Chapter 1523: Difficulties, Give You Face

Men's wine tables can only be enjoyed until everyone is happy.

After the family members had eaten their meals, they moved their positions, so as not to stay there for the sake.

Mrs. Min went on a break after having eaten because she was older. The task of hosting Liu Yusheng was given to Mrs. Min Shao.

It's better to be able to talk at a similar age. If she is also present at such an age, it will make the juniors unable to let go.

Mrs. Min Shao accompanied two aunts, Sun and Jiang, to accompany Liu Yusheng to the park.

After a long day of snow, the sun is lazy. Although it is not warm on the body, it has a pleasant softness.

This kind of softness, spreading over the garden, makes people feel comfortable during the stroll.

"The princess has known the emperor for many years? There are many opinions about the emperor's exile in Nanling. But the emperor's fancy for the prince and the emperor must have helped the emperor a lot." Unconsciously, Mrs. Min Shao The topic was brought to Yan Rongjin.

"It happened to happen at that time, fate." Liu Yusheng smiled. "Mrs. Young wants to ask me something?"

This kind of open-minded chat method made Mrs. Min stunned, and then she laughed. "Ashamed, she really wanted to inquire about the princess. This circuitousness made the princess joke."

"Mrs. Min Shao has something to say."

"The princess may also know that the emperor will be sixteen years old, and the ministers of the DPRK and China have continued to ask the emperor to choose the concubine to fill the harem. I have two women of suitable age in Min House, who are just among the consorts. The courtier was bold enough to want to follow the princess. Find out what the emperor likes. What kind of person does he like? "

"What kind of thing does he like, do you have to transform the women in the clan to cater? If so, if you lose yourself, you may not be able to get into the eyes of the emperor. This kind of thing is more about fate. "

Liu Yusheng's words were straightforward, straightforward to some ruthless.

Mrs. Min Shao piqued her lips and thought, not angry.

Although the princess's words were straightforward, they were more sincere than euphemism. She was right.

Emotional matters are not necessarily met by catering to the other party, but by fate.

"Moreover, Mrs. Young asked me like this, in fact I don't know what kind of woman the emperor likes. Although I met the emperor many years ago, I am afraid that I haven't spent much time with Master Min. It's a woman, and he can't say this to me. "Liu Yusheng said again.

"It's Chenchen who wants to break it." Madam Min sighed.

His aunt Jiang inserted in the back, "Sister does not have to be so discouraged, the women we cultivate in our clan are not worse than other women in the family. Besides, although the princess here does not know the preferences of the emperor, the princess is very kind to the emperor . If the princess would say something in front of the emperor, it would be more effective than trying to meet the emperor's preferences ... "

"Stop!" Madam Min frowned immediately, "How can you say such things indiscriminately!"

What is the identity of the princess? What are they? But is it a face-to-face visit to Min Mansion, but also people want to take advantage of people?

What conditions does Min House have for people to help for free?

Regardless of the occasion to speak, if the other person is small-hearted, with the words of the Jiang family, he can offend people.

Jiang was scolded, and he shut his mouth unwillingly and stepped back.

Liu Yusheng didn't say anything, the smile on his face didn't change, as if this episode didn't happen.

But for Mrs. Min Shao, she changed slightly, at least she was well-informed.

After visiting the park, Mrs. Min Shao deliberately no longer mentioned the topic about Yan Rongjin, and Liu Yusheng didn't say in that regard, all she had to talk about was all the way down.

Croton had a full meal earlier than adults, and was the first wave to take the younger brother and sister out to play.

Nanling Xiaoshizi has a distinguished status. He wants to hang out. Who dares to stop? Of course, he didn't dare to ignore it. Min Fu sent his followers to follow him far behind, lest any accidents happening in the house by the small Shizi and small county masters could not be compensated by the entire Min Fu.

Minzi and Minsi followed with a few dolls of similar age in the clan.

Before the guests came, they were instructed by the adults, and they should entertain the little noble guests who came to the house.

"Sister, do we really want to be with him? He ... they are so bad-looking." Min Si was timid, pulling Min Zi's sleeve and asking in a low voice.

She didn't want to go at all. She was a little afraid of the younger son. She said that she would change her face and change her face, and she was impatient with the baby dolls. So hard to serve.

They will be bullied.

"Xiao Shizi is not bad." Min Zi was not afraid. He pulled Min Si and speeded up the small steps to chase the leader. "Xiao Shizi and Xiao Jun are both very distinguished people. They would have a small temper. But Compared to the little prince and princess we met before, they are already very good. "

Anyway, she felt that Xiao Shizi and Xiao Junzhu would not bully them casually, just that their mouths were a little unforgiving.

Min thought about the little royal master he had met before, and he was still scared, and his steps were extremely difficult, compared with the few people who were bouncing in front of him.

Before they just couldn't help laughing, Xiao Shizi said that their eyes were not eyes, noses, or noses. This temperament was no better than the royal lord. Play with them, who knows if they will bully others later.

"Brother Xiaoshizi, sister Xiaojun, brother Qiqiqi, where you want to go, I can lead the way." Minzi ran to a few people in Croton and smiled.

"What fun place in your house?" Croton asked.

In the end it is the chassis of others, he is not familiar with the road, it is impolite to run casually.

Mostly, my father and mother were all there. He really wanted to break into the mansion of his house. He was scolded and he was fine. He couldn't let the father and mother be scolded and didn't know how to raise children.

"Fun place ... I think about it." Min Zi frowned, thinking, she didn't know that they were very strict in their daily teaching, and they would start to learn female red, learn to play piano and calligraphy when they were sensible. How can I play everywhere, "Well ... or else, or go to the library of my house? That's where my grandfather and dad store Book 2, there are many books in it, and there are many antiques hidden by my grandfather!"

With a flash of light, Minzi thought of the library in the house. She only went with her father once. Dad said that there were a lot of good things in it, there were many good things, and it was definitely fun, and she could read, write and draw.

"Antiques? Book collection? Hey, you asked me sincerely, so I'll make things difficult for you, and show you the way." Croton held his hand high, the shelf was high, and took a little Shizi spectrum.

Bookstore, even if the book, he went to appreciate the antiques.

I don't know if there is an antique tea pot that Taigong likes. If so, ask Dad to buy it.

Okay, I have one more chapter to write. I think I'm going to bed now and can get up at eight or nine in the morning. Last night I finished writing a chapter until 7 am, I woke up more than 3 pm, I can't live like this T.T

(End of this chapter)

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