Chapter 801

"Why is your stomach uncomfortable? Didn't you eat on time when I wasn't watching?" Feng Moyan's face was still heavy.

His words are traceable. The emperor likes to use herbs to indulge in refining. Once she is busy, she often sleeps and forgets. She is the princess. How dare she speak more?

"I'm okay." Liu Yusheng stood up bracingly, suddenly dizzy in front of his eyes, and almost fell down.

"Imperial prince!" Feng Moji rushed to hold her, looking at her like this, as she gritted her teeth, picked up the man and walked to the small hall. Close your eyes and rest! "

Chen Xiang and Shizu slowed down a bit. When she ran over, she saw the emperor holding the princess and hurried to the small hall, her complexion changed slightly, and she kept up.

"Xiaofenger, don't shake, let me down," patting Feng Moyu's arm, Liu Yusheng's brows frowned, and his stomach began to swell again. "Again ... I'm going to vomit!"

"If you want to vomit, just vomit, it's okay." After entering the small hall, she placed the woman on a soft couch in the hall. Feng Moyu's face looked whiter than the woman. Coming soon! I'll order someone to check. If anyone dares to kill you, I'll slap him into the nine races! "

Looking at the incoherent speech of the teenager, sweating his forehead, Liu Yusheng couldn't help crying and laughing, waved his hand to say something, his eyes were dark and he lost consciousness.

Strange, seems to sink into a dream.

The dream was a scene she was extremely familiar with.

Her space.

The scent of medicine is tangy and the spring water is clear.

The most strange thing is that there are two light spots floating above the Lingquan Pool.

The size of the rice grains, the whole body is wrapped in fluorescence, and it is spinning, as if chasing each other and playing.

There is a condensed mist in the Lingquan, which rises and rises slowly, and slowly surrounds the light spot.

The whole Lingquan pool slowly and radiantly.

In the medicine field next to it, the medicinal plants grew one by one, with dense leaves.

Liu Yusheng was a little foolish for a moment and stood blankly.

I don't understand why all of a sudden, this vision develops in her space.

Going back to God, the light spot even swam in front of her, beating up and down, constantly touching her cheek.

Bring a little freshness and coolness, dissipate her chest, and relax.

"What are you two? Space elf?" Liu Yusheng smiled, and stretched out his fingertips to light two small light spots.

Xiaoguangdian was not surprised, but rushed to stop at her fingertips, like a little doll eager to compete for favor, making people laugh.

Liu Yusheng, who was amused with Xiaoguang in the space, was completely unaware. When she was lethargic, Feng Moyu almost turned the palace around.

"Pass on the will and close the gate of the Nanling King's Mansion. Anyone dare to go out during this period, let alone kill!"

"Put everyone in the kitchen and wait! For the judge! Who is brave and determined to murder Princess Nanling, find out the culprit, and punish Ling Chi!"

"Tell Taigang's old stuff, come to the palace within a moment, one step behind, a hundred sticks!"

The descendants of the King's Palace in Nanling were kneeling all over the place.

The Princess Nanling was suddenly unconscious, and the emperor Longyan was angry. This was enough to make them suffer.

What bothers them most is the identity of Princess Nanling, who is on the apex of the king's heart. If the princess makes a slight mistake, the next day the grandfather returns, the Nanling Chaotang will be turned upside down!

The doctors trembled to diagnose the pulse of the drowsy woman, and Feng Moyu stood beside the soft couch, condensing the woman tightly, shaking his hands under his wide sleeves, shaking.

If she is in trouble, he wants everyone to be buried with her!

"Emperor! Return to Emperor-"

"How!" Feng Moyan lifted up the imperial doctor's placket, and lifted him up with the danger of strength.

"Back, back to the emperor!" Lao Yuyi's feet were half-hung, and he did not dare to struggle. He hurriedly replied, "The princess found out that the princess is a statue of slippery veins. The princess is happy and happy!"

Feng Mo froze, "What do you say, say again?"

"The emperor, the minister confirmed again and again that the princess is indeed a happy vein, and she is already pregnant, more than a month ago!"

Beside, other imperial doctors also said, "Back to the emperor, the princess is indeed a happy pulse!"

"The emperor, the diagnosis is also a happy pulse! The reason why the princess will be uncomfortable or even lethargic should be the first manifestation of the pregnancy. Let her rest for a while, then people will wake up."

Putting down the old lady doctor, Feng Moyu stepped back a few steps, slowly sat down on the chair, and turned to look at the unconscious woman.

Just when the emperor didn't know what the emperor thought, sincerely fearful, he saw the teenager slowly smile, and the anger in his eyes faded.

"Xi Mai, pregnant, okay, okay! Hahaha! This time, there are many doctors who work and have a look back, and they all have rewards!"

"Thanks, thank you, the Emperor!" The doctors secretly sighed.

As long as they don't hit their boards and don't want their heads, it is already a great reward.

The emperor is smiling now, and he can't change the facts that had been exaggerated before.

That sentence was a hundred steps behind, and the words were still in my ears.

Had it not been for the little medical skills they had on Princess Nanling, the emperor would have said that it would not have been a hundred sticks.

Chen Xiang and Shizu were pardoned, and they got up from their knees.

The princess was in a coma just now, and the emperor's routine loss was still soaked.

In front of the prince and the princess, the smile was always greeted by a smile, like a young boy who had just grown up.

Full of suffocation, his eyes were fiercely scarlet.

Shizu glanced at the boy without a trace. The emperor's nervousness towards the princess was extraordinary.

Princess, do you know?

"Come here, prepare a carriage!" The two waiters were still in fear, suddenly hearing the young man and ordered again.

Later, the teenager saw the sleeping princess pick up and walk out.

"The emperor!" Shisu followed with two steps, boldly, "I don't know where the emperor will take the princess? The princess is unwell, and she is sleeping now, and the slaver thinks it is inappropriate to move.

"The princess is happy. As the emperor's nephew, I have the responsibility to take care of him before the return of the Nanling king," Feng Moyu kept walking. "You two are the princess who is close to you. She is accustomed to wait for you. You go Pack up and put it all together! "

"Emperor, this, this ..." Shisu anxiously.

The young man looked back, his eyes were cold.

Let her stab her throat, and dare not say anything else.

The carriage wandered Yu Yu, and the driver did not dare to drive the car too fast, so as not to bump the woman on the bus and provoke the emperor.

Shizu and Agarwood were also in the carriage.

The woman was placed on the spacious seat in the innermost compartment of the carriage, still sleeping, and knew nothing about the outside world.

Feng Moyu was beside her, with her hands crossing the perimeter of the long seat horizontally, and she could not hold her arms so long for so long.

(End of this chapter)

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