Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1264: Come whenever you want, leave whenever you want?

Chapter 1264 Come As You Want, Come As You Want?

Willow buds bit her lip, "Yes."

This sentence made the woman grasp the life-saving straw and grabbed her wrist tightly, which made Liuya hurt. "Liuya, then please help me. I want to stay in the Liu family courtyard and be like you. Maid, serve the people in the compound! "

"But, but the old lady said, as long as there is a girl." Liu Yazheng, eyes widened, nodded.

Liu Ya didn't say anything, she just stared at her. The light and shadow in those eyes floated faster, and Liu Ya's heart became deeper and he couldn't breathe.

"I, I want to stay here too ..." It took a long while for Liuya to say this, exhausting all her strength.

Why did she come here, my sister knows.

At first, her sister was clearly obstructed, but finally she couldn't hold her back and sent her to Xinghua Village.

But why did it suddenly become like this?

Sister wants to stay in Xinghua Village, want her ... to give up?

"Liu Ya, after your accident, your father and mother, grandpa, brother, and me, the whole family has always taken care of you. You don't want to go out, but everything you need to go out to me, you dare not talk to people, every time I also deal with people when I need them. I have helped you so much, you can't let me do it at once? "

Willow leaf slowly lowered his eyes and let go of Liu Ya's hand. "Serving the old lady, I can't do worse than you. Besides, the Liu family courtyard is also a pure and innocent family. You stay here, than Others do n’t know, just let it go. If someone knows that you have ... the Liu family is so big, but the girl next to the old lady is innocent. What do you want others to think about? The Liu family will also be gossiped because of you. There are no people inside or outside the meeting. "

She sat, Liu Ya stood, and in this position, she could clearly see the fingers under Liu Ya's sleeves scooping up and shaking.

My heart was inexplicable, but the words in my mouth did not stop, "I know you came here with all your heart for Master Wei, but you have been here all day, except you met once yesterday, but have you seen him later? If Wei An adult is interested in you, and he will not even see you under the same roof? If he is not interested in you, you are so entangled that you will only be annoying. It is better to let yourself go. "

In the last paragraph, she made it clear that she could find no reason to make a fool.

Liuya may be simple, but she's definitely not stupid, she won't understand her meaning.

"Why?" Liuya asked suddenly.

"What's why?" Willow frowned, and she said so clearly that Willow would choose to continue to be stupid?

"Why do you suddenly hate me so much, sister."

"I didn't hate you ..." Liu Ye was startled and wanted to justify, but she couldn't explain the reason behind the woman's clean and hidden eyes.

Isn't that just annoying?

Obviously sisters born to the same father and mother, but Liuya played little beautiful, praise everywhere. As long as the willow buds are there, no one will see her light. She is like the shadow of willow buds. Even if she tries hard to show, others' eyes will never fall on the shadows.

Later, after Liu Ya's accident, even her grandmother died because of her tragic death, and the family did not blame her. Instead, she guarded her more carefully and better for her. I am still ignored.

In the end, Liu Ya even had a close relationship with the princess, and even attracted the guard's leader around him to treat her differently. Don't you just rely on that face? Do n’t you just dress innocent?

Is there anything better than willow buds? Why all good things fall on Liu Ya?

At this moment, looking at those eyes, Willow finally admitted his jealousy.

In fact, she has always been jealous of Liu Ya.

"Isn't all the beginning of your good luck just because when the princess went to Zhuangzi, did you ask the princess to heal her father and mother? If I was one step faster, today, I don't need to ask you ...

"Then why did you take a step back then?"

Asking a faint question, Liu Ye was suddenly stuck in his throat.

Why was she one step slower at first?

Because she was shocked by the prestige of the royal prince and princess, she didn't dare.

At that time, she never expected to ask the princess to heal her grandpa and mother.

In fact, she was worse than Liu Ya, not only one step slower, but she also lost the courage of Liu Ya.

Begging the princess, if the princess's homehearted consent, it is naturally a good thing.

What if the princess was not happy about being bothered? Wang Ye petted his wife, asking her for her life was easier than pinching an ant.

She was afraid.

Liuya didn't chase after him fiercely. After asking, she gave her a slight glance and turned away.

Liu Ye didn't chase and did not give any explanation for her actions, but she knew that from the moment Liu Ya turned around, the sisters would never go back.

Out of the chamber, the little courage that Liu Ya had gathered just collapsed, and the whole shoulder was pulled down.

My chest was bitter and astringent, and I wanted to cry.

But this is the Liu family's courtyard. She is the old lady's girl-in-law and can't cry any more.

She didn't understand why this happened with her sister.

Did her sister change, or did she never know the person who grew up together?

With his head down, he walked unconsciously, and unknowingly walked to the courtyard wall in the back corner of the hall.

"Uncle Wei, are you there?"

The man hiding in the fruit tree in the corner corner rubbed his eyebrows, helplessly.

He has changed positions several times.

Sometimes he even had doubts about whether the woman had traced medicine on him, no matter how he hid, she could always find her without error.

"What is it?" Wei Zidan jumped from the tree.

Then her brows were invisible, and she wrinkled, giving a low for the woman.

"Uncle Wei, if I weren't here and I went home, would you remember me?" With her head lowered and her fingers twisted, the woman snorted and asked.

There was a moment of silence above his head, and the man did not immediately answer her.

Liuya wanted to look up at the man's expression at the moment, and see if he heard her was not here, would he be a little bit unhappy and a little bit reluctant.

I dare not.

If she looks up, Uncle Wei will see her ugly red eyes.

"Where do you think the Liu Family Courtyard is?"

Xu Yan, the man's voice faintly came, calm, no undulating, Liu Ya clearly heard the mockery inside.

Laugh at her for being naive.

"Do you think you are here if you want to come, just leave if you want to?"

"Since the old lady named you to be a maid, you can only die here before she releases."

"Liu Ya, this is not a farm in Chuan Jiu Village, and you cannot tolerate your will."

After all, the man's breath disappeared above her head.

After being taught a meal, Liu Ya was uncomfortable at all, and even the bitterness in his heart was unknowingly lightened.

There are two chapters in the evening. Orange picks up people first and waxes the little fairies who can't leave a message. Come on ~ happy ~

(End of this chapter)

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