Chapter 1553 If I Suddenly Become A Dad

If it wasn't for his whim at midnight, he would go out to explore the mine veins, and Qiqi would not follow him.

If they all stayed in the little poncho, wouldn't Qiqi be injured and would not be like it is now?

Willfulness does not amount to wantonness.

Overconfidence is conceit.

Earlier, the words of father and mother were still lingering.

Croton's little face appeared confused.

Is he too willful? I always do whatever I want, regardless of the consequences, so there are so many incidents, this time I was injured seven or seven.

He thought that the harmless pranks had affected the people around him.

Is he really doing something wrong?

Suddenly, there was a slight tugging force on the sleeves. Croton raised his eyes and met a pair of dark eyes.

The little sleeping baby didn't know when he woke up, and looked at him with a slight smile.

"Juqi, how did you wake up? Did I just talk too loudly and made you loud? Are you still uncomfortable now? How do you feel? If you are not comfortable, I still have medicine here for you!" The doll woke up, Croton immediately asked, and pulled out the small pendant around the neck, ready to screw the lid to feed the baby.

The hand was gently patted by the little baby, Croton looked puzzled, and saw the little baby shaking his head at him, and gestured with both hands.

"It's okay? Are you really okay?"

Sighing helplessly, he sat up and stripped his shirt for Croton and pulled the person into the bed. After lying down with Croton, he patted the quilt with a small hand.

go to bed.

Looking at Qiqi in a blink of an eye, she fell asleep, and Croton couldn't say much.

Before going to sleep, he was nervous and put his fingers on the nose of Qiqi, and it was confirmed that there was gas, so Croton went to sleep peacefully.

When he fell asleep, the little baby next to him opened his eyes and smiled at him quietly.

"July 7 is my Nanling King's Mansion, a child of our family! I can't control what I didn't hear, and dare to call our seven or seven wild children dumb and crippled. I told my grandfather that he had made you really disabled!" — He heard it, Croton defended his words.

He is a member of the Nanling Palace, a member of the Liu Family Courtyard, and a younger brother of Croton. He also protects Croton, just like Croton defends him.

In the other tent, an oil lamp was lit, and the flame flickered in the air, flickering.

The atmosphere of the canopy was also extremely depressing and cold.

Feng Qingbai stood in the middle of the awning, with Wei Zi beside him, and in front of them, a male body in black was lying.

"It was still alive when brought back." Wei Zi frowned.

When he brought the person back, he immediately spread the word to the master and grandfather, and then brought the person here to watch it with his own eyes. In this case, no one could sneak attack. In order to avoid accidents, he even removed the man's chin, leaving him no chance to commit suicide.

But the man was still dead.

Suddenly Qiqiao bleeding and died.

When the man died, the master and grandpa happened to be walking into the tent.

At that instant, they all heard a sound of flute from a distance.

In other words, in addition to this man, he also has the same party in the mine vein camp, and that person will also play the flute,

The seventy-seven crisis has not yet been lifted.

"Master, why is Qiyin hurt by Qiyin?"

Those of them who heard the flute didn't have any other feelings, except they felt that the sound was sharper, it would not cause any harm to them.

Only seventy-seven. That flute sounded him badly, causing internal injuries.

Feng Qingbai stared, "It should be related to his constitution."

"Physique?" Wei Zi was surprised, and seemed to think about it later, without further questioning.

As a hidden guard, he is always close to his master, and he knows a lot.

Feng Yueguo's original Miss Frontier had somehow contracted the plague. The former emperor of Beicang suddenly contracted the plague. He knew that everything was related to Qiqi.

Then flute sound can hurt Qiqi, I'm afraid it also has something to do with Qiqi.

With this in mind, thinking of someone, Wei Zi immediately said, "Before Xiaoshizi instructed his subordinates to stare, the subordinates have sent someone to stare. Can they be arrested?"

"Left-handed?" Feng Qingbai read the name, grinning at the corners of his mouth, not reaching the bottom of his eyes, "Staring, bring it tomorrow."


Feng Qingbai turned and left the tent, leaving Wei Zi to deal with the corpse in the awning.

At the beginning, she was left-handed in order to lead the people behind her to see who else was behind the conspiracy.

Time has passed so long, everything has been checked, this person, as far as he is concerned, there is no need to continue to stay.

Keeping it will only add more trouble.

In his cypress dictionary, except for the pure land, there are only two kinds of people in the world.

Useful, useless.

It was already late at night, and the movement was completely calm. Under the night sky, everything is quiet, surrounded by insects and stars all over the head.

Someone still has trouble sleeping.

A jug of wine, one drink alone, one month alone.

After leaving from the small awning, returned to his tent, Feng Moyu turned over and over again and couldn't sleep, and finally got up and sipped a pot of wine to hurt the spring and the fall.

The pale little face in his mind was lingering.

What's unforgettable is that when he was about to pick him up and hug him, Xiao Waer refused silently. Seeing Xiaowa's reliance on the uncle, I don't know why he thought of his childhood.

At that time, he was also fatherless and motherless. He started to grow up under the protection of the uncle at the age of two. He may be even more dependent on the uncle than Qiqi.

Only through the same experience can we be more empathetic.

He had a different feeling for Qiqi.

It is a pity that since his childhood, his parents were weak, and he was careful when he was a child, so he couldn't tell what his feelings for Qiqi was.

The only certainty is that he could not be a good dad, so it would be better to let Qiqi continue to follow Huangshu and Huanglu. And even if he acknowledged the son, the little baby might not acknowledge him.

Not everyone wants to be a prince.

"Don't sleep so late, what are you thinking?" A question came suddenly from his side.

Feng Moyu looked at Mingyue and smiled coldly, "I think someone like me might not know how to be a father in this life."

Feng Yi approached slowly and sat down beside Feng Moyu. He even held a hip flask in his hand and touched the hip flask in his hand. "I never knew how to be a father and mother when I was born, not all in that position. Did you learn slowly later? "

Feng Mochi looked silent for a moment, and suddenly looked at her, "Have you ever thought about one day when you suddenly had a child?"

Feng Yi shook his head, "No."

There was a depression and self-deprecation in her tone that she did not notice.

It is impossible for her to have a child of her own life, nor is it possible for her to be a mother-in-law that day.

"Think now? Think about it without breaking the law." Feng Mozhen thought for a while, "If I suddenly became a father, I don't know if I can do as well as Uncle Huang. Make one ... majestic, let The child's convincing father, which makes the child extremely trusted. "

He is very envious of the emperor.

It was more than six o'clock, without breaking faith, and was stuck. Go to bed, good morning goblins.

(End of this chapter)

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