Chapter 1513: Let Her Come Over

Liu Yusheng and his party, remembered by countless people, were also in the palace at this time.

Royal Palace of East Vietnam.

After the settlement of Beicang, Feng Qingbai and Liu Yusheng walked countless places with their three children.

From the big and small state cities in Beicang, to the border of East Vietnam, strolling through the landscape of East Vietnam, travelling for nearly half a year, and on the occasion of the New Year, Yan Rongjin, the emperor of East Vietnam, was invited to the palace.

Yan Rongjin's New Year's Eve dinner, in addition to Liu Yusheng's family at the dinner table, he was alone.

None of the other members of the Dongyue royal family were able to attend.

Yan Rongjin did not invite anyone.

"The prince is really good at drinking, and I respect you again." Filling the glass again, Yan Rongjin raised his glass and smiled at the wind and cypress.

The white face was smoked with alcohol, slightly red, and already a little drunk, but those eyes were still very clear and very sober.

On the table, four flasks were already empty.

"I've been drinking a lot, so here it is today. If the emperor is still interested, drink it again." Liu Yusheng took the wind green cypress wine glass, preventing the two from continuing to fight.

Lest Yan Rongjin drunk himself.

Feng Qingbai's guy, even if he didn't take the hangover medicine, dealt with a young man under the age of 16 who had enough alcohol to crush Yan Rongjin.

The wine glass was taken, Feng Qingbai pushed the boat down the river, "Let's change the day."

Yan Rongjin was helpless, "I'm not good at alcohol, but I'm just happy today, so I drink more, and Aunt Liu looks too strict."

Maybe it's Wei Yan's sake, Yan Rongjin talked at this moment, and finally he looked like a teenager.

"Drinking can hurt you, it's enough." Liu Yusheng laughed.

"In the past, I did n’t drink like this, I am happy today." No one was with him. Yan Rongjin himself drank the wine in his glass and drank it. "I haven't lived in Xuanyang Hall for so long."

"Do you usually accompany you? It turns out that you are like my cousin." Red Bean tilted his head, his flickering eyes were round and innocent.

Yan Rongjin slowed his voice unconsciously, "Yeah, no one is with him. The seventh brother is usually lonely. But unlike your cousin, he has at least some people."

Unlike him, there are only those who can't wait for him to die immediately.

"Sit on the dragon chair, you have to endure that share of loneliness." Feng Qingbai calmly said.

Yan Rongjin was silent, and later smiled, "Wang Ye said."

"Your grown-ups really groan without illness." Croton has been bored after sitting for so long. Listening to grown-ups and pulling those, it feels even more boring. "What is lonely and lonely? How many people want to seize so much power and still fish No, it ’s too unpopular for you to catch it. Red beans, seventy-seven, go with your brother! Let ’s play cockfighting! ”

"Doudou Doudou want to play this?" Disrespecting Xiaowa, Yan Rongjin didn't take it seriously, so he called his housekeeper with a good temper, "Go and find two pairs of **** and let Xiaoshizi play ..."

As soon as the housekeeper was about to say yes, he heard the emperor's voice weirdly lower.

Then the inner servant followed the emperor's eyes and saw that not far from the table, the three baby boys were each crossing their legs, and their top knees were bouncing there.

"What are two pairs of cockfighting? This is called cockfighting! It's also called douguai!" Croton laughed while playing, "Hahaha! The emperor has never played before."

Those who have played can't possibly know what cockfighting is.

Xiao Waer's unbelievable look made Liu Yusheng cover his face with his hand and "make the emperor laugh."

"Croton and red beans are naive and lively, and I like them very much."

After hearing that, Liu Yusheng simply stopped talking, and she didn't want to explain. The baby girls over there were not only naive and lively, they were too lively.

Their daughter pitted her.

Out of the Xuanyang Temple, it was snowy outside, and the black sky was still snowing, making it cold.

Liu Yusheng saw the man around him stretch out his hands and rub his temples, and said, "Why drink so much wine? Really, you are still young, fight with the children."

His mouth was choked, and his hands were not idle. He immediately took a sober pill and stuffed it into the man's mouth, causing the man to roll his eyes and smile, "Sheng Sheng, I'm still young."

That look made Liu Yusheng want to cover his eyes.

"Dad, do you still have headaches after taking the medicine? Are you better?" Hongdou stood at the feet of the adult, and asked with a small head in his head.

"Well, it's much better, and my head doesn't hurt." Feng Qingbai wanted to pick up his daughter and was hidden by the little guy.

"Dad, I'm grown up, I can go by myself." Red beans finished, and didn't even give the time to touch Dad, reached out and drew in his mother ’s little brocade bag, and then ran back. Father, mother, wait for me for a while. "

Liu Yusheng, "..." The daughter just drew a sober pill in her brocade bag?

Feng Qingbai, "..." immediately strove to catch up with her daughter and was stopped by Liu Yusheng.

Feng Qingbai's face was very dark, and it was comparable to the night sky above his head.

Even breathing can make it difficult to hear.

This appearance rarely appears to him, and usually only he can breathe others with unsmooth breathing.

Staring at him for a while, Liu Yusheng suddenly covered his mouth and smiled. Due to this, he also has today. Thinking back then, did the father always be so angry that Feng Qingbai couldn't say anything.

"Mother-in-law, why did my sister deliver medicine to the Emperor Dongyue? That's not our family." Croton puzzled, so what kind of intentions? There isn't even a hangover medicine or soup in the palace?

The medicines made by the mother are all very good. Isn't it violent to give away people at will?

Liu Yusheng didn't know how to answer, because she didn't know, she could only answer officially, "Because red beans are very kind."

"I'll teach her more after that." He had to teach his sister, don't be too kind.

People who are too kind are liable to suffer.

Therefore, there is no fuel-saving lamp in their courtyard.

In Xuanyang Hall, Yan Rongjin rubbed his forehead and lifted his head as he heard the shattering footsteps of his feet. A small figure appeared in his field of vision.

Festive red mule, two little buns, tied with a red headband on the bun, with the joy of the New Year.

"Little county master, but there is something to find the emperor? The emperor is drunk, something is better than tomorrow ..." The house servant stepped forward to stop the person and tried to dismiss him. The emperor was indeed drunk, and I was afraid he couldn't talk to a little baby.

"Let her come over."

Suddenly he heard the words behind him, and the housekeeper was surprised that the emperor was awake, and he retreated.

"Little brother, this is the sober pill made by my mother, here you are. It is not uncomfortable to eat, and my father just ate this, and my head does not hurt anymore." The pill held in it was stuffed into the boy's mouth, and Red Bean had a lesson learned, "Don't drink like that in the future."

Sitting on a chair, even so, the little baby was only reaching her waist. Yan Rongjin lowered his eyes and answered his lips, "Okay, I won't drink like that in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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