Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 807: He said the emperor does not need feelings

Chapter 807: The Emperor Does Not Need Feelings

Eating with the queen queen is a torture.

High status, high status and high generation.

Especially this queen queen is unpredictable and unsmiling.

All in all, the money is a psychological shadow.

Used to talking and laughing when a family in the Liu family courtyard eats, they have to hold it here.

As soon as you speak, the queen queen's eyes are silent on you, seeping people.

After lunch, the queen queen entered the inner room and did not greet them or drive them away.

I stretched my neck and squinted into the inner room to make sure that the person would not come out again suddenly. Qian Wanjin immediately paralyzed on the ring chair without any image.

"My mother-in-law, this meal eats my myocardial infarction."

"Don't talk nonsense." Liu Yusheng was helpless.

This is still on the territory of others. If the words pass into the empress's ears, even if the empress does not punish, it is extremely embarrassing.

"What's wrong? It's all old ladies. Like our old lady, chopsticks danced wildly when we ate. Haha laughed. Unhappy. Picked up fire tongs. How cute? You said that. Secretly pointed to the inner room, Qian Wanjin fangs, "What fun is there?"

Like the fixed specimen in the frame, every angle strives for perfection.

That was born out.

Still yourself?

Royal Royal, all poor people who lost themselves.

His words, Feng Moyan ignored, he was like this, how can he be qualified to say others.

It's rare to get half of yourself.

Being in the royal family, I can't help myself.

Shi Xianrou said indifferently, "Individuals have their own ways of living, different environments and natural lifestyles. We have nothing to beak. Zifeiyu, knowing the joy of fish?"

"You guys, you just like to talk, and listen to your brain dizzy." Qian Wanjin approached Liu Yusheng and said, "Fu, don't stay in the Yangxin Temple, go to my house, my grandmother and old lady are here. Having them take care of you is definitely more comfortable and comfortable than staying here alone. "

"Qian Wanjin!" Feng Moyan gritted his teeth.

"What's it called? What am I saying wrong? The palace is heavily guarded and not 100% secure, at least not free enough? You must be careful not to say a word or you will be caught as someone Handle. It's not necessarily good for Fuyu to live here. "

"The imperial concubine is my royal person. Naturally, I should stay in the imperial concubine. What's the matter when I run to your house? Besides, if I take care of me, who dares to pinch the imperial concubine?"

"Okay, don't quarrel. Since I entered the palace, I will stay here with peace of mind. This is the Yangxin Temple. There is nothing to do with the Queen Mother." Liu Yusheng said, blocking the dispute between the two, but her words, Let all three be one.

Then frowned and looked at Liu Yusheng.

The woman nodded slightly at them, conveying her meaning.

Inconvenience here.

However, we have been together for many years, and often one eye can understand what the other party wants to express.

Looking at the quiet inner room, Liu Yusheng's eyes flickered slightly.

She made up her mind only this morning.

She will live here until Feng Qingbai returns.

Princess Liu fell down, and the other side fled. Chaotang seemed to settle down, but the calmness still remained under the surface. If not, it will not be possible for East Vietnam to go to war.

This time, Feng Qingbai suffered enemies.

The people who threatened him most were the Empress Dowager and Qin Xiao.

She wanted to stay, maybe she could do something for him.

At least when he went out to solve the external problems, she was able to help him block the internal problems.

"As long as you make up your mind to stay here, I won't force you. Anyway, I will take over the family now, and I will spend much more time in Beijing than before. When I have time, I will go into the palace with Little Stone to accompany you. Qian Mojin smiled with pride at the token pulled by Feng Moyu.

Fu Ye doesn't go out, they come in to accompany her.

In short, before Feng Qingbai returns, he must not let Fu Yan be bullied.

Looking around the three people, Liu Yusheng's face showed a slight smile.

Throughout her life, she has a close family member, a lover of Xiangyue, and a few close friends, her blessings are full.

The main hall is not far away from the inner room. There is only a curtain of beads separated from it. People outside do not decrease the volume and the conversation floats inward.

The queen queen had gone to bed and was not asleep today.

In the past, she was alone in the entire hall, and she was used to being so deserted.

Noisy in the ear now feels uncomfortable.

It's just that she didn't order Lu to drive people away.

Noisy and lively, it makes her feel that she is alive.

Not just a walking dead hatred.

After Feng Qingbai left half a month, the baptism ceremony of Feng Moyu was put on the agenda, and the time was up.

After the fifteenth year, after the baptism ceremony, even real adults, from then on, can personally take charge of the Great Seal of the Nation.

This day was extremely lively, and the civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty came together to observe the ceremony, worshiping the ancestors after reading the scriptures, and the empress queen personally wore a crown for him.

Sitting on the dragon's chair, watching the worship of the civil and military of the royal family and the royal children kneeling and worshiping, Feng Moyu clasped the arms of the dragon's chair tightly.

Starting today, he is an adult.

Starting today, he is the true power.

Gaze swept below, and landed next to Liu Yusheng, who was empty there.

Unfortunately, the uncle Huang was unable to come to his ceremony.

What he wanted most was that Uncle Huang watched his hair and wear a crown and listened to what Uncle Huang said. He finally grew up.

The whole ceremony was grand and grand.

Liu Yusheng stood among the spectators, standing first in accordance with the ranks of the royal children.

Looking at the young man sitting on the dragon's chair, the sharp-edged face, the tenderness has faded away, and more of the calmness and sternness of the adult. In those eyes, there is more deepness than adults.

Over time, he will grow into a qualified emperor.

Scolded Fang Yan, pointing to the mountains, playing with the emperor's heart.

Liu Yusheng is happy for him and distressed for him.

Xiaofenger is the emperor, and his path is well established.

With supreme power, you will inevitably lose a lot of things you can't hope for.

If the turquoise cypresses suddenly appeared in his mind, he said that the emperor did not need feelings.

He said this and taught Xiaofenger the same way.

For a while, it was difficult for her to judge whether such teaching was good or bad for Xiaofenger.

The world she used to live in and the world she lives in today are very different from Xiaofeng'er.

She didn't understand, couldn't understand, and couldn't make any comment from her perspective.

I only hope that Xiaofenger will have his own happiness in the future.

Don't get cold at height.

Back to the Hall of Yangxin, ears still rang out the words of the ministers on the hall just now, Long live my emperor, live long live.

Liu Yusheng smiled, and behind him, footsteps sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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