Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1510: Gossip back to Xinghua Village

Chapter 1510 Gossip Back To Xinghua Village

Autumn goes, winter comes.

In a blink of an eye, the New Year is coming.

Xinghua Village has continued its past bustle. The more festive the festival in recent years, the stronger the joy in the village.

On a cold day, there is no shortage of old gossips under the ancient locust trees at the village entrance. A large group of people dressed in thick cotton rafters, holding fire cages, gathered in a mouthful and flew.

In the past few months, the most talked about in the village is the gossip dug from Wei Hong.

Regarding Beicang outside Nanling, it was a distant kingdom in the eyes of the people.

I heard that a few months ago, Beicang suddenly changed the sky, the old emperor wrote a Zen scripture, and gave the throne to the new emperor.

The most gossip of the people is not that, but the newly succeeded emperor, who turned out to be the king of the court who once visited them in Xinghua Village.

There is an old guy with a good memory, and I still remember the young man who looked elegant in a wheelchair in white.

Unexpectedly, he actually became the new emperor of Beicang, and he got up from a wheelchair.

"I was also in Beicang at that time. Since she is here, I am not surprised that Duan Wang can stand up."

"His, I'm here, and Asho is here. You said that Bei Cang suddenly changed emperor, wouldn't it have anything to do with You and Asho?"

"How can this be said? Bei Cang is far away from us. Besides, it doesn't matter if there is anything to do with it, I definitely won't do bad things."

The old guys nodded in unison and strongly agreed.

They will never do bad things in Xinghua Village, let alone harm others.

If so, it must be the fault of others.

Someone looked around in the crowd, looking for traces of the people in the Liu family's courtyard, but didn't find it.

"I don't seem to see Brother Liu and Aunt Liu come out these days, and I also want to ask them when Aunt and Xiu will return."

"Hey, their two elders now have grandchildren for everything. Guangwo's teasing grandchildren in the compound is enough for them to work a day. How can I spare time to talk to us."

"No, even if Croton, Red Bean and Qiqi are not there, there are still three babies in the compound, which is good for them. I don't want them to come here. Every time I come to show off, it seems that no one has a grandson. Childlike. "

Under the big locust tree, a kind of coquettish laughter floated and floated far away.

The scene in the compound is just like the old guys guessed. The two elders of the Liu family have everything to do.

There are little magpies and peas. Near the New Year's Festival, Liu Zhixia and Fu Yuzheng also returned with edamame for the festival.

There is a little baby here, and the courtyard is lively every day.

The Liu family sat around the brazier in the hall and watched as Edam took care of the two little milk dolls as brothers. There was no smile on their faces.

"Edamame has learned well in Beijing, and now it looks more and more like a little brother, and it looks like Zhixia is now." Wife Liu said.

"Naturally it looks like Zhixia is now. If he was like a kid, it wouldn't be the male brother, but the skin monkey."

The old man's words caused a laugh, and Liu Zhixia was helpless in the laughter.

Liu laughed and cursed, "Why are you not convinced like this? I want you to say that you are all pretending to be what you are now, only when you were young."

"When he was a kid, he was half a catty with Zhiqiu. If you look at Zhiqiu now, you can imagine what Zhixia was like before." As a mother-in-law, Chen Xiulan added a knife to her son, and it caused a lot of laughter. "Your father Say you pretend, nothing is wrong. "

Liu Zhixia told Rao directly, "Dad, ma'am, I don't know if it's okay? You don't have to brag about the kid, who has the best temperament in the family, you have to be a little magpie. Maodou is far less than that."

The man wit shifted the topic and attracted the elders' attention to Xiao Xiying, so he was relieved.

Xiaoxiyu is almost one and a half years old now, because she grew up with the empress, and has been the highest influence since she was a child. So even when she is young, she already has the temperament of aristocracy in the family. Gentle, polite and well-behaved.

Therefore, from the time of birth, Xiaoxiyu became one of the new darlings in the compound along with red beans.

But when it comes to the best of grandchildren, you have to count the peas.

The peas are just half a year old, because they are too small to see anything else. But taking care of the weekdays really makes the elders worry less.

Unless it is really uncomfortable, you will never cry. When you are hungry or your diapers are wet, only two beeps will be heard in your little mouth to attract the attention of other adults. At other times, you will sleep quietly, wake up and then make one or two beeps to call the adults.

"It's a pity that Croton and Red Bean are not at home with Qiqi. If they are here, they will definitely like brothers and sisters as much as Beans." Looking at the three young children who were quite different in age, Du Juan sighed, feeling hair.

When his elbow was gently hit by his own man, Du Juan realized that he had said something wrong, and quickly looked at the old man and the grandmother, and it turned out that the two old men's eyes became a little dim.

Asiu and Aya have been away from home for a long time. Although the old lady and the old lady didn't say anything, the big guys knew who they wanted to leave. Therefore, in the past two months, juniors have begun to try their best to avoid arrogance on the premise of the elderly, and dare not mention Croton and Red Beans.

She was about to say a vulture just now, shouldn't she slap her?

"Okay, mention it, so carefully. What else are they just going out and not coming back? Why can't they mention it? See how you all look?" The queen queen fired the tongs and fired the charcoal fire. Dial a bit more, not salty and a few lumps.

The old lady and the old lady shook God, and they lost their sight in the eyes of the juniors just now.

"I can't mention it. I haven't seen the children for too long. Don't I worry about it?" Madam Liu said.

"If the children are on the battlefield and know that you are thinking of them so much that they don't smell good, do you think they still have a heart to fight?" The Queen Mother asked back.

"..." Wife Liu's eyes fluttered down, and she could answer that question, and she would definitely have no intention to fight.

Just pondering again and again, I always feel that what the lady said is wrong.

Repeat your thoughts and find out what's wrong.

"I really miss them and look at the letter they wrote."

While counting and adding charcoal to the brazier, the queen queen was as skilled as a native village aunt, no worse than the women who came to meet her from time to time.

Qin Xiao sat next to her, her burly body nestled on Xiao Ma Zha, but with a slight smile on her face, her eyes fell on the little baby girl in the cradle on the opposite side, or on the silver-haired woman beside her. For a moment, the two were like a big loyal dog.

As for the topics that big guys talk about, he rarely speaks unless necessary.

Feng Qingbai acts very well for people and plans. After solving Beicang and Fengyue Kingdom, it was natural to return with his family when it was time to return.

(End of this chapter)

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