Chapter 1557: Treat Me As An Envoy?

Croton wrote his own copy and turned to see what Red Bean and Qiqi wrote, and immediately fry it.

"Brother is too much trouble, was taught by father and mother, like a **** defeated ?!"

"Juchi, what kind of dumpling is this dumpling? Why does it have the word croton on top of it ?!"

"Is it a sister or a sister? Is it a brother or not? You do n’t write about grandfathers. You write about my funeral? I still boast about you in the letter! You wait!"

The awning rushed into a ball, and the laughter and roar converged.

That lively rapport makes everyone laugh.

"Uncle Huang, after visiting the workshop tomorrow, Nanling and Fengyue will formally sign a deed. At that time, things here are still settled. I will set off for Nanling as soon as possible. You and Huangxi can come with me. Go back together? "Feng Moyu asked.

Feng Qingbai shook his head, "After coming out for so long, things have come one after another, and it is better to say that they are out to travel. It is better to say something to solve the problem. Now that everything has basically settled down, I will take Croton around for a while. Take a walk and relax. They will return to Beijing when they are seven. "

At the age of seven, the royal children formally entered the Imperial College for instruction.

Feng Mo was stunned, "There is still one more year, I am waiting for the return of Huangshu and Huanglu in Beijing."

Liu Yusheng knew about Feng Qingbai's plan and had no objection.

Children are getting older year by year, and they do n’t have much time to take their children.

When Croton and Red Beans grow up with the seven or seven, you do n’t need your father and mother to talk around and control them all the time. At that time, it was their world.

"Where is that left?" Feng Moyu thought of the tortured woman and asked again.

"Left-handed is just a chess piece. Once it falls in our hands, Zuo Rong will not come to save her. She is already an abandoned child. It is useless there, and it is not useful to us." There will be no more people in the future. "

"What secrets are still in Qiqi? Probably only the Holy Witches know, this matter can not be anxious, we can only take it slowly." Liu Yusheng also said.

The two men nodded, and the brief conversation ended here.

Xia Wei, the hidden guard will report from the left-handed things, as expected by the wind Cypress, no value at all.

After Leo left Nanling that year, he fled around, and was finally found by Zuo Rong and taken to Xiliang, where he was trained for a while. But that's all.

The core things she couldn't reach at all and could only act on orders.

Marginalized, so ready to be discarded.

For Rx, Zuo Rong may still have a couple of feelings. After all, the only left in the left house is their grandparents.

But compared to right and ambition, the left-handedness has become negligible.

And the news from Fengyue Wang Fengling, Zuo Rong escaped from Fengyue as soon as possible after the defeat of the Frontier Government, and has never appeared since.

An old fox.

On the third day of the vein, Nanling and Fengyue signed a contract to share the proportion of the vein, and the two countries formally established diplomatic relations.

It was finally settled and everyone relaxed.

King Fengyue hosted a banquet in the county government of Zi County, and the monarchs and officials celebrated the relationship between Nanling and Fengyue.

Emperor Nanling and Emperor Nanling attended the event.

On the fourth day, King Fengyue headed back to the capital, and separated in Nan County and Nanling King in Zi County.

"My dear, where are we going next? We have been here for so long, Dongyue, Beicang, and Fengyue. Have we gone to other small capitals?" After two days After adjustment, Croton was resurrected with blood, and was waiting for the next stop.

Feng Mo slaps him, "Do you really think you are a croton out to swim in the mountains and rivers? You came out to learn your insights, and don't keep hanging around all day."

"Brother, are you jealous of me because you didn't have to play when you were a kid?"

"Who is jealous of you? I teach you that you don't listen, and your father must have thrown you back when you turned around."

"You're just jealous. You still learn from me. Look at how many years you've been sneaking out? Dad, the emperor is not an emperor. He owes lessons."

Feng Moyu blew old blood on his chest.

This little ancestor, the revenge heart is also leveraged, blue out of blue!

Liu Yusheng patted the head of the little guy with his hand, "Cousin is also an elder, don't be too big or too young."

"Mother, my cousin is obviously an elder ... an elder! Where shall we go next?"

Liu Yusheng smiled and looked at Feng Qingbai, "This one has to ask your father, my mother doesn't know where to go."

Feng Qingbai raised the letter in his hand, "I heard Xue Qinglian was blasted out of the compound by my grandma. I will take you to see his end."

Everyone, "..." Grandpa's tone could no longer be gloating.

"Uncle, otherwise I'll follow you ..."

"You go back to Nanling and tell you that Uncle Xia has pleaded guilty."

One word snoring the wind ink. In short, he couldn't follow along to play.

"After returning, let you know that Uncle Xia wrote a letter with the Holy Witch House, and I need to make sure you did go back."

"……Got it."

Croton was on the side with Red Bean and Qiqi Pestle, and smiled strangely, making the root of the wind tickle with irritation.

Feng Qingbai and Liu Yusheng personally sent Feng Moyu to Fengyue Pier, and accidentally saw Feng Yi waiting there.

"I heard that the emperor is going to return to Nanling today, so the emperor ordered me to come and see him off. The emperor, all the way."

Feng Moyu stepped closer, stood in front of Feng Yi, and glanced at Feng Yi. Visually, this guy was half shorter than him.

Dressed in a heroic outfit, she couldn't find a little femininity all over her, no wonder she had cheated everyone.

"You can do it for yourself."

Knowing what he meant, Feng Yi nodded, his eyes grateful.

"Also, remember what I said. Since I know you as a friend, it is difficult to protect you."

"Thank you."

Can't say any more. Feng Moyu and his uncle stared at him, and set foot on the ship back to Nanling.

After sending Feng Moyu away, the family said goodbye to Feng Yi, and also left Fengyue by waterway, and went to the former West Liangbian City to Shengwuzhai.

The holy witch tribe, the puppet doctor tribe, these two tribes have never appeared in the eyes of the world for decades, and they have been concealed by Xiliang strictly.

It wasn't until Feng Qingbai assigned the Holy Witches to Nanling that the Holy Witches really came out. As another mysterious tribe with the same name as the holy witch tribe, the Qiang tribe gradually became known to the world.

Feng Qingbai said that he wanted to see Xue Qinglian's miserable appearance. In fact, he wanted to take the children to see the mystery of this tribe.

In April, the wind is beautiful.

There was a squatting figure in front of a bamboo building in Shengwuzhai, holding his cheeks in one hand, biting the grass roots and lazily.

"Let me go plowing? Little sparrow, are you sure you said the right thing? Do you treat me like a cow?"

"Don't you say you're a cow or a horse?"

Xue Qinglian spit out the grass roots in her mouth and squinted her teeth. He hoped that time would go back, then he must immediately recall the words he had said.

Big Orange went to take a bath, came back to continue writing, and owed a chapter 2 regular update. Good night goblins.

(End of this chapter)

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