Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1563: I'm going to prepare a gift for you! (3)

Chapter 1563 Prepare For Your Gift (3)

She also likes him, but she is afraid that she has no strength to like it anymore.

After the enthusiasm is exhausted, everything will be cold.

And she didn't know how long she had to wait before he might like her.

When he first came, she was very happy. But now, she suddenly lost all confidence in herself.

She didn't think she couldn't beat it.

Looking at her, she lost her aura when she smiled, and the elder kept silent for a long time.

In the end, Qianyu took Qianyi into her arms and patted her back, "Then you won't wait for him. You will be the same Qianyi as before, carefree, free from trouble, OK?"

Just go back to that time, when Qian Yi was happiest.

Thousands of words fell on her shoulders, and Qian Yi nodded gently.

The elder sighed softly.

Every time you cry, you grow.

She would rather have Qian Yi always be pure and worry-free, so that she would not have to experience the pain of growth.

The woman left the Presbyterian House half an hour later.

After she left the yard for a long distance, a tall figure came out around the corner of the yard, and she hung behind her, walking in the same direction as the woman.

The eyes staring at her back were deep and gloomy.

The sobbing sound from the courtyard at that time reminded him of the feeling of tears falling on the back of his hand that day, and it was hot enough to burn people.

He had hardly ever seen her cry, and she smiled mostly in front of him. He didn't know that she would cry.

Xue Qinglian did not return to the Bamboo House that day.

The lights in the bamboo tower turned on until midnight.

It took three days for Xue Qinglian to browse through all the bookstores in the border city, but when I saw it, I bought all the books.

Nestled in the inn, turning those words from beginning to end, he didn't find anything useful to him.

On this day, the door of the inn room was opened from the outside, and Jinguang's brother-in-law shook the fan and walked in. "Oh, hey, Wei Orange said that I didn't believe you when I saw you in the border town. It turned out to be you? Have you been kicked out? You said that you are a good man. You live so much that you hate it. Why are you so unpopular? Brother, you should reflect on it. "

Stepping into the door of the room, gloating, and looking around the room that was flooded with words, Qian Wanjin blinked and pulled Xue Qinglian out of the sea of ​​books. "Buy so many words, are you going to write a note or plan to sing a big show? You all Too much of it? How scarce are you, you? "

"Go away! Grandpa is annoyed!" Throw away the words from the body, sweep the words from the bed to the ground, Xue Qinglian lay down.

In order to read these words, he hasn't closed his eyes for three days, and Piansheng even jumped out of his eyes to ridicule him, "Qian Wanjin, I'll tell you, my grandfather has mania without sleeping enough. Be careful Fists and eyes are not. "

"Fist and foot? You don't need to be poisoned? Use poison. The little man just ate a hundred poison pills before he came in." Squatting down and flipping those words away, he couldn't stand it with only two eyes of money and throw it away , "Fallen, depraved, you can see this kind of affectionate thing ... ain't right, Xue Qinglian, are you thinking of spring?"

With a bang, the book came out and buried all the money.

"You bastard, Lao Tzu cares about you. You deserve it! You deserve to be so down! Lao Tzu is gone!"

"Ma Liu!"

"I'm going to Shengwuzhai!" This mouth couldn't be opened. There are hundreds of mouths in Shengwuzhai. Someone always knows what nerves Xue Qinglian has.

Qian Wanjin failed to get out of the room this time and was pulled back by a brute force.

"Don't you just want to gossip?"

"Yes," Qian Wanjin admitted bravely.

"I told you personally, don't you make trouble?"

"Wait for you, you say, Grandpa listens."

Xue Qinglian rubbed her eyebrows. What are the things he knows, none of them are normal!

"Tell you simple, you answer my question first, how did you know you liked your daughter-in-law?"

"..." Qian Wanjin twitched his lips, looked at the full textbook, and then looked at Xue Qinglian, who was inquisitive, and snorted. "If you make such a big deal, you won't just want to know if you like it Little sparrow, right? "

Xue Qinglian defaults.

"... Xue Qinglian, why don't you throw yourself into the medicine oven and rebuild it? You are in your thirties, you do n’t even know if you like it or not? You have never liked anyone before?"

Xue Qinglian didn't say a word.

Looking at each other, Qian Wanjin's face twitched.

What is it good for him to say? What he says reveals his ignorance.

Damn he didn't know how he knew he liked small stones!

That wasn't chased after him by small stones. Later he pushed halfway!

"You, you, just ask yourself, if you would like to marry her! If you are willing, you will definitely like her. If you do not want to, get out early and don't scourge a good girl!" Qian Wanjin Poking gave himself a thumbs up, and the answer was simply too clever. It was indeed a worthy brain that turned quickly.

"Whether you like it or not, something like that happened. If she must hold me accountable, I will also be responsible." Xue Qinglian frowned, and this was where he struggled. Is he forced to like Qianyi for being responsible, or is he responsible because he likes Qianyi?

"What if that person is not Qian Yi, or another woman?"

"Get out of your way!" If he could be defiled by anyone, would he still have dry hair? Kill yourself directly, so as not to be ashamed!

"Nana, look at your own reaction, Ang, look at it yourself!" Qian Wanjin dragged a copper mirror from the side and placed it in front of Xue Qinglian. "Look at yourself as a dead man. Raise other women. You are so disgusted, you have nothing to think about. Hurry up and pack yourself and find Qian Yi to marry. You two will be able to return to the compound.

Patting the man on the shoulder, Qian Wanjin got up and went out.


"I'm going to prepare a gift for you! Your uncle, I've spent a lot of time with mold before spreading your brother like this, and ruined the fortune to match your marriage!"

Sitting on the bed, watching Jin leave, Xue Qinglian smiled lightly on his face, "Damn, your second uncle."

I haven't slept for three days, I couldn't hold my eyes open, and I was disturbed by Qian Wanjin's coldness. Now I feel a little sleepless.

Looking around the room full of clutter, and a pile of words being lost everywhere, Xue Qinglian's smile widened.

As Qian Wanjin said, there is something to think about and what needs to be determined.

From the heart.

If he had no intention of Qian Yi, he would not come here, even in the beginning, he would not let Qian Yi follow him back to the Liu family courtyard.

It's been clear for a long time that he found it too late.

Good night, goblins.

(End of this chapter)

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