Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1520: Don't look at how big your face is

Chapter 1520: Don't See How Big Your Face Is

At the back of the cabin, the children turned upside down, listening to Croton's angry roar, and red beans' crisp and hearty laughter, the couple's faces in the cabin unconsciously burst into a smile.

"It's lively." Yan Rongjin couldn't help but glanced behind the cabin, and through the partition, he seemed to see the lively and cheerful scene outside.

Liu Yusheng laughed. "It's just like this, the little baby is arguing, it's very noisy, sometimes it's annoying."

"I would rather have such annoyances."

"Seven young people are not in a hurry. In the future, you want to be quiet, for fear that it will not be quiet. The royal family has many sons and daughters, sooner or later." Feng Qingbai's consolation, very sincere.

Yan Rongjin was a little curious, and didn't understand why Nanling King didn't seem to like him very much. He didn't do anything to offend the other party?

Just hard to ask.

He worried that after asking, he would lose face.

One of the reasons why the Nanling King is famous around the world is the poisonous tongue.

I heard that when Xiliang Huangba Nian went to negotiate with Nanling, he was so angry that he could not get up in bed for two months on the returning boat.

He is bound to avoid it, and in his way, can not fight this man.

I drank a pot of fish soup on the painting pan, and it was already noon when we disembarked.

On the embankment, Liu Yusheng and his party met Min Shao again. This time, it was not an accident. The other party was here waiting.

"Seven young people, son Feng, Mrs. Feng. My father ordered me to wait here, and invited the three nobles to eat at the house." Min Shaohe opened the door to see the mountains, his attitude bright and comfortable.

"Your dad is an old man. I'm afraid it's not me, but Mrs. Fengzi and Mrs. Feng." Yan Rongjin smiled and walked forward with his hands on his back.

"The Seven Little Misunderstandings. It's just a rare encounter with three people at the same time. How can there be no hospitality, I'm afraid that the three people are too rude to throw away their food."

"You've talked about this, if I don't nod my head, I won't give face to Master Min." After a pause, Yan Rongjin turned his head and asked Liu Yusheng to follow the trend, "Aunt Liu and uncle are willing to appreciate their faces?"

This title made Min Shaohe's heart beat, his attitude was even more respectful.

"Guests follow the subject. We act as guests, and everything we hear from you is yours." Liu Yusheng laughed.

Right now at noon, I eat everywhere I eat, and seeing that Yan Rongjin means going to Min Fu, just go.

There is Yan Rongjin, the emperor of Dongyue, and the others do not need to worry about them.

After she spoke, Feng Qingbai would have no objection, so she decided to go to Minfu for lunch.

The pick-up carriage waited on the shore, a party got on the carriage, set off, and ran straight to Min House.

The three little dolls in the car also couldn't sit still, knowing that they were going to eat at a big official's house, Croton held his face with his hands and looked at Min Shao for a while, and asked with a quizzical expression.

"Is your family fun? Are there any children?"

"Does your child work hard, smart?"

"Will your child be squeamish and cry so much?"

Croton asked all the questions to lay the foundation for his next play and wanted to know himself. However, Min Shaohe was embarrassed by his repetitive questions, and he didn't know how to answer.

"Croton, you're making a joke again, you shouldn't be so rude to visit people's house." Liu Yusheng scolded Croton, lest he keep asking unreliable questions.

This little **** was thinking about bullying the baby again, and asked him if he could work hard.

At that time, I really want to cry again, he has nothing at all, all embarrassed are adults.

At the time of Beicangcen, the small assault had no memory at all.

He was scolded by his mother, and Croton reluctantly closed it. With his flat mouth and eyes, he could also see strong dissatisfaction, anger and anger.

He was most afraid of his mother's anger, not to mention that there was a father beside his mother who had always looked down on him.

I know bullying children.

Min Shaohe came back from a bunch of questions, and saw Croton's appearance, and he opened the round. "Mrs. Feng must not blame the little boy, but I didn't respond for a moment. The little boy asked like this to find a playmate Let ’s play together? I have two daughters and a son under my lap. They are about the same age as the little boy. They are about the same age. Xu can play with the little boy. "

When they heard that it was two daughters and one son, Croton was disappointed. "Just a son? Apart from your knees, most of your brothers have children under their knees, right? It's fun to have more people."

As for the baby girl, the baby girl is very coquettish, and even if she is unhappy, she still whispers and whispers, he least likes to play with the baby girl.

"Yes, if the little boy likes it, he will return to Min House later. I told them to come and play with the little boy." Min Shaohe laughed, relieved.

It seems that it is indeed a child's mind and playfulness, and that's not a big deal.

"I like it, thank you Uncle, ha ha ha." Croton grinned.

Liu Yusheng, who knows his heart well, quietly twisted his face and looked down.

She gave up on this son. Fortunately, Hongdou and Qiqi were obedient.

Feng Qingbai sat on the side, watching the woman's changed expression, with a smile under her eyes, and their house Shengsheng was too relieved.

"My children are a little naughty. If you are unhappy in the house, please ask Master Min Haihan." Feng Qingbai said to Min Shao.

Min Shaohe was flattered at once, "King ... Fenggongzi talked a lot. It ’s natural for a child to have no scolding or playing."

He said a lot on the way, but he didn't dare to talk directly to the king of Nanling all the way, it was really that the aura emanating from this man was too strong, and he didn't dare to take the initiative to show his goodness, so as not to make things awkward.

King Nanling's temperament is unpredictable, and if he didn't say a word that would provoke Wang Ye to be angry, that would be a real big mistake.

This is harder and more dangerous than the emperor.

After obtaining his accurate words, Feng Qingbai nodded, and then did not speak again, and Min Shaohe did not dare to continue talking.

After Croton listened to Dad's conversation, his eyes flickered around, he put his head in front of Feng Qingbai, and thanked Xiao Huya.

His father paved the way for him in advance, and when he did something wrong, there would be a way back.

Dad is so old-fashioned and sly that he really likes him.

Gaze at the little baby, Feng Qingbai held out a finger, pushed the baby back, sneer.

Really think you're paving the way? Don't look at how big your face is.

He is now in talks with Min Shao in advance, but it is for the sake of the little baby that he can shake his hands and avoid blame.

The inexhaustible mess can't clean up the mess, and his majestic Nanling King is now almost chasing after the **** and picking up the tatters.

Now that the words have been said in the front, it is Min Shaohe who didn't take his mind. When something happens, he can only blame himself for being too careless and underestimating the destructive power of Xiaowa.

It has nothing to do with him.

Updated late today, Cavern. There is another chapter of the little fairies who still get up and watch ...

(End of this chapter)

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