Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1187: Put up an incense case to confess you

Chapter 1187: Putting An Incense Case On You

The car curtain was lifted, showing Qin Yi's flushed face.

"My lord, my lord, what are you saying, my elder father is not dead? He is not dead? Really ?!"

Feng Qingbai's eyes glanced gently, "Why should I tell you?"


"I remember correctly, you assassinated me for three days."


"Hurry up and go home."

Qin Yi was ordered to immediately pull the carriage out of the ditch and rush to Xinghua Village, sitting on the front of the carriage and smiling like a fool.

The right father is not dead! not dead!

He misunderstood Wang Ye, but unexpectedly, Wang Ye did exactly the same as his father-in-law said. He is resourceful and resourceful!

In the carriage, the atmosphere was also gloomy before. The queen queen replied to the usual dignity and dignity, but her eyes were so bright that her hands under her sleeves were clenching tightly and trembling gently.

That fool ... wasn't dead.



Croton red bean milk yelled, and squeezed to her side.

"Come here, come here, grandma." She took the two beans into her arms, pressed their cheeks against the melon seeds on their little heads, and touched her eyes with two small hands, wiping away the remaining teardrops.

The empress queen hugged the two babies even tighter.

There are still many doubts in her heart about what happened recently.

After many news of the death of the old guy came back, Feng Qingbai knew that he was not dead, but did not clarify for him.

There is also why Feng Qingbai ordered people to save himself, but the other side sent a message that he had been stunned.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt that those answers were not really that important.

In the future, she can continue to watch Croton Red Bean grow up into an adult, and he is still alive.

That's enough, isn't it?

The carriage entered Xinghua Village, lifted the curtain, and at a glance, you can see the large locust trees at the entrance of the village.

Now just after noon, there is no one at the foot of the locust tree. When the sun goes down in the evening, the old lady in the village will be full of people.

It was a scene that remained unchanged throughout the year at Xinghua Village.

Just entering the village from the carriage, Liu Yusheng felt something was wrong.

Feng Qingbai also felt it, the couple looked at each other with frowns.

Whenever I came back, after passing through the villagers' yard, I could always hear the sounds of various movements, or the sound of laughter, full of fireworks.

But this time the village was too quiet, it was extremely quiet.

The firework seemed to be dim all at once.

The carriage stopped at the gate of Liu's compound.

The people in the yard heard the sound and greeted them.

Liu Yusheng thought that the first thing he saw would be grandparents, but the second brother Liu Zhiqiu came first.

Seeing that they had returned, Liu Zhiqiu's calm face suddenly relaxed a lot. "Feng Qingbai, alas, you can count back, hurry up, go and coax Grandma, she has been crying for two days."

"What's the matter?" Liu Yusheng was startled, and he got out of the carriage and walked into the house, and then quickly figured out, "Is the news that the empress queen has passed?"

"Isn't it? It came back yesterday. At that time, the old lady was still working in the stove. When she heard the news, she didn't make any meal and sat on the floor crying." Thinking of the passage where the old lady cried yesterday, Scaring all the family members, Liu Zhiqiu felt a headache again.

In the past two days, he tried hard to exhaust himself and failed to make the old lady laugh.

In fact, not only the old lady, everyone in the compound was uncomfortable.

When the empress queen finally got out of the carriage, he heard Liu Zhiqiu's words and asked, "What about the reckless woman?"

Leng Buding heard a familiar voice. Liu Zhiqiu turned his head and saw the person standing in front of the carriage, sitting on the ground with one buttock, and said, "You, you, are you a ghost?"

"You're sorry ... I'm a man or a ghost?" The queen mother gave him a glance, and led Croton and Red Bean Trail to the house. Country women like to lie on the bed when they are angry, and the reckless woman must be in the box room.

As she watched the queen queen passing by herself, making sure that her feet were touching the ground, Liu Zhiqiu climbed up with her hair pinched, "Well, the queen queen is really not a ghost? I just saw her rolling my eyes?"

Liu Yusheng helped him, "Second brother, don't be ashamed, just go inside."

Who is her second brother? Courageous, can he be afraid of ghosts? At least it was a little scared.

Seeing that he was afraid of this, he could really act.

At this moment, the grandfather Liu, the couple Liu Daliu, Jiu Lao, and others who were greeted a little slower in the hall, compared with Liu Zhiqiu's response just now.

All rounded his eyes instantly, pointing at the queen mother speechless.

Then the old man aimed at the Empress Dowager's feet and then at her chin, immediately excited, "Hurry up, boss, go and get your old lady out! What are you crying for two days, people are still there!"

Looking at the crowd, the queen queen bent her lip corner and shouted to the compartment on the left side of the hall, "Mandy, come out, sad ... I'm back."

In the room, people still need help.

The hall was so big, and it was audible behind the door. The movement came from the left compartment almost immediately, and then the sound of shoe-shoes rang out. The wife rushed out from behind, ran to the back of the emperor, and lifted her up. I looked around several times.

"Really, really you? The queen queen, you are not dead? Even if you die, it's okay. I put a censer at home to put you up. Tell me what you want to eat, what you want, and I will burn it to you every day!"

The queen mother first heard the bashful woman cry for her for two days, and the idea moved faintly, and her face was dark and the next layer, she wanted to be stunned, saw the wife's eyes swollen into walnuts, and the face burst into hair The joy came out, and the empress pressed the curse.

"The queen queen is dead, sad ... I am now Mrs. Xiao."

"Yeah, now Nanling Kingdom goes up and down, and even the mountain valley has spread, saying that you are dead. What the **** is going on? You tell me quickly!" Pulling the queen mother to sit down in the room, Then he pulled Liu Yusheng and Feng Qingbai together to sit next to him.

You said it to me, and the few people who had just returned had hardly found a chance to speak.

"This old lady is living very well. Why did she say that she was dead and buried in the tomb? Ashu, alas, you can explain this well."

"The whole Nanling has spread the news of the death of the empress, but the person is still ... in the future? Can I return to the palace?"

"The news of Qin Jinjun and the Empress Dowager passed to the village one after another. Now the whole village is very depressed. If things are not explained clearly, they can't be convinced. By then, the villagers came to the door and saw the people who should have died. In our house, how do you explain? "

"That's a big sin! A big sin! It must be carried by Qing Bo, and we haven't got enough shoulders."

Ears are like a small vegetable market, Liu Yusheng is dizzy.

(End of this chapter)

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