Chapter 1209

Sitting in the Liu family's courtyard for a whole morning on a cold bench, unlike other people's enthusiasm for matchmakers, people in the Liu family's courtyard almost forgot that there was such a person beside her.

Song matchmaker almost cried when she left.

Of course, her arms also saved a large amount of thank you money, and she never earned it in her lifetime.

The next things don't need to be controlled by her, as long as she comes out on the day of the wedding to highlight a corresponding color.

In the courtyard, everyone had enthusiasm and enthusiasm after lunch, but there was no drowsiness in the lunch break of the past.

Liu Zhiqiu still smiled there, "What did you look like when you saw the matchmaker? This is our first official matchmaker in Xiangshan County, but I guess she should never have encountered this situation in her life, it should be her In the end, it was all rounded up by our milk, and she left it like a background board. "

"I heard that the county town that Qin Yi went to last night dragged people out of the bed. Thanks to the amount of money that Xie matchmaker just gave, otherwise the matchmaker's face became more ugly."

Xue Qinglian's biggest vice in Liu's courtyard, in addition to being too lazy to intensify, is more and more love to talk about gossip, her expression is always closer to the eighth wife.

That is, Qian Yi, seeing that his eyes have not changed from beginning to end, always admiring.

Liu Yusheng and others are more disgusted with him.

The two followed Feng Qingbai, watching as they were still discussing with the family what to do about the wedding banquet, what to prepare, and by the way, they learned from the grandfather and others, with a serious look at the general, Liu Yusheng smiling.

"I guess this is the most intense battle of the general's life."

"Single bachelor for forty years, it is easy to marry a daughter-in-law, it is normal to be nervous." Feng Qingbai poisoned his tongue.

The old general heard it, looked at it, and smiled.

"My King respects the elderly."

"Take care of my husband, do you have another fight?"

"If I lose, I will give you Croton."

"It's all about."

Liu Yusheng held up his forehead, sighing at the croton looking blank.

This child doesn't know what he was suspected of being abandoned by his father.

The preliminary matter was finalized. General Qin took out his full family to do the gift. His next masters did not understand the next thing and entrusted the old Liu family to help with the purchase.

The old couple was also jealous. On the afternoon of the same day, Zhiqiu rushed to the carriage and took them to the temple in the town.

"I didn't expect things to happen so quickly," Liu Yusheng sighed, thinking of this morning, when he returned to his small courtyard room. "I thought the Queen Mother's temperament might be between her and General Qin. Fanzai. "

"That's how you don't fully understand the queen mother's temperament. Although she is rigorous in her weekdays, she has to be sharp and decisive, and her grandmother might be worse than her." Look forward and backward and indecision.

With her supporting everyone, you can know it by silently burning the Yang Xin Dian.

Liu Yusheng looked at the man, and thoughtfully, she hadn't been able to figure out some things till now.

If she didn't understand, she simply didn't think about it, she simply asked, "Is General Qin's death in the northwest a temporary intent, or is there a premeditated plan?"

Feng Qingbai raised an eyebrow, "What does Shengsheng think?"

"If I can think of it, I won't ask you."

Feng Qingbai laughed, only when the woman was waiting to lose her patience, "I had an agreement with General Qin long ago, and he assisted Feng Moyu with all his strength, and I helped him achieve his wish."

"I know that he always wanted to leave that right and wrong place, and then when he personally led his troops to the northwest to pull up the border, at that time, an idea was gradually taking shape."

Hearing here, Liu Yusheng suddenly said, "So you left Wei Orange intentionally?"

"... I don't remember he was still there."


That is to say, in fact, this matter is seriously calculated, should it be wrong?

Wei Orange was forgotten in Xiliang, and Xiliang had a dead Maotai River dispatched troops out of the city, provoking war, Feng Qingbai took advantage of the situation, and let Wei Orange look for opportunities to help Qin Lao, or look for opportunities Qin Lao died.

"Any unfavorable factor that comes to you can be turned into a powerful condition ... Feng Qingbai, you must have been a fox in your last life."

"No, in my last life, I was your man too."

Liu Yusheng grinned, "It's a pity that I died early in my life, and I was alone in the last twenty-six years before my death."


After the men's army, Liu Yusheng hummed in a good mood, turning his head and being depressed by the man with a black face.

"Wait, there's nothing about the Queen Mother! Did you plan to let the Queen Mother die in the morning?" Then she retired and lived with the general.

"If she didn't want to die, I have no plans to put it into practice. It should be said that the queen mother gave me the opportunity, and I helped her fulfill her wish. All are happy. Well, the time for answering is over , Now, shut up. "


Pressing the unscrupulous woman, Feng Qingbai's eyes were shallow and her smile was shallow.

The queen queen ... that was the one who made him willing to speak. Since he recognized it, he is really looking forward to his identity as a junior.

Whenever the Empress Dowager is unwilling, he will never reluctantly, even if the general demands it all his life.

But the Queen Mother finally chose to set fire to herself, and at that time, he was sure of her true intentions.

Since the queen queen had a general in her heart, she wanted to fall into Huangquan with the general on the Qiong Bi, as a junior, as a whole.

He feels good about the ending now. Although what he did, it may be shocking.

How about that? Except for those he cares about, he never puts down worldly etiquette in his eyes.

Even if all the other days are taught, he has the ability to open up a world for those he cares about.

He is the king of Nanling and the wind is green.

A face flashed in the man's head before he pulled out of the bed.

Alas, he has an accomplice enough to carry it.

"A sneeze, sneeze—" Yu Shufang, a young man with a lazy bone rubbing his nose, lying on the book case without an image, "Xiao Banzi, if you have something to do, you should be out of the house slightly, and face those in it. Will the ministers agree? "

"Emperor, Xiaobanzi is just a slave, very stupid. Where can you guess the courtier's mind?" Xiaobanzi tightened his skin, answered carefully, and never stepped on the trap. "If the emperor has any questions, ask Yuan Lao and Master Liu , They will definitely be able to solve the puzzle for the emperor, and by the way make an idea for the emperor. "

"I'm not sure about such a trivial matter. What do you want me to do? Get out!" When the boy was angry, he grabbed the discount on the table and threw it at the small board.

The small board scrambled.

Holding the back of the little **** who fled quickly, Feng Moyan snorted heavily and went back to the book case to sigh again.

I'm still in Cavan ... I wrote it for two hours in two thousand words, and I want to find a piece of tofu. Waiting for the little fairies for a long time, first play two chapters, and another chapter is written before 12 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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