Chapter 1587 Breaking Into The Mansion (Outside Purple Buds)

The sound of horseshoe stopped abruptly in front of Chaifu.

On the horse, the tall man stepped off the horse and ran straight in.

"Hey, who are you? Can you have an invitation?" The gatekeeper saw someone coming in and hurried forward to stop.

The caller fluttered away.

This is when someone wants to break into the mansion. Someone makes trouble in the days when the great master is overjoyed. If they can't stop people, they will have to take full responsibility.

"Come on and stop him!"

The concierge shouted, and dozens of nursing homes swarmed from all directions in an instant.

The guests did not leave at the banquet hall, and they stood up and watched in such a battle. They didn't understand what happened.

Surrounded by people, Wei Zi walked forward as if he hadn't seen it, straight into the hall.

The nursing yard that surged up, but everything that hit him flew out.

A good feast for the chickens and flying dogs attracted the heads of Chaifu and their families.

"Bold, who are you and why did you break into my Chai Mansion!" Father Chai was full of anger, and at the same time he had fear in his eyes.

It can be seen that there is nothing in the surrounding nursing homes, and those who break in straight are definitely not inferior.

No such person could be found throughout the county.

The Chai family is not a well-known personage. Before understanding the details of the people, Mr. Chai dare not easily offend.

And from the man's whole body momentum and manner, we can see that this person's identity will never be simple.

Ordinary gates, nursing homes are ordinary skills, most of them are used to bluff people. After suffering a big loss, he was hurt by a hit, so he didn't dare to rush forward to make a deal, only to surround him not far and close to maintain his face.

Wei Zi walked straight to Father Chai, gazed at him, and raised his hand to reveal a token.

The word "Wind" was engraved on it.

Country surname!

Father Chai was suddenly frightened to sweat coldly, and his legs were soft.

"Big adult, dare, dare to ask about the house and what happened?" Guo surname, this kind of token is only available in the royal family, people in small towns, once in their lifetime, they are lucky to have three lives.

The surrounding guests also reported an uproar. I did not expect that the man who broke into the mansion turned out to be a royal family member!

Everyone's gaze at Wei Zi changed immediately.

There is enthusiasm, awe, and different minds.

"Where is Liuya?" Wei Zi said, asking.

"Willow willow buds? Willow buds! Hurry, hurry! Go and invite the girl Willow!" The other party is here to ask someone!

Father Chai's face was faintly pale, and he quickly ordered the female relatives to call people.

"Slow!" She drank softly, drank the person in front of the hall, and then the bride walked out of the backyard in a wedding gown, and her eyes fell on Wei Zi. "Liu Ye has met Master Wei, and did not expect today To become married, to have Master Wei come in person, Willow is flattered. "

Wei Zi rolled her eyes and looked at her coldly, "No need to talk nonsense, do you hand it over, or should I look for it myself?"

Liu Ye gave a look, and then laughed again. "Since Master Wei is so anxious, I will personally take my adult to find someone. My sister gave me a special marriage today. I know that she is not used to many people. A room was prepared for her to rest for a while. The person is in Qinghe Garden, but my bride is here when she first arrives. She is not familiar with all parts of Fuzhong and needs guidance. "

"Qingheyuan? I'm here, I'm here, I'll show you the way, Master please!" Upon hearing this, Mr. Chai rushed to the front and took the person himself.

The guests did not see enough of the excitement, and they were reluctant to let go of such a scene, and their hearts also wanted to take the opportunity to find an opportunity to have a friendship with Master Wei, so they followed almost all of them.

A mighty group of people went to Qingheyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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