Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1545: The courtyard of the Liu family is supernatural

Chapter 1545

The news that Wang Shang was going to visit the veins in person came early, and it was learned that the Emperor Nanling and the Emperor Nanling would also come together, so he had already prepared for the meeting.

As soon as the convoy stopped, a group of officials greeted it, and the mighty scene was quite spectacular.

The adults were entertaining in the front, and the three little guys followed and looked around. The tents around them were more interesting than listening to those scenes.

"Brother, are we going to live in a tent tonight?" Red Bean asked with great interest.

"I don't know Wow. I also want to live in a tent." Croton raised his finger. "We lived in the palace, lived in the palace, lived in the compound, lived in the inn, and were luxurious and simple, so it was all alone. Never lived in a tent ... "

Croton is sure he wants to live.

"Is there a bed in it? Or did I just lay a mat to sleep on the floor? Like when we were young, my mother-in-law laid a mat in the yard to let us roll? But the tent seems a bit small, can we live with our family?"

"Want to know, just go in and see."

He grabbed the two with one hand and shook his head.

"July 7 are you the little housekeeper? Oh, I know, I do n’t run around, I have to report to my father and mother, and they nodded before I can play on my own." Croton did not dare to make a noise, did not dare to struggle, and was afraid of the front Dad and mother found out, and then he had to learn again, "Do you think I want to see it? Isn't this why I was curious about Red Bean?"

Sure enough, holding his hand loose.

Croton laughed wildly, my younger brother grew up and became ignorant of change, and took everything too seriously. But as the boss, how could it be impossible to rule a younger brother?

Qiqi Daoxing is still tender.

"Go, **** the red beans with me? Let's go back and glance back." Croton was about to pull seven or seven to join the group. In front, his father turned back.

"Follow me."

"Here's Dad!"

Plan to die.

The little guy farted and ran first behind his father and mother. He walked at the end with his lips closed and smiled.

"Go faster on July 7th, don't get scattered." The little girl turned back and called him, and July 7 immediately trot up, the smile spread from the corner of his mouth to his eyes.

It was already dark, and it was not convenient and inappropriate to inspect again at this time.

According to the arrangements of the officials, the party settled here first for a simple meal and then went uphill the next day.

Coincidentally, the meal arranged by the officials was in the largest tent, crooking and satisfying the curiosity of several little guys.

Feng Ling dismissed the extra officials. Only he and Feng Yi and Feng Qingbai's family were in the account.

The food on the low table is also very simple.

Feng Ling pours wine first and pays his sins. "Here is the vein. The king didn't want to overwork the crowd, so he ordered the officials below to arrange everything to be simplified, and hoped that the emperor would forgive the princess. After returning to the town after the inspection, the king will treat you well. "

"The king doesn't need to be so polite, and the coarse tea and light rice are also very good." Liu Yusheng picked up chopsticks and choked vegetables, and laughed, "when we were at home, we ate as much as we do now. So it is more comfortable to eat like this."

"At home? The princess said it was the Liu Family Courtyard of Xinghua Village?" Feng Ling wondered.

"King, even you heard the Liu Family Courtyard?" Feng Moyu was curious, too famous for the Tai Gong Tai Po's compound?

Feng Ling laughed and said, "I did hear it, and I also yearn for that compound. I'm afraid I don't know. The Liu family compound has been conveyed to the outside world, right? Legend says the Liu family compound is a source of good fortune. But where Those who have been there are either extreme ministers or emperors. Many people want to go to that place once in their lives. Unfortunately, the defense of Xinghua Village is too strict, and outsiders must not enter.

The Liu Yusheng family, "..."

It's amazing to hear that the place where they live is like this.

"Those legends haven't bragged, it really is like this. Those who have been to our compound, cousins, uncle Duan, and brother Xiaoqi, did not all become emperors in the end? There is also aunt, who is also in front of the cousin. Big red man. And dad, I heard that it was still a little beggar, and finally became the king of the Nanling Dangdang ... Mother, our family is really a treasure trove! "

The small milk tone that Leng Buding cut in made a group of people amused.

"It's true to say so, but they can reach the pinnacle of their lives. From the point of view of their mothers, it is more their own efforts. If there is no blessed person, if they are not motivated, lazy and passive, He will also consume his blessing. "Liu Yusheng smiled with a little croton's nose," The harder you work, the luckier you will be. "

"My mother, don't worry, I will try to keep my blessing!"

"My dear, I will work hard!"

"Red beans, you are a baby girl, you don't have to do anything, just have your parents and your brother hurt you." Croton said.

His younger sister was born to be spoiled, both before and after.

The baby girl is to be spoiled. This is the house rule of their old Liu family.

Red beans smiled sweetly, and wrinkled his nose at his brother. "I don't want to. I want to be a useful person like my mother."

"Then what do you want to do?"

"I won't tell you, hahaha!"

Baby's laughter filled the tent, bringing a very relaxed and cheerful atmosphere to this dinner.

Feng Qingbai said little at the table, but always listened to the conversation between his wife, daughter, and children, and his eyes and brows were full of softness that was hard to see on weekdays.

With the brother Huang, Feng Yi rarely interjected, but he was also infected by the atmosphere in front of him and attracted by the family of Liu Yusheng.

Listening to them from the coarse tea and light rice on the table, talking about Xinghua Village, talking about the Liu Family Courtyard, and speaking of everyone in the courtyard, Feng Yi's eyes were faintly envious.

She has a good relationship with the Emperor, but when she gets along with each other, she always abides by the rules and respect is irreversible.

However, in the Liu Family Courtyard, we did not see such a class distinction.

The feeling of supporting each other and caring for each other as a whole is the family.

That's how she got along with her.

"You are more free in your actions than your emperor, don't you have to go to Nanling once a year? If you have plenty of time, you can go to Xinghua Village, where there are a lot of sloppy buddies, who go to the mountains to catch birds and fish. "

Suddenly a breath came near her ears, and the lowered voice penetrated into her ears with the man's breath.

The feeling of being too unfamiliar made Feng Yi stiffen, her scalp tingling, and avoiding a trace to avoid a little, "If you have a chance, you must go."

"You speak well, I believe in you."

Feng Yi put up with it and did not speak.

The Emperor Nanling was so convinced that she knew what she said?

It was as if they had known each other for a long time.

Send it first, so as not to be too late to affect the attendance, the later ones are still writing ~

(End of this chapter)

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