Chapter 1609 Fanfan: This **** love (15)

He has always been known as a prodigal son.

But at this moment, he felt a little nervous.

"Why are you here? The old lady and Fu Yan?" Duan Ting said, trying to suppress the inexplicable tension in her heart.

"You missed the parcel, and Grandma Liu asked me to bring it over. The old man was a bit tired and said that he would rest in front of the tea shop and let us go and find them.

Li Ruibai said as he walked beside him, and put his small parcel in the trunk.

The distance was close now, so close that he could smell the faint tea fragrance from her.

The delicate fragrance made him nervous, and he calmed down.

"Li Ruibai." He called her.

The woman turned aside, turned and walked away, deliberately avoiding his eyes, "Go, don't let Grandma Liu wait for a long time."

"Li Ruibai, let's have a good talk." He said, "Grandma Liu asked you to send the package. It should also give us a chance to talk and untie the knot."

Neither was stupid. Can't the old lady see so clearly?

And she finally came over, indicating that she wanted to give him a chance, at least subconsciously.

Or maybe give her another chance.

Li Ruibai narrowed his lips and lowered his head to the carriage.

The two did not run far, Duan Ting rushed the carriage directly to the clean place outside the town entrance, and stopped.

I will go back to pick up the old lady later, so I ca n’t run too far, lest the old lady and Fu Yijiu wait.

The carriage stopped, and Duan Ting sat on the front of the carriage and cleared his throat without getting into the carriage.

He had something to say, but when he approached, he couldn't remember the words he had prepared earlier.

His mouth opened and opened, and he didn't even know where to start.

Li Ruibai waited in the car for a long time, only hearing the voice of the man constantly clearing his throat, but he couldn't wait for the explanation.

Looking down, Li Ruibai said lightly, "If the emperor has nothing to say, then go back and don't let people wait."

"No, I have something to say!" Duan Ting immediately hurriedly, and then patted his head vigorously, dropping the chain at a critical moment, he did not expect him to be Duan Ting.

"Li Ruibai, I didn't mean to hide from you, nor did I trust you. But my situation is different. In the end, there will be a life and death fight with the father and the emperor."

"I don't know what will happen, so there are some things that tell you better than not telling you."

"If I win, I can explain to you slowly after winning. If I lose, then I must be dead."

In the last sentence, his voice was a little low.

Li Ruibai felt a pain in his heart.

She understands.

In the battle with the former emperor, he spared his life.

So he concealed the truth from her.

It was not distrust of her, but to prevent her from being sad for him after his death.

It would be better to say nothing. He died and he died. After a long time, she would slowly forget him.

When she forgets him, she can start a new life.

Instead of thinking about a dead person.

"You really know me." She said softer.

Emotions were normal, and the people sitting outside the carriage were calm and unconscious.

He couldn't see her eyes red across the curtain.

"Li Ruibai?" He called her outside the car.

The doubt was hidden in the voice, and there was a little bit of sorrow.

He is not like him.

"So you intend to win and explain to me clearly. If you lose, you will carry it alone."

(End of this chapter)

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