Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 804: The butcher knife that should be taken

Chapter 804: The Butcher Knife You Should Take

Liu Yusheng made a decision, and things have a foregone conclusion.

Feng Mo rubbed her lips and looked at the queen mother again. "Since this is the case, the emperor is in the Yangxin Hall, and the empress queen is taking care of him a lot."

"The Princess Nanling said that she was also the daughter-in-law of the Ai family. The Ai family would take care of it for one or two. The emperor need not worry."

Frost Cloud Palace, Liu Yusheng only stayed for a long time, then moved to the Yangxin Palace.

Following the queen queen on the way to Yang Xin Dian, with the yellow lights around her, looking at the silver hair behind her, Liu Yusheng sighed quietly.

Feng Qingbai was queen to kill the queen.

This hatred cannot be easily dropped.

Otherwise, the queen queen will not lose the green silk.

Blue silk turns white hair, every one is hate.

In Frost Cloud Hall, a few people watched away, and Feng Moyan's eyes were dark and dark.

"Mo Yan."

"Subordinates are here!"

"Go to raise the heart temple, stare in secret, if the queen queen dares to attack the princess, ... kill!"

The black man who appeared appeared a pause and was shocked, "Emperor?"

That's the Queen Mother!

If the emperor really kills the killer for Princess Nanling, the emperor will fall into the abyss!

"Nanling puts filial piety first, and as an emperor, he takes the example," Feng Mochi sneered, "how about that? Big deal, this dragon chair, sit for someone else!"

"Humble job leads!"

Mo Yan disappeared, Feng Moyu turned, staring at the position he was just now, his eyes were obscure.

This is his shadow guard.

A movie guard who doesn't even know the uncle.

For the emperor, either cowardly or incompetent.

Or, stand up and kiss the world!

Fifteen years old and adult.

He is no longer the only towing oil bottle that he could only watch in order to save his life.

Before the emperor was dying, it was his style that the emperor Zhao was kissed as emperor.

That was his destiny.

Destined to rule the world.

Doomed to have a throne.

Doomed, not affectionate.

Life is infinite, and another life is lonely.

Looking down at that table and eating half of the meal, the teenager smiled awkwardly, "How good if you never knew Liu's family ..."

I do n’t know the Liu family.

Without knowing it, how could a heart be guarded.

From the short table next to him, he sipped the jug of wine, stepped on the moonlight, and left the Frost Cloud Hall.

The **** Hou at the gate of the palace was busy following, but just looking at the emperor's face didn't seem right, he didn't dare to make a sound, so that the emperor would not be angry, and he would be free from the disaster.

If the Queen Mother does not come, how happy the Emperor is in the Frost Cloud Hall.

The emperor never laughed this way when the prince was not in the palace.

It was such a smile in front of Wang Ye, and in that smile, two points were not real.


Stop and go, and finally stood at the fork to the harem Yangxin Hall.

Looking up at the shadowy palace, which was hidden in the night, Feng Moyan chuckled his lips and turned back.

Finally, I found a stone bench in Yu Garden to sit down and drink alone on the moon.

Leaning on the stone table, he looked up at the pale silver moon.

A jug of wine, one drink slowly, and finally emptied the bottom of the jug.

The light footsteps approached, and a quiet voice sounded beside it. "The medical woman is very good and has seen the emperor."

Feng Moji turned his head and looked at the woman in Weiji.

Wearing a light blue medical woman's clothing, carrying a small medical box, simple and elegant, but it compliments her temperament.

"At this time, how could a good doctor girl be here?"

"Shan Xiang just went to the harem to see Chen Ye for a doctor. I passed the occasion and saw the emperor, so he came to salute."

With one hand on his jaw, Feng Mozhen looked at the woman with a smile, "Oh? Didn't you see him here and show up on purpose?"

"Dare to be kind."

"Don't dare, don't want to," Feng Mo chuckled, his shoulders trembled, "In this palace, all single women want to be flattered by their uncle, soaring into the sky."

Speaking of getting up, he stepped forward, reached down and pinched the kneeling woman's chin, and raised, "Just because I'm interested tonight, let's go to bed."

"The emperor!" Shanhao was startled, and she struggled quickly. "The emperor, you are drunk, Shanhao didn't think about it! The emperor ... you let me go!"

"Let it go?" Squinting his eyes, looking at the trembling woman for a moment, Feng Moyun shook her chin coldly, "Why! If you don't want to seduce you, don't try to seduce him. It's so good, it's not its charm. Counterfeit products. Don't appear in front of you inexplicably in the future.

The man said, and walked away from start to finish, never looking at her carefully.

Looking at the back of the man who didn't look back, he sat on the ground slumped, slowly clenching his arms, his face pale.

He really ... likes that person.

The Hall of Yangxin, the hall is large and looks empty.

If there is nothing like sandalwood in the air, it smells refreshing and calms down.

It used to be okay, but now that she is pregnant and smells this smell, Liu Yusheng's chest starts to feel stuffy again.

"You live in the side hall, where people are cleaned every day, very clean. If there is anything missing, just let the next person buy it." After entering the hall, the queen mother turned back, and then frowned, "But uncomfortable?"

"No." Liu Yusheng shook his head. "It may be a bit more serious because of ill health, and it will be fine in a few days."

Gaze glanced over her slightly pale complexion, the queen queen looked around, and finally seemed to realize, "Well, remove the sandalwood from the temple."

"Mr. Queen, you worship Buddha ..."

"There is a Buddha in my heart, the other is nothing but form." The queen mother walked into the inner room and ignored the outsiders.

Li Buddha, ask for peace of mind.

After asking for so many years, she could not be a bodhisattva of charity.

The butcher knife that should be taken is the same.

Deceive yourself.

The old man got the order, and immediately ordered people to remove the sandalwood in the hall, opened the door and smelled the windows in the hall, and then took Liu Yusheng to the side hall, which had all the necessary items.

"The princess stayed here for a while, and she was missing something despite telling the old slave."

Liu Yusheng smiled at the old man, "Thank you."

"Old slaves dare not."

When the old woman left, Shisu and Chen Xiang laid the sheets and returned to the outer room, where there was a soft bed for the night-maid to rest.

With only one person left, Liu Yusheng was slowly sitting by the bed, his chaotic brain began to think about what happened today.

Xiaofenger was moved to Frost Cloud Hall, where she heard she was pregnant. The emperor later explored and then moved to the Yangxin Hall.

The series is really overwhelming.

With his hands on the lower abdomen, Liu Yusheng smiled.

There is a baby inside.

Unfortunately, this news came a few days late. If Feng Qingbai was pregnant while he was still alive, he would be very happy to know it.

Now that he has gone to the border and is on a ship, there is no way to tell him the good news.

Only after he returned.

I am going to be a dad, but he is the last person to know the news. I do n’t know what he will look like at that time.

His face must be very stinky.

"Well!" Liu Yusheng fell to the bed with a smile.

Unexpectedly, look in the direction of the inner heart of the Yangxin Hall. There, the queen with white hair lived.

Careful, cold outside and hot inside, mouth hard and soft.

For the moment, she felt so.

After two chapters, Orange went to correct the typo and took a bath. The little fairies were good night. The fixed update time will be restored tomorrow night, I will work hard, I ca n’t mess up anymore T.T naked is more painful ~

(End of this chapter)

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