Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1202: "Noodle Guard" Wei Dalan

1202 "Cold Guard" Wei Dalan

In Xiangshan County, not only was Wang Shi who was forced to apologize to rush to Xinghua Village the next day, but after confirming that the Princess Wang was in Xinghua Village, no one in the high gate house in the city slept well tonight. of.

The next day, when Wang arrived in Xinghua Village in a horse-drawn carriage, he saw the horse-drawn carriages at the entrance of the village. From the big locust tree at the entrance of the village, a road at the entrance of the village was blocked.

All were stopped outside the village.

The carriage behind couldn't move forward, so the people in the carriage got out of the carriage and walked forward.

At first glance, almost all are familiar faces.

When they looked at each other, the embarrassment of the nobles in the Jinyihuafu came out.

"Oh, Master Ma is here."

"Hahaha, come and see, look. Aw, isn't that Chen's house? He's here too!"

"And the one at the front is the old Fang's?"


Almost all of the people who came here were headed by large households in the city, and a woman from the Wang family walked in the crowd.

Although there was no direct conflict with the heads of the family, there were few women in the family who had not been affected by Wang's anger in the past. Seeing that she was also walking behind the team, it meant that the unknown eyes suddenly increased.

Laughing, taunting, and optimistic.

Blushing Wang's face flushed.

It's a bad time! Take a trip to Xinghua Village, so many people see it!

No need to think that she can guess. After that, the ladies in the city have her jokes to talk about again.

"The prince has an order, and this time he will return to the province, and he doesn't like to be disturbed. No one who came to visit us can see you. Please come back."

Under the big locust tree, the cold-faced guard who killed his face passed the order of the king and stopped the people who came to visit. Although he didn't rush out, it was absolutely impossible to enter the village.

Da Lao Yuan came to the people who wanted to brush their face in front of Wang Ye. When they heard the words, they were disappointed and sighed, but instead of leaving immediately, they took the presents and handed them to the guards. The government came here to congratulate me, and I didn't dare to disturb the prince and the princess.

Which was not around was not a human spirit, and immediately became active, crowded in front of the guards, almost buried people with gifts.

"Congratulations from Chenfu of Xiangshan County, congratulations on the expansion of the Liu Family Courtyard!"

"Gift from Mafu, Xiangshan County, congratulations on the expansion of the Liuli Family Courtyard!"

"Yangfu in Xiangshan County ..."


Wang was so crowded in the crowd that his face turned blue.

But it ’s an expansion. What ’s so good about it, it ’s not a new house!

In order to please the king of Nanling and the princess, these people can use everything as an excuse.

It was easy to rush to the front of the guard, and Wang's hair was scattered and his image was lost, but he had to endure the anger and squeeze out a smiley face.

Things couldn't be done, she went back without good fruit to eat.

"The eldest brother, I am the wife of Wangfu in Xiangshan County. I and I are not here to see the Prince and Prince. I am looking for Qianjia Shaodong's house." After holding his name, Wang had a clever move and turned his back. "We Qian and Jia are in-laws. Our master is the younger brother of Mrs. Qian. I heard that Shao Dong's family is in Xinghua Village, so I came to visit him on behalf of my master. Can you let me in?

People who looked around at her behaved blowing their noses. What is Mrs. Qian? Putting gold on your face is just an aunt who can't stand on the table!

At this time, Wang doesn't care what other people think of her. As long as she can get in, she doesn't need to do anything else, and she is far above these people.

How many faces she lost by then, she could double it up!

As the crowd held their breaths and waited, the cold-faced guard said, "Qian Shaodong's family ordered that no foreigner be seen during Xinghua Village. If you have any business matters to discuss, you need to submit a worship post in advance and get the reply before you can go to the door. Just go to the compound. Isn't the compound a market for vegetables? "

With laughter, Wang's face was blue and white.

As a relative of the Qian family, Qian Shao's family hit her in the public again. Tell the people present that she is full of weight in the eyes of the Qian family.

Fortunately, after the morning, when the villagers worked, they did not go home for lunch at noon. There was no one except the noble family from the county seat, otherwise Wang ’s face had been trampled. Broken into slag.

"Well, Daifuku, who did that guy say she was?" Outside Xinghua Village, a group of people came over, carrying a pony in their hands, or carrying two straight stools on their shoulders. Son and Daifuku.

Today, the new courtyard of the Liu family's courtyard is on the beam. The big guy is sipping to drink the wine.

Many people from the two villages rushed to eat and make fun. They felt that the stool was not enough, and they returned to the village to carry the stool.

After hearing Huazi's question, Dafu glanced over there and determined, "She said she was a relative of Qian Shaodong's family? Wangfu ... in the county seat."

The two looked at each other, and there was a flash of unknown light in their eyes.

Tuck your stool to your companions, hold them in the advanced village, and after the village crowds dissipate, the two walk to Wang's unwilling to leave.

Hanzi smiled, "Yo, lady, are you really a relative of gold?"

Looking at the thin-faced man in the stream, Wang took a step back in disgust. He didn't want to talk about it, but he heard the other person talk about Xiaojinjin and turned it back.

Yesterday, Shi Xianrou called Qian Wanjin, talking about small gold.

"Are you from Xinghua Village?"

"No, we are next to the downhill village, but they are the same as Xinghua Village. Our brother and Xiao Jinjin are good brothers. If it weren't for you to say that they are relatives of his family, we would really ignore you." Hua Zi Zi sips his mouth, walks to the cold guard, puts on the guard's shoulder with one hand, "Da Lan, why are you here to guard? What about your boss?"

"The leader is busy following the prince. They don't like to come here because there are many people in the village. They are sending me here."

"Xiao Jinjin really said no foreigner?"

Wei Lan worked hard to keep a cold face, learning the style of the boss, fainting at Hua Zi, a look of four eyes, the instant communication was completed.

"It's not easy for her to see a woman who runs all the way, and she brought so many things with her. If you give her brother and my brother face, let her in."

"The Shaodong family said ..."

"You see you're dead, don't you? I'll take her around the path and go through the path. You don't know if it's over? I brought it in. The lord and little gold can't blame you.

"Nether Guard" Wei Dalan paused and twisted his head. "I didn't see anything."

"Thank you brother."

Wang's hadn't responded yet. He didn't expect that this would be the case. This is a peak turn!

There are two chapters in the evening, and three chapters if you can catch up. Oranges are still struggling

(End of this chapter)

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