Chapter 1601 Fanwai: This **** love (7)

The dining table of the Liu Family Courtyard has always been lively.

Even if more Duan Ting was defeated in the eyes of some people, he did not lower the rising atmosphere.

As for his identity, everyone at the table knows it, but no one deliberately mentions it.

The identity thing can't stir up a splash in the Liu family courtyard.

I have seen all kinds of big guys, and I have seen many more.

Compared to the regular shouting of the grandfather and the emperor, his name is directly called the young man, which is more cordial and smooth to the elders.

At the same time, it can easily eliminate the rustiness and distance that have not been seen for many years.

Here, everyone is the same ordinary person.

The people in Liu's courtyard looked as usual. Duan Ting sat in the seats, but his mood was repeatedly shaken.

If he remembered correctly, the silver-haired woman sitting diagonally opposite him was the queen queen who once had a relationship in the Nanling Palace!

There is also the old man holding the little girl doll beside the queen mother. Damn it is the famous Nanling War God Qin Xiao!

Not dead!

All other woes scared him in this compound! The two also gave birth to a baby!

The food was delicious. Duan Ting ate the same chew wax in his mouth, and his gaze was always uncontrollable.

The whole world dared to do such a thing that was hit by thunder and thunder, really, only Feng Qingbai.

He couldn't match the horse.


I just do n’t know if the Emperor Nanling first knew about this, would he be so angry that he would jump out of the emperor's tomb.

After countless baptisms of eyes, Feng Qingbai finally raised his eyes and looked at them slightly.

Duan Tingruo looks back without incident.

He will definitely not provoke this pervert.

He swears again.

"Uncle Duan, if you don't eat any more, you will have no food later. My second sister-in-law and Red Aunt and Uncle Lan grabbed so fiercely." Childish voice came, and Little Fat Dun reminded him with a small face beside him He kindly gave him a chicken head.

"Thank you," Duan Tingdao said.

Xiaofeidun sneered, "You're welcome." When Uncle Duan ate chicken, the whole table could have one less competitor.

Instantly, there was a shadow of chopsticks on the dining table. During this time, several crisp sounds of chopsticks striking each other were heard. After the chopsticks were retracted, a plate of chicken was fried with celery, leaving only celery.

Duan Ting closed his eyes and couldn't bear to look directly.

"Croton, pay attention to the table manners." Liu Yusheng snorted.

"Ma'am, this is the only thing I have at home. If you don't grab it, Eryi and Aunt Hong will not taste good." Croton pouted.

This is true.

There are no major events in the village on a weekday basis, and there are few trivial matters. The two heroes Er Er, Hong Ai, and Uncle Lan are useless. They can only display their skills on the dining table and use chopsticks to test the real skills.

If they don't grab it, they will be stunned.

Liu Yusheng turned his head, held his forehead, and sighed.

This atmosphere at home cannot be changed.

The girl had an irresistible appearance, amused the people at the table, and even Li Ruibai laughed with her lips raised.

The flashing laughter made Duan Ting blink. Since he became emperor, she has never shown a smiley face in front of him, not even a face.


The peasant family eats very fast, and they will not slow down and take care of themselves.

Big mouthfuls and big mouthfuls can be solved in a quarter of an hour after a meal.

In the end, there are three or two good wines. Hold the wine in the wine glass that you can't drink for a long time, peel a stack of peanuts, and drink while chatting.

This is another extreme, just a small cup, the masters can drink for half an hour, and there is still left in the last cup.

The ignorant leader of Bei Cang met.

(End of this chapter)

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