Chapter 1603 Fanwai: That **** love (9)

Li Ruibai returned to the room, feeling attentive.

She knows that the people in the compound are drunk by Duan Ting today. One is to cheer her up, and the other is to allow her ample time to think about it.

But he was sleeping next to her right now, so close that she couldn't calm her head.

When she was in Beicang, because of her business dealings with Qian's family, she often met him for a while and asked him to help him deliver letters to Nanling.

At first it was not intended.

Partially, she accidentally saw the loneliness of drinking on the moon alone, and her eyes were all desolate.

At that time she was standing behind him, and he turned back and smiled at her with a cool smile. "Looking at this for so long, you have fallen in love with the King? Don't, the King does not touch the good family women."

"Why?" It's not easy to say something, but she had forgotten the taboo at that time and asked if she should think of a sentence.

"Why? Because the King is crippled, let the good family women follow the King ... to stay alive and widow? Hehe! The King can't afford the same things as they want ... Hey! Why bother to follow in the footsteps of my mother-in-law? ... "

He is drunk.

Alone in a wheelchair, the wine bottle slipped from his hand to the floor, making a rumbling sound as he rolled.

Under the quiet moonlight, that person seemed more lonely.

She pushed him back to the room and helped him to the bed.

Then, the drunken person pulled it and used it as a mattress under him, unable to move.

If she spoke immediately at that time, if she didn't see the tears in his eyes at that time ... she might not escape here today.

Unfortunately, she thinks that the remnant is not the remnant.

The person she wanted to raise didn't need her at all.

In retrospect, the self-righteousness of those years was a joke.

How many times did he laugh at her in the back?

Withdrawing his eyes from that wall, Li Ruibai turned off the light and forced himself to sleep.

The next day, Duan Ting woke up with a headache.

He was rectified.

The health wine brewed by Fu Li himself will definitely not have such strong wine strength, and there will not be such a tormenting sequelae.

The altar wine was specially prepared for him.

Both the Nanling King and his wife are human beings. How long have they planned to rectify him this time?

Sitting on the bed with my head up, it took me a while to wake up, and then I heard the lively words coming out of the window.

It was his hoarse tone.

Duan Ting couldn't help walking to the bed and opened the window. From here, he could see the situation of the compound.

It was early in the morning, when the sun had just penetrated the dawn, and there was a hint of coolness in the air. In the courtyard, there were little children.

Aged one or two years old, ranging from six to seventy-eight.

With such a scattered age, I can play very lively together.

The older child is teaching the little baby to walk.

The women and women in the compound were squatting next to the children, and they were sometimes teased and laughed by the baby's coy attitude.

Among them was Li Ruibai.

He was spotless in white and was very conspicuous in the crowd. Perhaps he was the only one who could see it at this moment.

When she looked at the children, her eyebrows were softer than usual, and she lost the shrewdness of the merchant.

It's pleasing to the eye, making people think she looks great in menswear.

He had never seen her laugh so much.

Melt into that atmosphere and look warm and warm.

Tempting to go there.

He thought so, and did so.

Go to her.

(End of this chapter)

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