Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1572: She was the next best choice before choosing her (Purple Fanwai)

Chapter 1572: Retreating Secondly Before Choosing Her (Purple Buddies)

Liu Ye said this, it was tantamount to turning the wicker rounding field into obscurity, and he had to wait for others.

The other three willow families in the hall, including willow roots and willow branches, were dissatisfied when they looked at the willow leaves.

It's just because the guests are not good at attacking before, they can only tolerate the anger.

"Buer, let's go," Yanzhi said, "You go to boil water and wait for tea to be made by your mother. You haven't come back for so long. I don't know where you put the tea.

"Yes, my dear, I'm going to boil water." After breaking his wrist, Liu Ya immediately saluted and retreated.

During this period, the Chai family always smiled and looked at her.

"Chai son, please sit down slowly. I will go to the stove and watch it. I will make a good pot of tea later." After dismissing Willow Bud, Liu Zhi laughed at Chai son again.

The son of the Chai family busily got up and waved his hand. "My father-in-law and mother-in-law can call me Chai Gang, and soon we will be a family, so we don't have to be so talented to see each other."

"Okay, you sit first." Willow branch smiled and pulled over the willow leaves standing beside him. "Yeer, come and give your mother a hand."

Could not help but drag the willow leaves out.

Out of the hall, at the corner of no one, Willow Branch suddenly stopped and turned and glared at Willow Leaf.

"Mother, what are you doing so hard, it hurts me." Rubbing his red wrists, Liu Ye complained.

"You do n’t know how scared your sister is. You actually asked her to make tea to greet guests? Yeer, you have done too much this time! What do you think of your sister!"

"Mother, what do you think? You think too much. I just wanted to see Ge Er working in the Liu Family Courtyard, so I wanted to let her show her face, so that the Chai family in the town would be. So I will marry in the future, even if If there is something that is not done well, they will avoid the willow family, and they will be more tolerant of me. "Liu Ye looked down, grieved," The mother has also been a concubine, would you not know the difficulties of being a concubine, especially with her? Between father-in-law and mother-in-law. Our family is a domestic slave and has a low status. People like Chai Gongzi can look after me, not because we lean on the Liu family? I can only do this to ensure that I have not been bullied to death in the past. "

"You ..." she said without a reason. Liu Zhizheng didn't know how to refute for a moment, and finally sighed in vain.

"Mother, don't worry, I'm Geer's elder sister, and I can't harm her? Furthermore, Geer works in the Liu family and leans against the mountains, and no one dares to offend her." After that, Liu Ye took his mother's arms , "Let's go, let's make tea first."

There are three mothers and daughters in the stove room. They make a fire, boil water, make tea, and cooperate very well.

But the atmosphere was very dull, a pot of tea was brewed, and the mother and daughter did not talk for a few words.

In the end, the tea was brought up by switchgrass and willow leaves. Willow buds were ordered to return to the room to rest.

After seeing her mother and her sister go far, Liu Ya left the stove room, bypassed the front hall, and walked along the backyard path. Unconsciously, she came to a yard.

After going back to God, I realized that I had walked to the room where Uncle Wei had previously slept.

He sent her back from Beijing that time, and it was too late. At that time, she was secretly pleased that it was so late that Uncle Wei would not be able to leave, so that she could stay with him for another day.

Who knows, he only lived half a night, and left quietly at midnight, leaving no words for her.

Putting his head on the column of the upper porch, Liu Ya chanted himself softly. "The man wants to be in the Quartet, and the business is the most important thing. The man wants to be in the Quartet ..."

Uncle Wei is a big man, and he is also a royal guardian. It is proper to focus on tasks and duties first.

Only the youngest daughter has a long-term relationship with her children.

She couldn't hang around Uncle Wei, she just had to obediently wait for him back in the compound.

"You're Liuya?"

A sudden sound behind him startled Liu Ya and he turned around and saw the Chai family son standing in front of her with a slight smile.

Willow buds turned pale.

It was not until this moment that she discovered that even though she had stayed in the Liu Family Courtyard for so long, the whole person had changed, but what happened at the beginning was always a shadow that could not be erased from her heart.

In the face of strangers, she can never do it calmly.

"Oh, I heard Willow say that you are very brave." The man stepped back for two steps and smiled, "But don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person. I just walked out with Willow and walked by accident, just happened to be When I saw you here, I came over to say hello. When I become a close friend of your sister, it's your brother-in-law. It's a family. You don't need to be afraid of me. "

Panic and bowed his head, Liu Yafu hurriedly fled after a ceremony.

The voice of the man behind him was like a shadow. "My name is Chai Gang. See you next time. My sister Geer can call me Chai Gang."

Liu Ya walked more hurriedly, his heart beating like a rattle, and he was so anxious that he could hear tinnitus.

When the girl disappeared, Chai slowly walked out of the yard and looked at the willow leaves appearing from the corner. "The courage is so small, I dare not even say a word, it is really rare. So I want to How to communicate with her? "

Liu Ye stepped forward with a small smile, "In the future, you will be her brother-in-law. As a family, my sister will naturally not be the same as you are now. However, don't make any crooked ideas. My sister is blessed and is now in The old Mrs. Liu family was waiting, and I heard that the old lady was very fond. If you offend her, think about whether your entire Chai family can handle it. "

"Is this true or false?" Raising his hand and pinching Willow Yee's chin, Chai Gang smiled. "I said beauties, have you forgotten our agreement? Now come back and warn me falsely. Who should I show it to? "

"Huh," Liu Ye turned and broke away from the man's hand. "Is it a false warning, it depends on what Chai Gongzi thinks. You do n’t know who is behind my sister. You Chai family can't afford to offend. If she can follow you willingly, then the benefits of your Chai family are endless. "

"By then, Mrs. Chai, you will be even more decent. For your decent scenery, think about what you should do. Hehehehe ..."

The man walked away with a smile. Liu Ye looked back at his proud back, then turned to look at the small house where his family lived, his eyes slowly turned to cold.

The first person the Chai family wanted to propose was Liu Ya.

Because she was afraid of offending the Liu Family Courtyard, she finally chose her second place.

As long as Liu Bu is present, she will never be seen last.

Even if Liu Ya wasn't clean, she couldn't reach her everywhere, and still lived better than her, and still more valuable than her.

A mother compatriot, obviously two sisters, why their lives are so different?

Since she couldn't climb up, she pulled the willow buds down.

Step on her shoulder!

Taking a deep breath, the distorted expression was gathered, and Liu Ye walked towards the small house where he lived.

Good night goblins.

(End of this chapter)

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