Chapter 1142 Uncle Wei, I'm Hungry

"More than a hundred thousand stones, not enough to fill the treasury, but under normal circumstances, it is already a large number." Quickly flip through the ledger, Feng Qingbai Road.

"Now it's more than a hundred thousand stones. It can be turned over one or two times next year, and there will be more in the next year. Wait, the second brother will make you surprised in the future." Liu Zhiqiu braved his arms, soaring into the sky.

"According to the nature of your miser, you can donate food for free. Why is it so unbelievable?"

"Grass, your second brother, I also have a passionate heart, but I don't take it out under normal circumstances."

What is so unbelievable? Thought he wanted to be so generous? If Feng Qingbai is not the king of Nanling, the concubine is not the princess of Nanling, and Xiaofenger is not the emperor of Nanling, who will administer the treasury to die?

Seeing Feng Qingbai's convoy conveying grain from cart to cart, in fact, his heart is bleeding?

However, he keeps money, keeps the money he deserves. He never takes a single star from outsiders.

He only took his own.

Looking at the man who is pretending to be generous, Feng Qingbai's lips lightened, and he took out a few silver tickets from his arms. "This is fifty thousand two, your grain, at half the market price, will be collected by the court."

Liu Zhiqiu's eyes burst out, and he quickly picked up the silver ticket and put it in his arms. "Ah, what a shame, I said it was donated to the treasury, and you actually smashed the silver with me, it is a good brother!"

"Good brother, why don't you return the money to me?"

"No regrets, although I am willing to donate for free, but it ’s not my style to keep the money, do n’t you know it?" Liu Zhiqiu naturally accepted the nickname of the "novo," but this money is yours. It was from Xiaofenger? Or was it from the treasury? "

"What's the difference?"

"If you come out with Xiaofenger, I'm afraid grandma knows that I should return." It is better to let him go back than to give it to him at first, so that his heart won't hurt again.

Feng Qingbai rubbed his eyebrows. Now, he is not only unreliable to Sheng Sheng, but also to anyone in the Liu family's courtyard. In addition, you have already done some early bird watching on tenant lease. After a while, you donated food for free. From the perspective of other grain merchants, you are simply making them feel bad and will soon become the target of public criticism. "

Liu Zhiqiu is not stupid, of course, knows the meaning of Feng Qingbai.

Before the tenant lease, he reduced the rent to 30%, which has harmed the interests of many people. Now many eyes are staring at him secretly. If he turned around and donated the food again, his fame would naturally be gained, but it would also offend people.

If he was a bachelor, he wouldn't be afraid, not to mention there are so many backers behind him.

But he is not a bachelor. He has a family, a wife and an old man. There is no guarantee that someone will not be forced to jump over the wall and start to attack the family.

At that time, no big backer would be useful.

It seems that if you want to do something good in the future, you still need to think carefully about how you can not involve your family.

"If there is grain in the future, or half price?"

"Well, unless the state treasury is empty, border customs or places are tight, there are always times when you are unpaid."

Liu Zhiqiu froze, he actually didn't want to appear at that time. Do n’t take money to make money? And if the state really asks for nothing, it means that Nanling has been stormy.

"Well, have you double-checked those ledgers? Have you checked them?"

"No need." Feng Qingbai got up and went to the hall.

He sat here, saying that it was reconciliation. In fact, he was walking through the court. He had no doubt about Liu Zhiqiu.

If even Liu Zhiqiu couldn't trust him, his eyes would be pure furnishings.

As soon as they arrived in the lobby, the atmosphere was more lively than before.

If the Empress Dowager only had to rob Liu Muqiu alone, now it is time for the couple to fight together and the pressure will increase.

Fortunately, the two Douer quarreled with each other, and walked around the Empress Dowager's feet from beginning to end.

On the other side, Wei Zi and Liu Ya have just arrived in Yuzhou.

If you travel by water, you will be able to return to Yuzhou Farm in seven or eight days. However, when you were on the boat, Liu Yaer said that the ship was transported. In the end, you had to take the road.

From Beijing to Yuzhou, it takes more than twenty days.

Wei Zi didn't say much about it. She only gave her a meaningful look when she covered her head and said that she was seasick. When the woman's small eyes moved uneasily, she looked away and got into the car silently.

So for more than 20 days along the way, women often thought that no one was aware of the ecstasy.

When the carriage entered Yuzhou, it would take two days to reach Fangyuan County and Fangyuan County to reach the farm, but it was just over half an hour.

"Uncle Wei, I'm hungry." Holding his stomach, Liu Ya lowered his head, his voice pitiful.

Just listen to the man saying to the coachman, "Stop there and eat."

Liu Ya's heart quickly calculated that a meal would take about half an hour from serving to eating. If she eats more slowly and drags for another moment, then Uncle Wei can accompany her for more than half an hour .

It's just noon. She will eat slowly at dinner. Uncle Wei might stay at the farm for one night?

"What are you thinking?"

"I want you to stay at the farm for one night." Immersed in my thoughts. After hearing the question, Liu Ya answered subconsciously, and when he reacted, his expression was slack and he looked at the man's eyes.

Uncle Wei asked her just now?

Why did she tell her?

Why did you say that?

"Well." The man was expressionless, set the meal that Xiao Ergang had brought up, raised his chopsticks, "eat."

"Oh." With his mouth half open, Liu Ya gave a password and a gesture, his eyes remained dull.

Uncle Wei said, um, what?

Did she respond to her words or promised to stay one night at the farm?

Why is it so difficult to guess? Liuya wanted to cry.

After eating a meal silently, Liu Ya didn't dare to speak again, and even buried his head low during the meal, almost buckling his head into the bowl.

However, when this meal was used up, it was almost an hour when it was full and full, and Liu Yadi had to eat hot food until it was cold.

And she was very satisfied with it.

It is already afternoon after eating out, and at least in the evening when returning to the farm, Uncle Wei cannot leave.

"Why should I stay one night?"

"Ah?" The woman turned blankly, looking at him blankly.

Wei Zi lightly closed her eyes. This is the most dazed of the many women he knows. Whenever she speaks, she can be half-slow and out of state.

"Why would I stay for one night?" Anyway, he was more patient.

After the words were asked, he did not stare at people urgently, but looked away to give the woman time and space to think about the answer.

When she has the courage to say the answer, at least after three breaths.

There is another chapter that will be late. I can't catch up when I get home late. Repaying debts tomorrow, ah, ah, so crazy! However, I found that your monthly pass for this month is not active. Is it because I am afraid that I have not finished and have hidden the monthly pass? Double it, it's still double now, ask for a monthly pass! Let me die, little fairies ~

(End of this chapter)

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