Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1194: Don't you want to face me?

Chapter 1194 Grandpa Don't Meet?

Mrs. Xiao lay down on the lounger with satisfaction, and her fan shook gently.

Although this fan is not as good as the ball fan she used in the past, but the fan is cool, and she is still in harmony.

In my ears, the old men and women talked loudly about how to expand the talk. The old lady closed her eyes and didn't stick in, nor did she feel noisy, even with a slight arc of laughter at the corners of her mouth.

She used to be very happy in Yangyang Dian.

Now thinking back, she is not really so happy, she is just afraid that after the fun, when she is alone, loneliness will be more obvious and more uncomfortable.

Qin Xiao participated in the discussion of the masters, and sometimes he raised his eyes and quietly glanced over the reclining chair. Under the faint moonlight, he still captured the smile of the old lady's mouth, and the corners of his lips unconsciously followed.

Ah Man likes it here.

That's enough.

Regarding the expansion, half of the village's masters eloquently expressed their opinions and chatted until the moon and the sky.

Mrs. Liu used the prepared jars of fruit wine to come in handy.

When Mrs. Xiao was awakened, the crowd would disperse, but the courtyard was full of wine.

After Liu Yusheng followed the trend and went back to the room, he still couldn't sleep.

Xu was infected by the atmosphere, and it was time to rest, and people were still excited.

"It's the best ending now, isn't it?" Fu asked in the man's arms.

The queen queen was transformed from a noble lady above the ordinary to an ordinary person who did not even have an account for a while.

This just shows that the Queen Mother has never been attached to that identity.

She likes it, maybe someone is accompanied by the old one, and when she looks at the setting sun in the evening, she likes the plain beauty.

Feng Qingbai raised her lips. "Well, I don't know Xia."

"My brother didn't have to wait. He will help Xiaofeng in the future. No one can return for decades."

"That may not be so, I guess he will use extraordinary methods in order to return as soon as possible."

"What extraordinary method?"

"Practice Feng Moyu as a cow and a horse."

"..." Liu Yusheng fell asleep with a smile.

In the dream, I dreamed of the three big characters of the wind and ink on the head.

Xiaofenger is worried about the future.

In the early morning of the second day, the Liu Family Courtyard started to be noisy.

There are many people in the family, and they also like fighting nature. Liu Zhiqiu and Xue Qinglian alone can gargle and wash their faces because of a water basin. The winners use water first, and the losers serve.

"The two of you can't stop. Every day you have a blue and swollen face, it looks good? Yesterday's old wound hasn't faded yet, and another new one is added today!" Wife Liu was so annoyed that she could enjoy a stick.

"Milk, we are not called beating or learning. You do n’t know about kung fu, you have to keep fighting to grow. If you do n’t believe me, ask Father Qin."

"Hey, you can still bear it. If you have the ability to fight, don't bother to apply medicine, just go out with such a big face!"

Liu Zhiqiu and Xue Qinglian looked at each other, took the tub bow and slipped away.

Sometimes the old lady of her family is very vocal and has a temperament. I really don't give them medicine.

Especially now that there is a queen queen who is doing things rigorously, and she is even more serious about igniting the flames, it is even worse.

For example, now Mrs. Xiao is sitting at the door of the stove room, leisurely, "Xue Qinglian is a sacred doctor, so that they have no medicine to apply, unless he has received all his medicine. As for Zhiqiu, Zhiqiu loves money, fights later Want to get medicine, let him buy money, and see if he can't fight. "

poison! Poisonous!

Mrs. Liu patted her thighs, "My lady, you have a good way to do it in the future, not only knowing that Qiu will spend money to buy medicine, that is, Qinglian wants to refine medicine, but also has to spend money to buy materials! Let me see if they are distressed or not silver!"

The two who slipped off were crippled under their feet, their feet trembling.

I can't live this day!

"Grandma, madam, I support you. Xue Qinglian's refining medicine has to get the materials from me. I double the market price. The materials are expensive, and the medicines made will naturally have to rise in price. My second elder brother's little vault, support It won't be long. "Liu Yusheng walked out of the backyard, his eyes narrowed, and what he said fell into the ears of two goods, just like hiding a needle.

Xue Qinglian is a slacker. As long as there is a place to eat and sleep, he does not consider the matter of earning money. He really needs to buy money for the materials.

As for Liu Zhiqiu, I have the heart to cry.

How can he have a small treasury?

The big money he made was all over the bottom of the box for his grandmother, and the little head was also given to his wife for pocket money.

囡囡 This is to sink two with one pole!

Holding the water basin and squatting in the corner, the two goods looked at each other silently, "Are you still fighting?"

"The silver is gone, shaving!"

"Guess the fist in the future!"


At the end of the conversation, the two turned their heads, their eyes dripping.

The silver in their arms has been stared at by the family members of the family, and it is definitely not the way to go.

I don't know when Qian Wanjin's goods will return.

I have to find a way to put wool on the goods.

A certain gold rushing to Yunzhou on a passenger ship on the canal, Leng Buding sneezed and felt his back cold.

Rubbing their noses, they ran to their house next to the small stones and pretended to be weak. "Daughter, I seem to be sick. I just had a big sneeze, and my whole body was cold, so uncomfortable."

Shi Xianrou looked out the window and shone the river's sparkling dazzling sunlight, turned his head and pulled the man into his arms, "Warm you?"

"Back to the room?"

The woman got up, a man holding her one and a half heads crossed, and walked towards the back of the boat.

"Well, how many times have I told you not to hold it like this, grandpa don't want to face me?"

"No one next to me now."

"Hurry up!"

Returning to the back cabin, the man immediately found the small album from the bedside, and the couple made a warm posture and studied a 108 pattern.

From time to time, the voice of men and women was still heard in the bed.

"You have to work hard. Croton and red beans are two years old. If our baby doesn't come out, we won't be able to catch up!"

"If the baby is better, the baby is smaller than Croton. If you have a son, would you be smaller than Red Bean?"

"Smaller is smaller. As long as it is born, Grandpa will try his best to take down croton and red beans."

His son and daughter must be with his family's baby. After that, he will be a happy one. He will be a father on both ends, and he will be able to form a relationship with Fu Yi. This is a great life!

"Stop talking, be careful."

"Fuck, I'm a man!"

"I know you're a man, a strong man. I'm satisfied."

A strong man was quiet and satisfied.

At this time, Liu Family Courtyard, Master Liu and Qin Xiao, have begun to paint circles around the exterior wall of their courtyard, ready to expand.

They must not be separated from each other, but it is not feasible to expand to both sides. A small path across the two sides is the yard next door, which cannot be expanded.

It can only be built on both sides of the small courtyard to the left and right and to the rear.

Start with two chapters. Orange is going out to pick up the children. There are three chapters at night. The little fairies will see you at night ~

(End of this chapter)

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