being carried into the box by these cats, no matter what happened, the reputation of the two girls is over.

Qian Yi was so angry that anyone could think of such a disgusting thing at the foot of the imperial city. This is Nanling, which is so severe under the rule of King Nanling. Why is there such a maggot in the city?

The current situation also makes her indifferent. If she has Xue Qinglian's skill, she must fight these **** to find teeth, but unfortunately she doesn't, and she won't be poisoned.

The only thing that can be found is that it is hard to find in a mouse, and it is useless.

Seeing that those people had stretched their hands towards them, Qian Yi clenched his fists and quickly thought of a way.

She wasn't just waiting to get rid of her temper, she had to rush out of here even if she had to fight for a dead net.

My brain was spinning fast, and I heard a scream in my ear, followed by a man screaming.

Qian Yi turned her head and saw that Liu Ya hit her chin with her head. At this time, she rubbed her face with her hands and feet, her eyes still scared, and she was scarlet.

This is on the verge of crashing!

In shock, Qian Yi didn't care much, and he rolled up the package and smashed the people around him, scratched, kicked, and even used his teeth.

The two women were indeed weak, but it was difficult for the big man to fight the madness for a while, and they were breached. Qian Yi seized the opportunity to pull the willow buds that were still madly scratching and rushed out.

"Fuck, catch them, don't let them run away!" Tang Yan covered his half face, his face grim. Just caught off guard, he was hit by the package and almost hit his eyes.

Two dead ladies, wait till he catches them, they must die!


After doing the things that Wang Ye explained, he threw the man to the beggar nest in Chengnan, and determined that he would definitely not have a good time in the remaining limited days. Wei Zi ignored the man's curse and left without expression.

At the age of five, he was put into a training camp. At the age of eighteen, he officially became a shadow guard. At the age of twenty, he protected Wang Ye. Until now, the shadow guard has been in his thirteen years and has encountered countless things.

The curse behind him was nothing but a series of meaningless nonsense.

After abandoning the carriage, he lifted up between the buildings in the city and hurried to the palace in a straight line. Compared with the carriage, he could reach his destination in a shorter time.

"Wangy! Wangy!"

"Ah! Mother, kill this beast for me!"

"Stop them, don't let them run away! Smelly pussy, shame your face! Wait for the grandpa to make you die!"

The roof was galloping, and when passing by, there was a noise in my ear.

Wei Zi frowned, kept under his feet, and didn't plan to bother.

"Go ... Go away!" A scream of anger, weak and sharp, passed through the hustle and bustle and fell into Wei Zi's ear.

Suddenly galloping.


"Don't bite, run away!"

"Don't come here, run away!"

"You bastard, even dogs hit you still not human!"

At the end of the alley, Qian Yi and Liu Ya have been forced to the corner, and can only yell at their teeth.

They rushed out of the tea shop at the time, desperately trying to get rid of the people behind, but were rushed into the alley without knowing it.

This is a poor lane, there is no way to retreat, and there are few people around. Few people will come here. Someone will pass by. I do n’t dare to come forward to see such battles.

"Smelly pussy, grandpa see where you are running now!" Tang Yan came up from behind, covering his arms, his face was extremely ugly.

However, after seeing two good things on the street, Li Yan went to the tea shop and tried to make fun of it, but she didn't expect to be so embarrassed in the end.

The four of them were beaten by a dog, each of them had a different degree of scratch, and his arm was taken by a black dog.

Two civilian women made him look down!

"Drag them in!" Gritted his teeth, Tang Yan coldly ordered.

Next to it was an abandoned house, which was set on fire by the two. He wanted to work directly inside!

The three attendants were no strangers to this kind of thing, and they were immediately delighted when they heard it. They were irritated and irritated just now.

"Yes, this place is quite their identity." Someone sneered forward and reached for Liuya.

After escaping from the tea shop and being driven into the poor alley, Liu Bu never talked from beginning to end, only the eyes became more and more red, the eyes became more and more scattered, and the opened eyes only needed to be stimulated a little bit. , It will shatter completely.

Seeing that hand reach out to her, overlapping with a picture in her head.

Liuya's eyes were red enough to condense and bleed, and he had shortness of breath and suffocation.

She seemed to be back at that time.

Dragged into the dark compartment by one hand.

Was thrown **** the bed.

The clothes were torn.

"Ah-!" Opening that hand strongly, Liu Ya pushed the person in front of him away fiercely, then turned his head and hit the wall next to him!

Despair, despair. Rather die, she won't let anyone touch!

"Liuya!" Qian Yi shouted fiercely, eyes split.

Alas, muffled.

The expected severe pain did not strike, and the place where the head hit was hard and warm.

The familiar sense of security quickly enveloped the whole body, Liu Bu was soft, and the whole person was clinging to the warm wall.

(End of this chapter)

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