Chapter 1169: Good Things

Lei Zi was put into the small box room next to the temple house, and was frightened, and he was already asleep.

As for the injuries he was still carrying, it was really serious. He taught a child that Wei Zi did not go all out, but did not dare to show mercy.

Everything that happened outside was in Wang ’s ears, including the child ’s curse.

It was touching the king's inverse scale. If it hadn't been for the past two years, Wang Zi's temperament has improved, Wei Zi believes that the child can't live.

At this time, the hall was quiet and dull.

The Chen family, with the exception of Chen Xiang and Wang, who is not a big deal, has weakness and complicated thoughts.

Among them were the ruthless heartfelt sympathy for Feng Qingbai, and the indisputable for Chen Xiuying's mother and daughter.

They couldn't blame Feng Qingbai. Insulting the royal family can save their next life, but it is just a small punishment hanging from a tree.

It was just that they were flat-headed, and it was still difficult for them to accept such coldness for a while.

They are in conflict with each other, no matter how angry they are, they only hit one child at most.

"Dad, mother, brother, what happened today made everyone unhappy, but think about it in reverse, it is not a bad thing." Chen Xiulan got up and sat next to Mrs. Chen. Everyone listened to her and looked at her. Leizi and Dezi will grow into such a temperament, which are used to by the elder sister and Shuyue Jiao. No matter what happens, someone will help them to clean up the mess, they will become more and more unscrupulous. If they continue to do so, they will What will it look like? Not every time, my sister can solve it by splashing and rolling. "

Chen Qiming stunned, then nodded and agreed, "Xiu Lan is right. See what the two boys have been developed? While they are still young, they can still survive, otherwise, they will be two in the future. Bully, what could be the end of it? This time, they have learned a lesson. If they can converge, it will be a good thing. "

The frowning frowns of the old Chen family slightly relaxed.

Thinking about it that way is indeed a good thing.

For Xiuying and Shuyue protecting the strength of the two children, even if they can't even teach, they have to use a heavy hammer.

This time, not only for the two children, but also for Xiuying's mother and daughter.

Wang ’s eyes rolled down, and he agreed with his man. “Is that not the case? Xiulan ’s family is far away, maybe we do n’t know, we still do n’t know? Since snoring and marrying Wang, Shufang Shuyue has n’t beaten two. Show off the banner of the cousin of the princess, because of this, when Lei Tzu was in trouble, they had a trouble, and they finally dared not pursue it, fearing to cause trouble for themselves. Wang Ba——The kid, the big guy knows Wang ’s attitude, but he wo n’t continue to be used to Xiuying ’s mother and daughter in the future. Without a big backer, look at it. If Lei Zi and De Zi are not changed, there ’s still bitterness. Eat. After suffering bitterly, they have to shrink back again! Maybe they will converge, and they will be able to save their lives in the future and share them for the birthday. "

At that time, I bumped into a wall outside, crying, making trouble, hanging three, and the hangmen did not eat. Hey, she didn't believe that Leizi Dezi could continue to be as arrogant as she is now.

The two little **** bullied her every time they returned to Xiushui Village.

You should treat them severely! Gaiminger went to the village next door and rushed to the door, telling each other what was happening, and waiting for the show!

There was a tingling sensation on his face, and Wang ’s back was immediately tightened, facing the man's gaze toward her, stubbing his neck and stiff, "What are you doing? What am I saying wrong? That's what happened! Helping you, I haven't got any moths! "

"you're right."

"..." Oops, Wang feels like he's sitting on a needle and feels wrong everywhere. The man does not scold her, but praises her, why is she uncomfortable?

My old face is a little hot. Except for the time when he was married when he was young, men have not praised her for decades now.

Chen Changdong and his daughter-in-law quietly twisted their faces and sneered, so that Dad could suppress the aging mother.

Dad's eyes glared, no matter how restless the old lady was, she could immediately be real. Otherwise, the Liu Family Courtyard could not be so safe these years.

Liu Yusheng followed the cypress, and Liu Zhixia Fu Yuzheng and his wife sat aside, and did not comment on the matter just now. What I can say, a few elders said it on their own. If they can figure it out, naturally they won't get horny.

But for her aunt, Liu Yusheng lamented a lot of sighs.

She still remembers that when she was a kid, every time she followed her father and mother back to Xiushui Village, her aunt brought her two cousins ​​together to eat together, alas.

At that time, my aunt didn't have the resentment and suffocation nowadays, and even spoke quietly, her temper was even more boring than her mother. Over the past ten years, things have changed.

Covered by the wide sleeves, Feng Qingbai gently shook the woman's hand.

Those things just now have a very strong impact on the Chen family and even the villagers of Xiushui Village, but they are very common for him.

Things are done as soon as they are done, and they are handled as soon as they are dealt with. He disagrees with this derived atmosphere, but can understand it.

Therefore, everyone regards repairing a child as a big thing to analyze and ponder, and even think of it, Feng Qingbai left no word.

Feeling the warmth from the back of his hand, Liu Yusheng turned his head to look at the man, "You were very angry just now."

"I can't be angry." He also looked at her, confessing unavoidably.

"Are you angry now?"

"Angry." But you can't kill people, otherwise Sheng is the embarrassment.

The corner of Liu Yusheng's mouth tilted, and he laughed dumbly.

This person, in fact, has the same temperament as when he was a child. He is paranoid and careful, but he has grown up and matured and knows to wear a beautiful dress for that temperament.

The essence remains the same.

For being seen by a woman, Feng Qingbai Ding was not panic. Sheng Sheng loves him, naturally he loves him all, including his bad.

On the side of Liu Zhixia and Fu Yuzheng, they didn't even mention it at all. The couple peeled the seeds and sipped the coarse tea, enjoying themselves in the gloom of the house.

Liu Yusheng was jealous. The elder brother's style is getting more and more sufficient.


After a lot of analysis and discussion, Wang took Changdong's daughter-in-law to the cooking room to continue preparing dinner. He was interrupted just now, and the dishes were not ready yet. Seeing that it was going to be dark, it was anxious.

Chen Xiulan also went to help. As she passed the yard, she looked at the four baby heads together. Chen Xiang muttered something cheerfully. The three little ones did not understand and did not leave. Talking with the duck was a joy.

The child's words passed into his ears, Feng Qingbai's eyes moved slightly, and he grabbed the dried peanuts in the candy plate and went out.

(End of this chapter)

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