Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1179: Leaked, Nanling turned upside down

Chapter 1179: Leaks, Nanling Goes To Heaven

The man changed clothes and couldn't come back for a moment. Liu Yusheng suspected he was flying.

"Early today, did the minister at Chaotang not bother you?" Liu Yusheng poured a cup of hot tea for the man.

"Every day you can talk about has already been discussed and discussed. The only thing you can do now is to wait." The same topic dared to keep coming to him to discuss, it takes courage.

Liu Yusheng sighed. "It's May when the army crosses the river to reach the border. I don't know if it's too late."

"General Qin will be okay until that time." Feng Qingbai smiled. "When I received the news just a few years ago, I already handed over a letter of help to the Emperor Dongyue. He was closer to the northwest and there was no need for it Crossing the canal, if he helps, he will arrive faster than my army. "

"Why didn't you hear what you said?" Liu Yusheng's eyes narrowed. The man did things quietly. He didn't say that no one else could guess.

The plan is fine.

Xiao Qi still owed their favors. Feng Qingbai personally wrote for help. Xiao Qi could not ignore it, and was very likely to help.

General Qin's winning face increased greatly.

Holding the red beans that were constantly struggling to go down to the ground, he went to the blanket and sat down. Feng Qingbai looked back at the woman and sneered, "If I'm not reliable, how can you be a man?"

"..." Liu Yusheng's face flushed slightly. What does this have to do with him being her man?

Cheeky to please yourself.

"Cool dear, dear dear--" On the blanket, Croton and Red Beans summoned her, milk and milk, eyes blinking.

With a smile, he patted his cheek slightly, and Liu Yusheng walked over, "Okay, father and mother, play with you."

The family of four sat cross-legged on a small blanket and framed the scattered blocks little by little.

"Crotch, you grabbed Daddy's blocks again."

"Feng Qingbai, can you not be so naive, and fight your face with a little baby?"

"Don't cry, don't cry, my mother will help you get up again."

Only two of a family of four are devoted to their work. The remaining father and son are not creativity or destructive power.

Outside the window, spring rain leaped, and the laughter and noises coming out of the window were even more soft.

In the afternoon, coaxing his mother-in-law to fall asleep, Feng Qingbai turned to the study.

Wei Zi has been waiting for a long time. Before the children had a good time, he did not leave immediately.

"Master, there is news from Wei Orange." Seeing the man appearing, Wei Zi immediately handed in the information he had just received.

Unfolding the note, Feng Qingbai frowned, "Good?"

"No one expected that she would appear in the Xiliang military camp. In addition, the barracks were heavily guarded, and Wei Orange could not sneak in to hear more news."

The forefinger tapped on the table, and the rattling sound in the study room.

Knowing that the master was thinking, Wei Zi didn't bother again.

Feng Qingbai's thoughts turned to the northwest border.

Good Faith appeared in military camps.

Then the Maotai River suddenly dispatched troops out of the city in violation of common sense, and there was a reasonable explanation, which must be related to good favor.

Xi Liang sent troops, maybe even Ba Nian was caught by surprise.

It seems his previous guess was correct.

Ba Nian, this new emperor, was also pitted.

There is only one thing that Feng Qingbai can't figure out is that since it was good to be able to stir up the wind and rain in the royal family of Nanling, then this person must be loyal to Xiliang, a person who is loyal to Xiliang. Things come, trapping the West in a state of injustice?

"Send Wei Orange at the fastest speed, tell him to pay close attention to good movements, and never relax."

Wei Zi paused, "Yes."

It would take at least a month to send Wei Orange at the fastest speed, and there are good things in it, and the variables are inestimable.

Perhaps by the time Wei Orange received the information, there was already ...

But in any case, chat is better than nothing, maybe there is a real turnaround.

Wei Zi went down, Feng Qingbai looked at the sky brushed by the rain, and there was an inseparable mist in his eyes.

At the Yangxin Hall, Feng Moyu ran to the back of the Emperor and chattered.

"I only heard from Uncle Huang today that it turned out that he had passed the gas with East Vietnam early in the morning. Before our Nanling reinforcements arrived at the border, East Vietnam would send troops one step at a time, and there was no problem in terms of food and grass. As long as it has been supported for two months Xiliang only has to give up and sum up. "

"Based on General Qin's battlefield experience, to deal with a person who has not even been on the battlefield, then it is not enough to catch it? Maotai River can't make any waves."

"The uncle had previously guessed that this matter was probably not the order of the Emperor Xiliang. If the uncle guessed correctly, the letter of love of the Emperor Xiliang should soon reach Nanling and explain what happened at the border. Unless he wants to be the target of criticism. "

Barabara explained the matter, and Feng Moyu said the central idea, "Grandma, don't worry, Nanling will definitely win, and General Qin will definitely win."

"Did you finish?" The queen queen half lay on the chaise couch, raising her eyelids and asking.

"That's it."

"After speaking, go back to your royal study and handle government affairs. Which emperor deserves you so free?"

"Imperial grandmother, would you like to talk to me about your mood? Don't fret if you're in a bad mood, and I can comfort you if it doesn't help me?"

"Qin Yi, the emperor will not leave after a breath, throw him out."

"..." Feng Moyu loomed away from the Yangxin Hall.

Anyway, he is also an emperor, really want to be thrown out, can he still raise his head in front of the concubine and the ministers?

The emperor's grandmother didn't hurt him at all.

He is also the grandson of the sun. Like Croton and Red Bean, how can he be treated so badly?

… Forget it, he is the emperor. The emperor has the heart to tolerate Baichuan. What does he compare with croton and red beans? The emperor's grandmother hurt Croton and Red Beans, which was equivalent to hurting him.

In the Hall of Yangxin, the old lady held the queen's mother in her arms and sat up, thinking of the way the emperor was scratching her head and head, and she didn't feel the smile. "The emperor came over and said that she was worried about the empress."

"He came here to be lazy." The queen mother hummed softly. "What does the Ai family need to worry about? When is the Ai family in a bad mood?"

The Empress Dowager did not admit it, and the old lady did not dare to say anything. It's just that whoever has eyes in this heart-raising hall can't see that the empress is wrong during this time?

Otherwise, the empress queen's affection for the two young children, let the princess bring the baby into the palace. The reason why she didn't call it was that the queen mother herself knew that she was absent-minded, worried that she couldn't take care of the baby when she was uneasy.

The old lady naturally knew what the Queen Mother was for, but that kind of guessing was even more impossible to tell. With a little bit of tone, Nanling had to be upset.

Hidden in the corner, Qin Yi, who is like an invisible man, usually looks at the abnormalities of these empress empresses.

It's a pity that the righteous father is not here and cannot see, otherwise he would be very happy.

I originally wanted to write three chapters together. I'm afraid you'll have to wait too long. I'll endure a lot of bricks. Otherwise, I'll post the written chapter first? There are two more chapters being written, hahaha, I took my kids to fishing in the afternoon ... weekend, parent-child time, no time to spend with my baby, my daughter will not recognize me ...

(End of this chapter)

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