Chapter 1551 Xiaoshizi's Crafty

Croton swallowed the medicine, and threw it to the man.

At this time, there was a big noise in the vicinity, and the footsteps were approaching here. It should be the officers and men who came here after seeing the small signal bomb.

The man did not dare to delay, swallowed the pills, and held the woman away quickly.

Croton did not follow slowly, did not chase too fast, and did not see annoyed and depressed on his face, still the expression of Yu Youyou.

When another bang and the woman's scream came from the front, Croton speeded up and ran.

The man who fell to the ground was twitching, his eyes wide and incredible.

"Sample, playing tricks with Grandpa? This little trick Grandpa was invincible when he was three years old." Croton stepped forward and looked down at the man with a smile. The old and young people in Xinghua Village used Uncle Qinglian's 100 poison pills as sugar beans, and the least feared was poison.

Play this trick with him? Isn't that looking for death?

"Uncle Zi, don't go to the theater, come down and catch someone." He didn't show up all the way. Uncle Zi didn't come to help him, it must have come to arrest him.

Being a man is too rigid, wouldn't he help him before catching him?

A dark shadow fluttered down, and there was almost no sound of stepping on the ground.

Croton sighed secretly. If he now has Uncle Zi Kung Fu, he wouldn't have to play tricks against the man in black just now.

Wei Zi appeared, and **** the man who was still convulsing, and then looked at Croton. "The Lord is waiting outside, Xiaoshizi hurry out."

"Uncle Zi, how does my dad look? Is it expressionless or frowns a little, or is his eyes cold?"

"Xiao Shizi tightened the skin a bit, always right." Holding the little baby, she immediately cried, and Wei Zi's lips angled up.

"Uncle Zi, wait for me to plead for you? Is this man your dad trying to catch him? Dad bumped into him? Then I can count on guilty, right?"

"The camp was so dynamic that it awakened the princess and the little county master."

Croton's dumbfounded, "Then I'm done."

The woman who fell on the ground in the back was still shocked. She talked and left as if she had completely forgotten that there was another person here. The woman lowered her head slightly, and stood with her teeth braced.



Hearing the noise, Croton turned back and saw the woman who fell on the ground suddenly remembered that he and Uncle Zi both dropped the person.

"Can you still go? If you can't go, you can sit and wait. The officers and men here will soon arrive. You can ask for help." Already.

I don't know what the woman's expression croton is, but he got a funny look from Uncle Zi.

Croton was righteous, "It's not that I didn't mean to ask you for help.

It's good and good to help others when they need it. The parents and parents in the family have always taught him so. To be kind to others, he also agrees with this view.

If he really needs his help, of course he will. Isn't it necessary to him now? The officers and men are here, and of course the workers in their veins are responsible for them.

The officers and men arrived did not arrive in time, but they could still do some guarding work.

For example, the woman who was caught behind her was taken back. As for the black man who was caught alive, Wei Zi mentioned it personally, and didn't transfer it to anyone, so as to avoid accidents.

After leaving the forest and breaking up with the officers and men, Croton looked back at the woman in the crowd.

"Uncle Zi, send someone to stare at her." One coincidence and two coincidences, this coincidence is a little bit more.

Wei Zi nodded, and there was a hint of comfort in his eyes.

Xiao Shizi loves to play, but he has a keen sense of smell.

After talking about the matter, the seriousness of Xiao Wa'er's face stayed for more than a moment, and the moment became wonderful again.

"Uncle Zi, please go slowly. I'm hiding behind you. Help me see if my dad is still out? If you give me a gesture, I'll slip back from there."

Wei Zi drew the corner of his mouth, "Not here, the master and grandpa went back to accompany the princess and the small county master."

Xiao Shizi's weight in the master's heart is definitely not as heavy as he thought.

The little baby hiding behind Wei Zi heard her dad's absence, immediately flashed out, adjusted her clothes, and took another eight-character step.

"Uncle Zi, hurry up and go on a business trip. I'll go by myself. Don't wait for me."

"The master told me to take Xiaoshizi back. Accompaniment of Xiaoshizi is the first task, catching people, and second."

"Uncle Zi, I'm six years old. I can walk by myself. Really, I know the way."

"Humble work knows, young man, please."

Niu Gaoma was so big that he didn't discuss it.

Wrinkled Croton's face.

"Uncle Zi, you are so careful not to marry a daughter-in-law in the future!"

"Xiao Shizi is still young and should not be so precocious. These are not things that Xiao Shizi needs to worry about."

Croton fangs, "What kind of master and grandfather have what kind of subordinates, the same sharp teeth and sharp mouth, why did you not be very diligent when you came to catch me just now, but you have to hide and watch the fun!"

"The task of humble duty is only to bring back Xiaoshizi, not to help Xiaoshizi catch people."

"What if I were killed!"

"Xiao Shizi is so scheming, this man is not an opponent."

"Uncle Zi, I thank you for exaggerating." What a trick, he was clearly resourceful.

Holding on to the big man, Croton pulled down his shoulder and sighed. Originally, I wanted to wait for the limelight to look back and slip back, posing poorly in front of my mother, and my dad could hide there.

All of his children were defeated by Uncle Zi.

No one is more pathetic than him.

He wanted such a guard in the future.

"Uncle Zi, after you give birth to a son, I must be a brother to him, to him as good as red beans, seven or seven." In this way he can have a loyal subordinate.

Wei Zi didn't speak, but her face faded slightly, and then she smiled.

Returning to the tent, standing in the middle of the tent, Croton was tense, staring at three pairs of eyes and staring at each other, and finally his head was getting lower and lower.

"Dad, mother, I'm not in trouble this time ..." Croton moved towards his mother's side.

He just wanted to see the mine, where he went wrong. This was not what he thought. He also hoped that he could play quietly and smoothly, and now it was his job.

This can't blame him.

"Dad, mother, I'm smitten right now, and I've arrested someone, is it a small contribution?"

Liu Yusheng smiled and laughed, "Isn't it a crime?"

"My dear, how can I be guilty? If I can't sleep at night, I can't run out and hush, by the way I took a look in the veins ..." Croton, let's lie to my dear, he feels that he is not human "My dear, it's me who plays."

Admit it, he would rather be beaten.

There are two chapters, it is estimated that until dawn, good night everyone ~

(End of this chapter)

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