Chapter 496: Little is Not True Love

"How much monthly salary do you want to raise? One hundred or two thousand?" Liu Yusheng asked funnyly.

Liu Zhiqiu immediately widened his eyes in surprise, "Can I have a month or two? That would be the best! ... No, if I take a thousand or two, my father and the old woman can break my leg Just one or two hundred! "

Shrinking tenfold, Liu Zhiqiu said the number by gritting his teeth.

Of course he wanted to take a thousand and two, without that courage.

Do n’t you want money?

"Okay, then I'll give you a hundred or two." With a smirk, he carefully raised the salary for the second brother. Liu Yusheng turned to the guest room to see Li Junyue's situation.

As soon as she left, Liu Zhiqiu immediately tilted her body to Feng Qingbai again, and lowered her voice, "Axiu, talk to you about business."

Feng Qingbai raised an eyebrow, "What business?"

"When you were separated from You, you did n’t know what happened to her every day, right? I can tell you one by one, are you interested? Would you like to hear it? Twelve dollars each."

"This is the business you want to talk to me?" Feng Qingbai twitched.

"Otherwise I have something to talk to you about? Can I buy it? I know that Aunt Hong will often report to you about it, but when Aunt Red has not seen it, the situation will certainly not be perfect. What I have is exclusive Intelligence. You don't want to know more about it? Twelve is really not expensive! "

"Liu Zhiqiu, do you often mingle with Qian Wanjin?" Learned the city of Qian Wanjin with a tense expression.

It makes people want to look at it.

"Whether you mix me up with me, buy it or not! I can tell you how many times you said to Brother Ashley!"

"Buy!" Feng Qingbai took out the silver ticket and patted it on the table.

If it wasn't for the second brother Sheng Sheng, he strangled him!

Liu Zhiqiu counted a few hundred and twenty denominations of silver tickets, his eyes smiled, "You and you want to settle down, and you have to toss, you can boil at the level of my uncle, five hundred, I help every day You say good things to Uncle! "

"..." Feng Qingbai snapped another five hundred two.

His face was blue.

"Liu Zhiqiu, it's really a curiosity that you only nest in the winery to help deliver!"

"It's good to say that gold shines wherever it goes."

Liu Yusheng didn't know that his man was angry with his second brother's easiest trick outside, and started to observe Li Junyue's situation after entering the room.

The dead gray complexion on the body has obviously faded, and the dark purple on the lips has faded.

It was just that the breathing pulse was still dead, and the heart rate did not change.

Still, it shows that the Lingquan she crossed in is useful.

The second brother had also fed Li Junyue Lingquan before, but he was spit out as much as possible. Only some residual mixed saliva entered the stomach, so after she was put into death, she did not really die.

If she can nourish slowly with Lingquan for a long time, she can recover her pulse and breath, then maybe she will be saved.

Just the length of time, but there is no fixed number.

With a preliminary healing plan in mind, Liu Yusheng began to continue to cross Li Junyue into Lingquan in the next few days, while bathing her with diluted Lingquan fluid.

Seeing people who were no different from the dead, their skin color returned to normal little by little, even if there was still no breathing pulse, it was enough to be amazing.

Liu Zhiqiu didn't say anything, but the light in his eyes couldn't fool people.

Li Junyue has improved, and he is happy.

On this day, Liu Zhiqiu leaned on the pillars of the corridor to think about life, watching Feng Qingbai pass by without squinting in front of him, and he was busy holding people.

"Asiu, let's chat?"

"Want to sell me again?" Feng Qingbai looked pale.

He had the exclusive news of a fart, all fabricated.

Sheng Sheng wouldn't say ‘I miss Brother Ashu’, ’‘ I want to die Brother Ashu ’.

Really miss him, Sheng Sheng can only hide in his heart.

Thanks to his many years in charge of Chaotang, he has been fighting against the old and sly official crocodile crocodile, and he has been coaxed into believing his evil by the single-minded Liu Zhiqiu!

"Don't do this, just talk casually," pulled the man aside to sit down, "Axiu, you were only twelve years old when you left? How did you know you liked our family?"

Feng Qingbai's eyes flickered slightly, and she slowly sat down.

"Naturally, because I miss her all the time, want to see her, and want to be with her, I can eat whatever hardships, loneliness, and dangers with her. No one except her."

"To be so obsessed?" Liu Zhiqiu was thrilled.

Feng Qingbai nodded solemnly, "A little less is not true love."

After all, let a certain second goods fall into contemplation, Feng Qingbai rose up gracefully, Shi Shiran went away.

He is telling the truth. As for whether it will be misunderstood by someone, it is a personal matter.

It was not his intention to mislead.

On the fifth day after the acupuncture treatment, Li Junyue began to recover the pulse of nothingness, and placed the nose on the mirror with a shallow mist.

The first phase of the treatment plan ended, and Liu Yusheng started to prepare for the second set of plans.

Stimulate Li Junyue's brain nerves with gold needles to stimulate her brain to recover.

How long it will take to succeed, or whether it will succeed, Liu Yusheng cannot predict.

Naturally, it is impossible for them to spend nothing in Xuzhou.

Not to mention her, Feng Qingbai's affairs in China cannot be left behind for too long.

In the end, Liu Yusheng decided to take Li Junyue to Beijing for treatment nearby.

As for Liu Zhiqiu, he did not plan to follow.

"Well, I'll leave it to you. I have a lot of things at home, and I can't leave it to my dad, mother and aunt, I will return to Xinghua Village."

"You really don't want to come and see us? Can you be assured?" Liu Yusheng teased.

"I have nothing to worry about, I brought her here, but I just wanted to save her as much as possible, and do everything to listen to the destiny, I did everything I could." Liu Zhiqiu laughed.

He still likes a free and easy life.

The rest can be worthy of their own conscience.

"In this case, we will set off for Beijing tomorrow." Feng Qingbai said.

In June, there is a book of concubines. Although it is a harem, as a regent, he also needs to deal with matters related to wind and ink.

If he wasn't looking around, he was worried about what moths Feng Moyu would make.

The most likely thing is that Feng Moyu fled.

The princess concubine means recruiting people to sleep. Tai Liu will not let go of the opportunity for Liu's daughter to take office.

The most likely way to do that is not to show your face.

At that time, the world's attention will become a joke in the eyes of the people.

The royal family cannot bear such a stain.

It was night, about to separate, the three practiced drinking at the dining table.

Liu Zhiqiu frequently persuaded him to drink, and the last three people sipped.

(End of this chapter)

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