Chapter 1561 But He Didn't Have A Choice

The elders were angry, Qianyu's elder sister had a long heart, Qianliu's sigh, and the villagers' hatred of iron and steel, intertwined and overlapped in Qianyi's mind, and the steps of leaving gradually became heavy.

"What did you do? When you went out, you were in high spirits. When you came back, you scratched your head and got mad?"

Back at the Bamboo Tower, a lazy voice suddenly appeared from above.

Qian Yi looked up, and saw the man lying on the top of the courtyard wall, with one foot hanging down and dangling, just like his people, he was lazy at all times, without a shape, and didn't care about anything.

After just glancing at Qianyi, he retracted his gaze, opened the courtyard door and went back silently.

Xue Qinglian frowned and sat up.

The little sparrow isn't right, doesn't hesitate?

He became more and more indifferent to him.

This doesn't feel right.

"Little sparrow, I didn't have enough food just now, do you have something to eat for me?" Raising his throat and shouting into the room, there was no response at all, Xue Qinglian frowned even more.

Waited a while and shouted again, "Little sparrow, my clothes are dirty. Did the clothes I washed yesterday dry? Take them for me and change them. There are no clean clothes to spare."

He still didn't respond. The whole yard only had his own shout. The people in the house didn't know what he was doing, just ignored him.

Strange, he stepped on her tail today?

"When people are talking to you, it ’s very impolite for you not to answer. Do you know? What are you bothering with? There is no rice or vegetables in the house? Can I buy some money in town? , I said you make a squeak. Usually, it's annoying and annoying. It's time you talk instead of snoring. What are you doing? "

Jumping off the wall, Xue Qinglian walked towards Qian Yi's room.

He had to ask what was going on.

There are only two of them in this bamboo building. I usually look up and don't see my head down. It would be boring to meet the silent one.

As a result, before the man came to the door of the room, he saw a figure slamming inside, closing the door in front of his face, and falling off the bolt, making it clear that he was refused to enter.

Xue Qinglian, "..."

Fuck him, what did he do?

Suddenly he was disgusted with this look, so why give him a reason?

"What dissatisfaction you say in front of me, what's the matter of closing the door silently? Our Liu family compound doesn't have this rule!"

After speaking, I listened intently, for fear of leaking the movements inside, and I was completely silent.

The people inside played the word Silence is golden to the extreme, and for the first time completely ignored him.

Xue Qinglian's heart climbed into a irritability.

Looking at the closed door, his eyes darkened, and he left without saying a word.

He didn't know what Qian Yi was thinking, nor did he know what he was thinking.

He has never been a patient to coax others, but if he comes together, he disperses. If he has lived for thirty years, he has always been like this.

He has never thought about change until now.

But what he has done recently has broken his principles.

Not only did he chase Qian Yi back to the Holy Witch Village, but in the strange eyes of so many villagers, he has reached the present.

He didn't know what he was for.

Apologize for the Tao, forgive the sentence? It seems, and it seems not.

Does he like Qian Yi? It's definitely not annoying, but he likes it and he's not sure.

In front of Qian Yi, he didn't feel agitated. But I don't know when it started. As for this person's existence, he seems to have started to get used to it.

Get used to her being behind him like a little tail, get used to her always huddling around him.

Once a habit is formed, it is more difficult to quit it than it was to get used to it.

He also wanted to understand what kind of emotion Qian Qian was. But he didn't know much.

Cynical and game world is his attitude towards life.

But at the same time, he has always been self-contained. If it hadn't happened from Qian Yi, he would have even thought that he was still a boy.

That kind of relationship happened with Qian Yi. Everyone said that Qian Yi lost, and said that he had taken advantage of it ... Xue Qinglian raised her lips and laughed at herself.

If he could choose, he would never take that advantage.

But he had no choice, and no one would ask him if he was upset.

No one thinks men will get hurt when they encounter such things, and they will be overwhelmed.

In the eyes of others, he is the one who is cheap and sells well.

Back to his room on the second floor, standing in front of the window, watching the April sun slowly falling west, and finally a fiery red sunset remained. Xue Qinglian remained motionless all afternoon, and Xia Guang reflected in his eyes, her eyes faint and unpredictable.

It wasn't until the last ray of skylight was swallowed up by darkness, and there was a quiet start downstairs, Xue Qinglian turned away from the room and walked to the yard.

"Qian Yi, let's talk."

In the courtyard, Xue Qinglian opened his mouth to see the man who turned around and wanted to run.

There are big problems between them, he knows, she knows.

They had talked about it before, but the two of them were actually hiding and deliberately avoiding each other, and they didn't talk about the result at all.

While he was trying to change, she suddenly left the Liu family compound again, and his attempt was interrupted.

"Is there anything to talk about?" Qian Yi lowered his head and broke his grip. "I'll cook."

"Are you going to keep going like this? Just hide when you see me and say nothing? Do you want me to leave?" Holding the woman's wrist again, forcing her to face to face, Xue Qinglian concealed anger, "If you do to me Dissatisfied, you can point it out frankly. Qian Yi, I am also studying. "

Qian Yi paused.

"I'm not trying to be responsible. I know that you've been hurt especially in this matter. If you must be married, you can be married, but we can get married, but is that what you want? Just get married?"

His words finally made Qian Yi look up, looking at him, his eyes shaking, his eyes blanked.

"I ..." Opened his mouth, Qian Yi found that he didn't even know what to say.

She saw seriousness and anger in his eyes.

And she didn't understand that she was the one who was wronged, why was he angry?

The thought of the word wronged, buried in my heart for a long time, was suddenly out of control, and slowly burst out from my heart to the bottom of my eyes, and the tears fell down.

The tears were burning and hit Xue Qinglian's hand. At that moment, his heart shrank suddenly, and his hand quickly retracted as if burned.

"I don't mean to make you unhappy." He wanted to explain.

"Then what do you mean? After coming here, I feel that I have paid a huge price. Should I be grateful to Ded?" Choked, she asked.

Sorry, little fairies, I wanted to explode today. Cavan was serious. Just a little bit. There are probably two chapters before twelve. Do not change tomorrow, children start school tomorrow, to register.

(End of this chapter)

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