Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1291: There is a little boy in my heart

Chapter 1291 A Little Boy In My Heart

However, it was a step too late.

When she rushed to that position, Xiaowa was taken away by someone who suddenly came out of the corner.

The speed of the other party was so fast that she didn't even see the man's face, and disappeared into the dark alley behind the shop.

Shi Xian softly raised the corners of her lips, and her face was a bit heavy.

Qian Wanjin took a while to recover from the shock and jumped his feet, "What do you mean? Little Master kindly gave food to the little baby, is it still not allowed to send it? Actually took the little baby away halfway? He wouldn't let the baby eat well, would he be allowed to pick up rubbish, right? No wonder he was as thin as a cat! Who has such a baby? Is he hated? "

The pretty eyes flashed with anger, Qian Wanjin's feet froze, "Little stone, let's catch up!"

Shi Xianrou grabbed the man and sighed, "Useless, we can't catch up."

"Why can't you catch up? I'm holding him faster than you, you just stay away, otherwise he can run?"

"The opponent's strength is comparable to mine, and he is more familiar with the terrain than we are. Besides, we don't know anything about the background of the child, so we should not intervene."

Hearing that Qian Wanjin calmed down and looked at the warmth in his hand just now, and now he had some cold snacks frozen, and silently put the snack plate on the side of the road.

If the child returns, I hope he can see these snacks and eat them.

They only come to the city of exile to do things, and they will leave when things are done. For the child, they are just passing by.

For that child, why isn't it a **** for all beings? There are thousands of poor people in the world, and that child is just one of them.

Fortunately, I can help with one shot.

They can do more than that.

Back to the second-floor box, someone was already waiting inside. When they saw them coming in, they immediately bowed back.

This is the person Qian Qianjin sent out to inquire about the news.

This time to Xiliang, in addition to establishing the context of the business, one more thing is to see the child.

It's been a year since the last time they came here, and the two were unclear about what happened in the city of exile.

Fortunately, everyone in the city of exile was very inquisitive, and almost no one mentioned the women who broke their feet. Just ask someone to find out where she lives.

The reason why they did not immediately seek good favors was to know themselves and others, so they deliberately sought someone out to explore the life of good favors in the city of exile this year.

The two did not expect to have a meal here, they will see the scene of just being favored being dragged around the street, it seems that her life here is extremely difficult.

"At the beginning, the Xiliang Emperor threw good favors into the city of exile in order to make her suffer insults. At the beginning, good favors did not live as well as pigs and dogs."

"But not long after that, strange things began to happen in the city of Exile. There were men dying constantly in the city, and their deaths were miserable, and their bodies looked like they were bitten by insects. All of these people have been good. Favorite people. "

"It was later inquired that she was the daughter-in-law of the Yeyi clan, and no one dared to touch her again."

The person and the master and grandfather reported to them what they had inquired about.

After hearing this, Qian Wanjin's eyes flashed a fine light, and he smirked, "Can't touch, the men in the city feel that they don't have the heart, so they think of other tricks to torture good favors. ? "

"Master is wise."

"Little Master is smart, keep talking."

"Afterwards, it ’s very difficult to be good at life, and you ca n’t sustain your daily life. Without daily input, you ca n’t starve alive. Finally, she uses a maggot to control the maid next to her, and let Yahuan Esser wait for people to earn a living. Food. That's just enough to fill her belly alone. If the girl wants to survive, she needs to think of another way to support herself. "

"It's pitiful to follow her maid. It's bad for her to stand on such a master." Qian Wanjin paused and asked, "How about that child?"

"That child is also a poor man. According to news from him, when the child was about to walk, he often walked and crawled alone and went out to pick up food. When he was very hungry, he even grabbed the mud and stuffed it. Mouth. "

Speaking of that child, his subordinate's face moved slightly. "The city of exile is too complicated. Everyone has three teachings and nine classes. Most of them are cruel and cruel. Little baby crawls to the street and sometimes blocks someone's road and provokes others Will be beaten and scolded, and several times even nearly choked to death. "

After a brief pause, his subordinates said, "But one thing is strange. At the last minute, someone will come out to ease the situation. Regardless of the favor or the child, it seems that someone is watching them secretly, no Let them flee and let them die. "

Qian Wanjin and Shi Xianrou looked at each other blindly, and the only thing they would do was Xi Lianghuang.

After roughly understanding the favor situation, Qian Wanjin waved his subordinates and looked at the dishes on the table in front of him. He had lost his appetite.

Shi Xianrou sighed softly, held the man's hand, and calmed him.

Their little gold can eat so much, it can be called a first-rate food everywhere, and now he has lost his appetite, which shows how annoying he is.

In the heart of the man was an innocent little boy, kind and soft.

That's what made her so special.

"Let's talk to her tomorrow. The child followed her in such a place and in such an environment. She couldn't grow up well. I mentioned before that being kind is not good for that child. It doesn't matter if he is small or not. Children, take care, let's take care of it. "

Qian Wanjin nodded, his tone was a little down, "Stone, do you say I'm old enough to be a dad, so softer than before? Think about it, if someone dares to treat Croton and Red Beans badly, dare to beat them and beat them, I will definitely Let that person survive or die! "

Thinking of what the subordinates said, the baby climbed into the street to find food, was bullied and beaten, and then thought of the cute faces of his two baby sons and daughters, Qian Wanjin squeezed his fists and wanted to hit people. .

I want to scum on those people who even beat the baby, so that they can't take care of themselves.

"Who dares to bully Croton and Red Bean? Feng Qingbai first let the person regret it." Shi Xianrou ridiculed, alleviating the sullen atmosphere in front of him.

"The best thing to do is to be kind. No matter how bitter, being a mother will not make your child hungry!"

"I'll knock her out when Minger comes?"

Qian Wanjin pursed his lips and looked at the woman who coaxed him, and laughed.

"No need, hit her and I'm still afraid of getting your hands dirty, Xue Qinglian's poison is enough for her to suffer. Every now and then, she will be tortured by toxins. She won't last long."

Today I was chatting with a Baoma author in the group, and I was very sad. Bao Ma's previous book was blocked because it involved soldiers. Two new books have been opened. No results have been achieved for the time being. Bao Ma is uncomfortable and has a mental breakdown. On weekdays, I'm busy taking care of two children and taking time to code. It's not easy. Sometimes I write the story and keep looking for information to ask for advice. That kind of effort and hard work is the best experience for the author. I have always believed that the harder you are, the more lucky you are. The hard-working talents will be able to seize luck and opportunities. Everyone likes to read farming texts. Orange wants to recommend this treasure mom's book, Doller's "Seven Little Peasant Girl". The human story is similar to that of Orange, but it is a completely different story. It's very warm and sweet.

(End of this chapter)

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