Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1570: Auntie you are so nice! (Purple buds outside)

Chapter 1570: Aunt Hong, you are so good! (Purple buds outside)

She missed him so much.

The prince and the queen would go home and write with the little masters, afraid that their elders would worry about them.

Uncle Wei went out with the Prince and Princess for so long, but didn't even write a letter to her.

Is he afraid she can't understand?

She's literate, doesn't he remember?

Or is Uncle Wei not wanting her at all?

The last thought made Liu Bu feel more lonely and sad.

Just like the half of a red duck egg in the sky, she was so bleak at sunset.

"Oh, hey! A letter is back! Mu Qiu, read to Grandma, was it written by Ai or Xiu?"

"The timing of the letter is just right. We happened to have dinner. Look at the letter from the children. I feel good and sleep soundly, hahaha!"

A noise came from the front yard, and the compound received a letter again.

Hugging the trunk, Willow bud was crying. Does Uncle Wei really forget that there is a willow bud in the Liu Family Courtyard?

"Oh, this is for Liu Ya! Where is Liu Ya, where is it? Come on, there is your letter!"

The shout of Mrs. Liu from the front yard came. Liu Ya froze, then turned and flew to the front yard. "Come, Madam Liu, I'm here!"

letter! Have her letter! Uncle Wei must have written to her!

"Slow down, the letter won't run here again, so do something in a hurry and be careful."

Because of a letter, the whole little face of the woman lit up, and Mrs. Liu opened her mouth, and even the Empress Dowager smiled slightly.

Eyes were fixed on the letter in Mrs. Liu's hand, and Liuya was so excited that she clasped her clothes in her hands. "Old lady, believe ... I, I want to read the letter first."

"I'll give it to you, I'll see you in a hurry." Wife Liu could not help but pass the letter to Liuya.

On the envelope, a few small fonts read Willow buds. The letter had not been opened, and it was only a thin layer in the hands, not thick. But it was enough that Liu Ya grinned happily.

Two red clouds floated on his face, and Liu Ya covered the letter in his heart and turned away. This looks ridiculed by the old lady and grandfather behind.

I ran under the bitter Cambodian tree again, and sat with my back against the trunk. In the afterglow of the setting sun, Liu Ya carefully opened the envelope and took out the letter inside.

After seeing the typeface clearly, the smile full of face disappeared, disappointed.

The beginning of the letter was the word "my sister". This was not a letter from Uncle Wei to her. It was written to her by a family member. She recognized the typeface on the stationery, which was the handwriting of her sister, Willow Leaf.

"Liu Ya, what did you write on that letter? How do you look at your unhappy look, what happened?" Mrs. Liu and others were still joking in the hall, and saw the little girl who had just ran away for a while and returned , And the look on his face was completely different before, he was worried and asked.

"Old lady, this is a letter from my sister at home. She said she was going to marry and wanted me to go back and help for a few days and drink her wedding drink by the way." Liuya bit her lip. "And I have been in Xinghua Village for so long I never went back to see my father and mother. Taking this opportunity, I also wanted to accompany them for a few days, so I wanted to take a vacation with two old ladies. "

"Your sister is going to marry? Is it Willow Yeah? Hey, you have to go back to see the happy events in your family, and you really haven't seen it for a long time." Madam Liu exclaimed, looked to the Queen Mother, and She negotiated, "Wife, you are the master of Liuya. You still have to nod your head. If you want, let her go back for a few days. You need help here. There are a few helpers for me and Xiulan Cuckoo. . Liuya child ... "

The Queen Mother interrupted her without waiting for her to finish her speech. "There is something at home, and it's okay to go back for the leave. I'm so impersonal that I can stop this? But go early and return early."

"Yes, Liu Ya thanked the old lady."

The queen queen said hum, and turned to his wife, Liu Liu. "Do n’t call me my wife. Why are you all called a wife?

"No, we don't just call an elderly woman called an old lady here.

"You have to be angry with me!"

"Surely not!"

The two stunned each other daily.

Because time was running out, Liuya had to go home overnight, and although Xinghua Village was not far from Xuzhou Chuanjiu Village, it took more than four hours to ride a horse-drawn carriage. Therefore, here on the side of the compound, Wei Hong personally escorted Liu Ya back, lest a girl's house walk along the road, what would happen accidentally. Willow buds are beautiful and are most likely to be targeted by the bad guys.

With the orders of the old ladies, Wei Hong had no responsibilities and immediately pulled the carriage to take Liuya home.

The two had lived together in the compound for so long. Liu Ya was no stranger to Wei Hong. When he stayed with her, he was not so cautious and timid. And because Wei Hong was once a subordinate of Wei Zi, this layer of relationship exists, and Liu Bu feels more kind to Wei Hong.

Love House and Black.

"Aunt Hong, do you know where Uncle Wei has been? How long will it take before he can come back?" After getting in the carriage, Liu Ya couldn't control himself and asked Wei Hong about Uncle Wei.

"I don't know, the boss didn't send a letter to inform him that everything depends on the itinerary of Princess Wang."

"So ... have you ever received a letter from Uncle Wei with Uncle Lan?"


Liuya was disappointed for a while, "Why didn't Uncle Wei even contact you? Aren't you brothers born and dying?"

Uncle Wei does n’t even have to contact her. Why is n’t he even uncle Red Aunt Lan?

"Hidden guards have the duty of hidden guards. Unless the master and son explain, the hidden guards will not pass messages to each other in private." Hearing the discomfort in the girl's tone, Wei Hong explained briefly.

"I know."

The sound coming from the carriage was unbroken, and it sounded even more uncomfortable.

Wei Hong is helpless.

She helped to give people away, did she still have to help coax people?

Continue to drive the carriage, Wei Hong decided to close her ears, pretending not to hear the movement behind. She couldn't help such things.

"Uncle Red, Uncle Wei is a hidden guard, can't write back in private, can I write to him? It's fine if he doesn't return, as long as he can receive it. Will he be punished by Wang Ye?"

Behind him was the voice of a young girl, who went right into Wei Hong's ears. .

Wei Hong sighed, this girl really racked her brains and wanted to lean on the boss.

"Aunt Hong, isn't it OK?"

"It's not totally impossible, although I can't send a message to the boss in private, but when I'm sending it to the princess, I can help you to repeat a sentence or two in the letter. The princess sees it and should tell the boss." As I get older, my heart is better.

"Really, Aunt Red?" The carriage curtain was pulled open by the girl, and people crawled to her side, her eyes were shining. "Aunt Red, you are so good! Then you can help me to send a message now? it is good?!"

Wei Hong's mouth twitched, and she looked around at the dark black paint. In such a place, the girl asked her to help him spread the message? Are you ill?

Kakaka, Kakaka!

(End of this chapter)

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