Chapter 1182: Killing The Western Cold Dog

"Let General Min wait for a long time." Even if she shivered, she would not allow herself to show panic and panic, losing her identity.

Ignoring the coldness of the killing from the other person, he favored the move, walked slowly to the horse, looked up and asked, "What can the emperor have to say to me?"

"The emperor explained that the good-loving maiden would live in the land of exile from now on. This inferior place is well matched with the good-loving maiden." Said Min Xiaohe raised his hand, and the two saber soldiers came forward and pulled out. Sabre, "In addition, the emperor specifically told me that she favored the virgins and ran away. In order to avoid having to labor and move the masses, keep the legs of the virgins."

"No--" Shan Xin was horrified and shouted, and then pain came from both feet!

The entire person lost his support and fell to the ground, looking at his feet in front of him, even wearing white embroidered shoes on his feet! She favors red eyes and growls madly, "Ah-!"

"Throw them into the city, telling the people inside to watch, if she dares to escape, flee once, and then cut a piece on her leg."

Cold and ruthless words.

Lie on the ground, favor the people who looked up on the horse, and looked down on the horse. The eyes that changed in the fire were all ridicule and contempt.

Through that face, she seemed to see the man, wearing a dragon robe, standing in front of the dragon chair, mocking her without taboo, looking at her like a dog being driven into a poor lane.

Ten fingers clasped into the mud tightly, laughing loudly and desolately.

The girl curled aside and lowered her head from head to tail, her body trembling, she didn't dare to move, she didn't dare to speak, and she didn't dare to look at the **** feet on the ground.

Fortunately, she was too inconspicuous, and the followers did not take her little role into account at all, but just threw her into the city together with the maiden.

There was a lot of noise at the gate of the city. Even in the middle of the night, the candle still lit inside the gate, and many people gathered not far from the gate, squatting in front of the eaves of the ruined house store in the city, whispering. Looking at this scene, neither the volume of sound nor the strange laughter was converged, and the soldiers who had not dispersed outside the city did not care about it.

And the sight that fell on them made the scalp numb.

Soon, someone stood up and walked towards them.


"No, what do you want to do, let go of me, let go of me! I am the saint prince of the Tribe, you dare to touch me, and I will let you die!"

"Don't, please don't do this! Lady, save me! Ah!"

"Wow! Wow--!"

In fact, there is no gate in the gate of the Exile, but people consciously regard this gate as a passageway between two different worlds, inside and outside.

Although the surrounding lights are dim, they can still clearly see what happened.

The woman was blatantly dragged into the dark, leaving only two long bloodstains and a crying baby on the ground.

The place of exile is where all kinds of sin continue to breed.

Looking back, Min Xiaohe spurred off, "back to camp!"

If he could, he wanted to kill that demon girl with one stroke.

Had it not been for her provocation, Mao Taihe would never have the guts to let go.

Today, due to the war she provoked, the whole Xiliang is in a state of invincibility. It is likely that in the next few years or even decades, Xiliang will be in flames, and the people of Xiliang will be displaced!

Thinking of the upcoming negotiations, Min Xiaohe looked dumbfounded.

It was the person who sent to the Maotai River, and he did not dare to have optimistic hopes for the result.

Qin Xiao, who was killed by the Maotai River, is not just an ordinary general. He is the faith of the entire Nanling military camp and even the majority of Nanling people! It's Nanling God of War!

After many battles in Qin Xiao's life, he stood on the battlefield for decades without falling down, but finally died in the hands of the Xiliang people. Can Xiliang be stable?

The new emperor has just decided to break the tradition of locking up the country and is ready to establish good diplomatic relations with neighboring countries.

Not to mention that Xiliang will become the object of hatred of the other three countries, at least with Nanling and East Vietnam, there is no possibility of good relations.

Min Xiaohe guessed right.

The Nanling Military Camp does not accept peace negotiations.

After sending them over the Maotai River to the banner of the Nanling Army, Nanling soldiers raised their drums.

This time, they declared war on Xiliang!

The morale of Nanling soldiers has reached an unprecedented high. Led by the remaining generals, they stormed into the Xiliang military camp.

Compared with the morale of Nanling, Xiliang's downturn is unprecedented.

The coach was convicted by the emperor, and his head was slashed in the army camp. His head was hung on the flagpole of the other camp. Successive incidents and blows caused the morale of the army camp in Xiliang to bottom. I couldn't even raise my heart for resistance and fled all the way.


After the war, the battlefield was devastated.

There are corpses everywhere.

All the grain and grass brought by Xiliang were robbed, and all the marching tents were burnt out.

These have not yet allowed Nanling soldiers to relieve their hatred, and began to put rockets outside the gates of Mocheng to burn the walls of Mocheng!

The entire city of Mocheng was frightened and terrified, and there were cries of terror everywhere.

Min Xiaohe fled into the city with the only remaining horses and horses. When counting the number, less than 20,000 soldiers were left!

At this time, only fifteen days had passed since General Qin Xiao was forced to jump off the cliff!

"Xiliang dog, come out and die!"

"There is a way to open the city gate, I will fight against you!"

"Kill! Kill the Xiliang Dog! Revenge for General Qin!"

"Revenge! Revenge!"

Outside the city is an endless roar. With the drums of war, Nanling soldiers have gathered outside the city for three days. For three days, morale is unabated!

As a military commander, Min Xiaohe is also bloody, and he also wants to assemble soldiers and horses, and rush out to fight each other.

But no, the gate of Mocheng opened like a tiger in the gate.

Because besides Nanling soldiers who circled the city gate, there were 50,000 Dongyue soldiers!


This is not as simple as picking two.

This is a country that picks two countries!

how to spell?

Min Xiaohe didn't dare to fight. What he wanted to do now was to pull out Mao Taihe's body and whip him!

The waste of no brains, the death of Xiliang chicken and dog is still disturbing!

Shrinking in the city of Mocheng, Min Xiaohe was unable to do anything, and the battle reports for help were issued one after another, but it took at least one month to reach the Xiliang Palace and fall into the hands of the emperor. .

At that time, I was afraid he had already made flower fat.

Thereafter, 50,000 cavalry soldiers from East Vietnam were stationed directly outside the city of Mocheng. Although the Nanling soldiers did not attack the gates arbitrarily, they did not retreat, and they ran drums outside the city in shifts every day.

(End of this chapter)

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