# 1820 Fanfan: love students (1)

"Really? My mother really caught someone back?" Xia Houzhu, Xia Houzhu heard the report, with a look of joy, "Go, go to the door, I want to see for themselves the ugly state of crying for mercy, let They know how to offend Miss Ben! "

Putting on a brocade dress and dressing herself up, Xiahou Zhuyang walked out with her chin.

"Miss, Mr. Pan, they are here. At the door, they said they want to see the lady."

"Brother Ziyi is here?" Xia Houzhu first smirked on her face, then sank, and lowered her face, "I'm afraid you know that my mother has arrested someone, please ask me to come! Please tell him that I am not here , To Yemen. If he is interested, he can go to Yemen to see the bitch's end! "

The more nervous he was about that bitch, the more miserable she was to make that bitch!

What's more, let them know that even Xia Houzhu, even if she is only one of the best in the state, can't be insulted at will!

Thinking of being slapped in front of the man last night, he not only helped her but also dragged her away, embarrassingly rushed up from the bottom of his heart again, cold her eyes.

Xia Houzhu left the mansion from the side door, avoiding those who were waiting in front of the door.

The three of them could not wait for a long time, and they heard the report from the middle of the house.

"What the **** is this? Do you think we are harming her? We can still follow us with our posture!" Quan Zhengchu angered.

Zhuo Cheng sneered, "Let's leave it alone, I don't know if she can show her arrogant face in the future!"

"What's the use of taking care of these now? Mrs. Xiahou has arrested people to Yemen!" Pan Ziyi rubbed his sore brows and sighed, "Go, go to Yemen to seek the Master of Zhifu. The overall situation is important."

They came and wanted to stop Mrs. Xiahou, but did not expect that Mrs. Xiahou moved so fast that they brought people out of the city to catch people before dawn.

People can't stop trying to catch up to death.

At Yamen, the three soldiers were divided into two lanes. Pan Ziyi was the highest of the three and was responsible for finding the prefecture and Zhizhou in the inner hall. Zhuo Cheng and Quan Zhengchu first rushed to the front hall to prevent Mrs. Xiahou from seeking death.

On the court, swords stretched out.

With an order from Madam Xiahou, the juveniles were all knocked to the ground before the gangster moved.

This time, unlike in Bingcheng, I just can't afford to beat people.

On the ground, there was blood red splashing everywhere, accompanied by the sound of the broken bones for a long time, terrifying infiltration.

And the teenager's cold eyes were locked on her from beginning to end! It seems that he crushed the bones of her!

Mrs. Xiahou was trembling, her eyes were incredible.

Shock, anger, fear, humiliation, all intertwined in that face.

At the same time, the fear that grew in my heart became increasingly uneasy.

"Stop, stop! You dare, dare to kill and kill at the knock! Quickly, quickly take him down! Kill him!" Hissing, Mrs. Xiahou heard the sound of her teeth trembling.

Seeing the lively people at the entrance of the lobby, they were even scared by this scene, dead and silent!

When Zhuo Cheng and Quan Zhengchu arrived, it was too late, with injuries and injuries all over the ground. Mrs. Xiahou was still hysterical, while the teenager was moving slowly towards the crazy lady.

The girl stood behind the boy, quiet and expressionless.

"Nan ... girl, show mercy! Something good to say, Master Zhifu is on the way, you will not let the girl suffer! First, let the son stop, okay?" Rushing into the lobby, the two directly interceded with the girl, eyes Dare not look straight.

Hongdou turned around and looked at them lightly, "Why? You don't know, she was going to kill me?"

"..." The eyes were shaking, and they were speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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