Chapter 1582 Marry Aunt (Apartment From Purple Buds)

"Dad, mother, brother, Geer, why are you so shocked and angry? But let Geer be the one to marry and maiden to send me to marry, what's to be fussed about?" Gathered the skirt of the red wedding dress, willow leaves light Laughing, "I don't want to swell my face and be fat, I have to make a show for myself. But the Chai family is a big family in the county. I can't make a joke. My young lady is too shabby. Father, mother, you are willing to give even dowry. I am so good at provisioning, but now I just let Geer take me some way, but this does n’t work? Geer is your daughter, I am also your daughter. Being partial and not partial to me and not to mention, I ’m so worthy of your trust, Do you think I would hurt her with my bud? "

"You know what's going on in Geer. She can't show up in a crowded place. You still want her to marry you now. Willow, you're hardly a strong man!" Wicker scolded.

Liu Ye immediately retorted, "The Liu Family Courtyard comes and goes with dozens of people every day. She can stay there safely and securely. I'm her dear sister. If I let her accompany me for a ride, what will I do? All right, it's extraordinarily precious in front of oneself! "

"You! Unreasonable!"

"I want her to say she doesn't expect me at all!"

"I'll go." Liuya closed her eyes and said softly.

She didn't want her brother to quarrel with her sister for such a big day, and didn't want to make her father and mother angry.

As soon as she spoke, the quarrel ceased immediately.

"Buer ..." Willow and Willow's wife looked at the daughter, saying nothing but distressing.

The palms and backs of the hands are all meat, and the willow leaves are so noisy that they didn't know what to do for a while.

Wicker sank his face aside and clenched his fists.

There are four families in the whole room, and only the willow leaves are smiling. "I know that Geer will care about the sisters. Geer, my sister is here to thank you. You can rest assured, just letting you marry, not as a dowry maid, You will be able to return when I enter the Chai's door. And there are big brothers in the same company, and no one will bully you. Besides, the big brother is not here, because you are mixed in the Liu family courtyard. Don't give you face? Isn't it? "

Willow buds bowed his head and said nothing.

The laughter of the woman in her ear fell into her ear for the first time, so harsh.

The welcoming team was outside the gate of the farm, and the dispute ended. The willows and willows went out to meet with the wicker.

Before leaving the new house, Wicker looked at the willow leaves that had been covered with red hijab and whispered, "Yeer, when did you start and we don't know each other?"

Then the footsteps left.

Under the cover of the hijab, the willow leaves were expressionless, with delicately painted eyes, cold.

She hasn't changed.

It's just that no one cares how she feels.

Liu Ya was hurt. She didn't feel bad about Liu Ya, but she couldn't let her do it all her life because of this.

The whole family always turns around the willow buds. The first thing that comes to mind is the willow buds. Everything is done carefully for fear that the willow buds will be injured a little bit.

What about her?

Wouldn't she be hurt?

Since some things could not be expected, she went for it by herself. What was wrong?

Joy was outside the door, and then there was noise.

The bridegroom officer came over.

"Mal, please open the door when you knock on the door later. The identity of our small door is humble, and we are not qualified to take Joe from others."

(End of this chapter)

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