Chapter 1197: I'm Your Mother!

Qian Wanjin is back, and the Liu Family Courtyard is even more noisy.

This girl joined together with Liu Zhiqiu and Xue Qinglian, and became the death squad of the Liu Family Courtyard, dedicated to the wind and green cypress tigers, and madly testing on the edge of death.

Every day, chickens can jump in the courtyard.

Right now, the courtyard is being expanded. Qian Wanjin lived in the small courtyard with Xue Qinglian, and Ya's eyes were fixed on the newly expanded courtyard.

His little gold is also a member of the Liu family, and the grandmother and grandmother call the grandmother directly. He must know Xia Zhiqiu's treatment.

He has to have his own courtyard. How about inconvenience in the evening?

He didn't do much to listen to wall feet before, but if the object of wall feet became himself, he would not be happy.

He was worried that Xue Qinglian and Liu Zhiqiu's two goods would label him a sluggishness.

So in the daily itinerary, in addition to the madness of the tiger's beard, a certain figure of gold jumping up and down began to appear on the foundation.


"This yard is a bit small. Expand it a little further. In the future, Xiao Ye is also a full-fledged figure. What a small place for a family of four to grow and expand!"

"Wait, don't dig a ditch here! I'm going to take this place into the yard. I will plant a few bamboos here, and plant peaches in that corner, just like Fuyi's small courtyard!"

"The room window is bigger for me. The ventilation and lighting should be better. It's better to have a large window sill. Ye must see the stars at night!"

This bungee is more than a month.

Watching the small courtyard gradually take shape under the eyelids, Qian Wanjin was so excited that he stood walking around in the courtyard, "After you buy the furniture and put it in, the courtyard will be able to live in people! It ’s coming soon. Xue Qinglian squeezed a yard! "

After all, looking back at the old woman, "The emperor ... old lady, how about it? I personally organized this yard, right?"

Mrs. Xiao stood behind him and nodded with satisfaction. "Well, it looks good, you've worked hard."

"No hard work, no hard work, hahaha ... live, wait, what do you always mean?" Qian Wanjin stuttered, refusing to admit a possibility.

The old woman squinted her eyes. "This is the yard I set in the morning, don't you know?"

"... Old lady, let's make some sense. You didn't say it was yours when I was tidying before. I finished tidying up and looked like you. Is this appropriate?"

"Qin Xiao!"

Qian Wanjin rushed to his feet and burst into tears.

My grandma! It's your fancy that you said earlier! I'm almost busy, and you just popped out to pick up the ready-made, am I working for nothing? !!

"Xue Qinglian! Liu Zhiqiu! Wind green cypress! The three of you are embarrassed! You knew it was the place that the old lady liked, and he didn't say anything. His mother bullied Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu broke the net with you!"

Rushed into the front yard, copied the broom Qian Wanjin at the door of the hall to find people everywhere, none found.

"Oh, look at my memory, I forgot to tell you, a few of them are going to the county to look at the furniture, and it's estimated that they will be back in the evening." In the stove room, Mrs. Liu poked out her head. "I was going to call you. I didn't call you to see you happily walking around the new yard."

Qian Wanjin dropped the broom on the ground with his broom and was indignant. "Grandma, I want to eat fried spring rolls, three plates!"

"Xianrou explained before, saying that you are losing weight, and you ca n’t eat fried spring rolls for you. Your stomach looks as big as four months pregnant.

"Oh!" Qian Wanjin was killed.

The county seat of Xiangshan County is full of bustling streets and crowds of people.

A few years ago, Xiangshan County was only a small county town. In terms of prosperity, it could not be compared with other county towns in Yunzhou.

But after a few years, the change is the largest county under the jurisdiction of Yunzhou City.

Merchants gathered, the city was full of wealth.

All this thanks to Xinghua Village.

Because Xinghua Village produced apricot wine, Xinghua Village also had a Beijing official and a princess. Xinghua Village was a place where many big people in Beijing visited.

Therefore, Xiangshan, which governs Xinghua Village, has become the place where merchants in Nanling want to enter most.

After a few years, it has become extremely large.

Here, you can find the other wealthy or famous families of Nanling.

As a result, the price of land in Xiangshan skyrocketed.

More merchants have settled in, and there are more shops on both sides of the street. There are a wide variety of things on sale, and the degree of completeness of goods almost catches up to that of Beijing.

The price is the same.

Liu Yusheng and her party just turned out of the dim sum shop, and the price of the dim sum inside made her quite speechless.

"A small box of plum cake, six small pieces, asking price of six or two silver, one or two silver! This is a black shop." Throw a piece of plum cake into his mouth, Liu Yusheng commented.

"The black shop kills you like this fool." Liu Zhiqiu snatched the rest of the cake from her, feeding a daughter-in-law, eating one by herself, and the rest of the sister-in-law's arms. "Feng Qingbai, look at her later, It's a success or failure. "

Feng Qingbai's eyes did not look at him, when he talked, he was over-the-ear.

"If Mu Qiu likes to eat, wouldn't you buy it?"

"Buy, anyway, Xiangshan is rare once a year, I can still afford it."


Liu Muqiu looked at the prodigal men, the smile on his face overflowed with honey.

Qian Yi looked around, jealous of sour bubbles, and reached out to poke Xue Qinglian, "If I want to eat too, would you buy it for me?"

Xue Qinglian squinted. "Who are you? I'll buy you a piece of silver or two snacks?"

Qian Yi was angry, "I'm your mother-in-law!"

"Oh! Kekeke! Grass! Scary, scary, you know!"

"Your life is mine. It's exactly two deaths in my hands!" Qian Yi raised his small chin, ran to the front, and put on Shi Xianrou's arms. "Stone, if you are a man, I'm sure Do not marry you!

Shi Xianrou regretted patting the back of the woman's hand, "Qian Yi, the fate between us can only wait until the next life."


Later, the big guy laughed and hurt his stomach.

Seeing Qian Yi stunned, Liu Yusheng remembered that there was still a lot of money in Liu's courtyard, and when he turned around, he found that he had been left.

"Xian Rou, you come out with us, don't you worry about Qian Wanjin going back to get angry with you?"

The woman turned back and cast a wink at her, "Relax, I'll do something to coax my wife."

Everyone laughed again.

"Let's go to the wooden line. The furniture should be all done."

Come out for inspection.

When Liu's courtyard started to expand, Liu Yusheng followed suit with cypresses and set furniture. Today is the day when the inspection and acceptance will come.

Master Carpenter's Bank, the best carpentry shop in Xiangshan.

Located at the end of Xiangshan Avenue, the three paved areas opened up as facades, and the shop was full of customers.

This chapter came out at three o'clock in the morning. At that time, the computer could not be switched after the frequency was locked. You can only get up when you got up and unlocked the codeword. Everyone waited a long time hahaha

(End of this chapter)

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