Chapter 314: Crazy

Qian Wanjin hummed Xiaoquer to make a new store.

Still parked in the carriage around the corner, there came a cry of terror and begging for mercy.

In the car, a half-thick, thick wooden bar slammed against the girl-in-law.

Soon, blood marks appeared on the back, neck, and face of the girl who was exposed outside the thick cotton jacket.

Looking at those bloodmarks quickly red and swollen, the skin fluttered, the joy appeared in the left-handed eyes, his expression became more and more emaciated.

Until the air was exhausted and comfortable, the wooden bar was thrown away, "Back to the house!"

The girl who fell on the corner of the carriage was dying.

Because of the heat of health wine, and the opportunity to sacrifice the Liu family ’s vacancies, Qian Wanjin moved quickly. He emptied the shop in the afternoon, and it was located in the most lively part of Beijing. There is only a simple layout.

The signboard at the front of the shop is written with Qian's Health Tea House, and the red silk is a sign of a new shop.

Then I hurriedly went to the palace to move the tea, put it on the counter, and set off a few firecrackers tomorrow morning to open it!

It is not even necessary to publicize beforehand. A notice posted on the entrance of Qian's Wine House stating that the Qian's health tea shop is about to open is the best publicity method.

Now in the entire capital, which place has more passenger traffic than Qian's Distillery?

The Liu family was quickly informed.

A family of children in charge of the family gathered in the hall, sad and misty.

Liu Huai sat in the middle, his face was so heavy that he could drip water.

"This time our Liu family planted a follower, who was behind it, everyone knew. The Qian family is now more and more arrogant! As soon as our Liu family tea shop broke out, they immediately launched health tea. Our Liu family is provocative! "

"With the support of health wine, Qian's family already has a very high reputation for health. Once their tea leaves, they will quickly gather a large number of customers! That will be lost from our Liu family!"

"This is robbery while the fire is on! Homeowner, we cannot let it go, we must find a way to stop it!"

Several high-ranking elders in the clan have lost their breath, and you are irritable when you say a word to me.

The tea industry has always been the big pie that their Liu family steadily held in their hands. For so many years, no one has dared to thin from them, but if anything, they will be trampled down by them.

But right now, at the time of the Liu family's accident, the immediate problems have not been resolved, and there was a predatory food immediately.

They actually imagined the strong suppression in the past, which was too vivid.

Eyes in all directions are staring at them!

Fengkou also turned around to suppress the opponent, the reputation of the Liu family has fallen will be even lower!

Liu Huai was noisy with two big heads.

"If there is a way to think, can I not want to?" Looking around these people who can only move their lips, Liu Huai sneered angrily, "Now as long as our Liu family has one action, no matter it is good or bad, it will continue to enlarge in the eyes of others! I don't know how many people are staring at us? Many officials in North Korea, the people in the city! If the next step is not good, the Liu family will be completely over! "

Although this sentence was alarmist, it could not be farther away.

The Liu family has a lot of business. Without the tea piece, the family will not be able to make money and starve to death.

However, tea has been the main business of their family for so many years. It has the honor of providing tea for court officials, and other mid-end and low-end tea businesses have never been worse.

In fact, what they really make money is not special tea, but the low and middle end.

But they planted it on special tea!

There is a problem with the special tea supply. Can other teas be sold?

The hall was silent.

Mighty for decades, he has never suffered such frustrations, and at the same time, he couldn't think of a way to deal with it.

They are accustomed to bullying and bullying, and when these two methods cannot be used, they will be confused.

"In short, the tea can never be divided by the Qian family! The owner, think of a way to get those officials back?"

"How to pull? I personally visited the house in the past two days to apologize. It was a reparation and a gift. Nearly half of the people haven't even seen it!"

Speaking of this matter, Liu Huai was also angry.

Before the change, which of those people in the court dared to show him his face easily?

Piansheng hit evil this time! Committed Ning Lao!

That old thing that doesn't get into oil and salt!

He was twisting there, and a bunch of people stuck with the wind and turned their attitude to the Liu family to be tough!

"What to do? You can't just let it go and do nothing! It won't be long before Qian Jia has to step on our Liu family!"

"Tomorrow's Qianjia Tea Shop opens. You can buy a can of health tea and come back to see what kind of tea it can keep healthy!" Discuss and see if you can join with Zuo Xiang and invite Ning Lao to come out and talk! If he is willing to come out, things may have a turn for the better.

Those who get in the way must be removed!

The Liu family cannot be defeated, nor will it be defeated.

Many people are not allowed.

Their family is defeated. How can those who have been holding Liu's confession give up?

The following morning, the capital became lively again.

Qian's Tea House opened.

The firecrackers thundered for a long time, and there was a smog of smoke around the storefront, mixed with the smell of firecrackers.

When the smoke cleared, crowds swarmed.

What is the most popular thing in Beijing recently?

Qianjia! Qian's Health Series!

Health wine is sold in limited quantities. There are so many powerful people in the city, many people can't buy it a little late. I bought too little.

Suddenly there is a health tea now, can't it be crazy?

If anyone in Beijing has a family background, which one doesn't drink tea?

Drinking tea is more than drinking, and tea is a must in daily life.

Although this health tea has never been drunk before, I do n’t know the taste, or the effectiveness, but it is worthy to try the sign of Qian Family and the reputation of Xinghua Village.

Maybe it will bring endless surprises like health wine?

In the moment of opening, the shop was overcrowded and crowded.

Extremely noisy.

Qian Wanjin stood behind the counter and personally greeted the customers who bought it, taking the opportunity to promote the effectiveness of the health tea.

The cashier's hand was soft, and his throat was going to be dumb at last. He simply gave the counter to the shopkeeper, looked for a corner by himself, and poured a pot of tea slowly.

The tea fragrance quickly permeates the shop, and it is very elegant, but it smells like a spirit.

Snatched even more crazy.

Qian Wanjin narrowed his eyes with a smile.

This is the day. It ’s a delicious day!

It's a pity that Fu Yi doesn't like to make fun of it. If she saw this scene, she would be very happy.

She didn't waste any tea making her hard work.

The tea house opposite the Qian's Tea House is a tea shop. Due to the fact that all the tourists have come to the other side to see it lively, the tea shop seemed very deserted at once, forming a sharp contrast with the opposite.

(End of this chapter)

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