Chapter 1205 He's Less Than Sixty!

The Liu family courtyard hosted this banquet. In addition to celebrating the completion of the courtyard expansion, the other layer of intentions was unclear.

Previously, several elders of the Liu family walked door-to-door in the village.

Now you don't need to say it clearly, the people in the two villages also know what to do.

Regarding the solemn affairs of Mr. Liu and Mrs. Liu, the empress and Qin Xiao, as the parties concerned, seemed to care less.

Things are settled, and it doesn't help to care about those now.

No matter what happens to the next thing, look away, that is, a soldier to block.

That general, of course, is wind green cypress.

Where they live is the Liu Family Courtyard. What will happen to Feng Qingbai in the future?

The banquet was scattered, and the idle people in the hall were drunk, and then left for a while, and the courtyard was finally clean.

After working around for a whole day, several older people couldn't hold it. After washing, they were ready to return to the room to rest.

It was Qin Xiao, a military general who fought on the battlefield all year round. He moved a brick-built house in person for months. After stopping, he felt a bit overwhelmed.

Seeing his fatigue, the queen mother hummed softly. "A wine can smoke people, so hurry back to the room to stay."

I'm constantly fighting with people at the table, when I'm young?

Qin Xiao smiled with a good temper. "Drinking too much is a little bit up, so I have to go back and lie down."

Then he stood up and went out.

In view of his consciousness, the Queen Mother's face looked a lot better, but the next moment, her face suddenly changed, "Qin Xiao!"

The man who had just stood upright fell straight in front of her eyes.

Thanks to the wind, Qingbai's eyes quickly supported people, without letting people directly fall to the ground.

However, the queen mother was still flustered, her face pale, and her silver hair trembling.

The man who seemed to never fall in front of her, the man who had talked to her just now, leaned against Feng Qingbai like no consciousness in the blink of an eye, his eyes closed, his face pale and blue, and he looked silent.

"Oh, what's wrong! How suddenly I passed out!"

"Come on, lie on the couch, oh, Qinglian, come and see!"

As soon as the old lady walked back to the room, she heard the shouting outside, and hurried out in a hurry, seeing the scene of the house was frightened.

Liu Yusheng and Xue Qinglian also passed by for the first time.

Croton Red Bean has begun to be sensible at this time. When the adult is busy, standing beside the couch is quiet and not noisy.

Almost everyone went around the wooden couch, and only the queen queen was still standing there, stunned, staring straight at the silent man lying on the wooden couch.

The feet seemed to be filled with lead, so heavy that they could not move.

Opening her mouth, she wanted to ask how he was doing, but when her eyes touched Liu Yusheng and Xue Qinglian's frowns, how could they not make a sound.

"Well, Qinglian, how is Qin Lao?" Asked Mrs. Liu.

Liu Yusheng retracted his hand to explore the veins, and the folds between his eyebrows did not stretch. "Qin Lao was seriously injured when he was at the border. This fate was picked up. After I came back, I helped Qinglian to heal. It was easy to heal and healed. For those who need long-term recuperation and consolidation, the old-fashioned father can't rest, run away ... "

Liu Yusheng glanced at the empress queen who lost her soul, and didn't continue, Xue Qinglian didn't have her scruples, and directly answered the words.

"The old guy who can't afford to be idle can't help but run to build a house, but it's all physically heavy work. Climbing up and down and carrying bricks and wooden beams, it takes more than a month to do it. Those construction teams who specialize in this kind of work come down for more than a month. They are all tired, not to mention how old he is? In addition to his years of previous battles, his body has buried a lot of hidden dangers, and it is not too much to say that it is full of sores. "Xue Qinglian shook her head and sighed. I was exhausted, causing all the old illnesses to erupt. It's hard to say if I can survive it. "

Upon hearing this, Father Liu was anxious and said, "Why can't he survive? You see that he is usually as strong as a bull! What is the age? He is less than sixty!"

"Illness comes down like a mountain. Qin Lao has fought for decades on the battlefield and has suffered numerous injuries on his body. These will leave hidden dangers to the body. Once an outbreak occurs, the medicine will be ineffective." Feng Qingbai said lowly, "Many generals of all dynasties have returned safely from the battlefield, with a glory, but in the end they were unable to fight the hidden diseases in the body."

The queen queen's body shook, her hands clung together.

Looking at the people on the couch, she felt a huge panic hold her, and at that moment, she gave birth to fear and panic.

The people around were also silent, and the older people present were dozens of years old. Even if they didn't know many things about the royal family, the rumors were still heard a lot.

In the past few decades, Nanling has died of several famous generals.

Explain that Feng Qingbai's words are not alarmist.

"No matter how good I am with Shaoyi, it's not a god. I can't say if I can cure people, I can only do my best." Xue Qinglian also retracted her hands, her expression dignified.

The person lying on the couch, after the initial coma, slightly moved his eyelashes, and slowly woke up in the eyes of everyone's worry.

Detecting the mismatch between the crowds, Qin Xiao stunned, and then laughed, "It's too old to be younger than that. It's too much to drink. I just got drunk. I'm fine, just go and rest. "

Saying that he stood up and stayed on his feet, standing firm, really just like nothing.

The queen queen looked back and turned to leave the house without looking back.

This is a reaction that the big guy didn't expect.

But at this time, everyone could not care about guessing the empress's mind for a while, and surrounded the waking people, "Are you all right? Do you know that you just turned your head down?"

"If there is something, don't support it. The two psychiatrists in the family can cure you no matter what the problem is!"

"Yes, the medical treatment of Xun and Qinglian is recognized. Gang Qinglian also said that you have old age dark diseases, but it is not difficult for him to heal. Old Qin, don't worry."

Xue Qinglian, "..." He just didn't say that.

Here the two doctors, Fu Yi's medical skills are still above him, why only dig a hole for him?

Bullying and afraid?

After the woman's back disappeared in the field of vision, Qin Xiao returned to her life. If nothing happened, she smiled at the crowd, "I know my bones, it's not a big deal. It's been so many years, isn't it okay?"

The old man and his wife had mixed feelings in their hearts. "Since it's good, go to bed quickly. After a long day of tiredness, the iron-clad can't stand it."

The two elders spoke, and the people dispersed in the hall.

Everyone knows that the old generals are supporting them, and the old generals should know that they can't hide them.

But there are times when you can only dress the peace.

Not everyone likes to show their fragility to others.

(End of this chapter)

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