Chapter 816 As She Was

"The East-Vietnam border is provocative now. Although I sent troops to the southeast border, once the battle was over, Nanling was not sure. General Qin is a veteran of the border. When he marches, he trusts you more." After closing the board, Feng Moyan said. Entering the topic, "Million soldiers in Nanling, General Qin has 600,000 in his hand, and the generals all serve the prestige of the general. If General Qin can lead the troops in this war, he can be at ease in the middle of the North."

"The emperor wants his old soldiers to send troops to Yigucheng?"


"The northern border is also my main place for defense. If the troops are sent to Yigu City, I am afraid that the northern sister-in-law will take advantage of this opportunity. Isn't the emperor's move a miserable move, and he will receive mulberry?"

"Then collect mulberry first, and then lose the land."

Qin Xiao frowned. "Emperor, King Nanling has personally gone to Yigucheng to talk with the East Vietnamese emperor. Before the news is returned from his side, if my soldiers make a rash move and cause East Vietnam to fear, I am afraid that they will disturb Nanling King. Please plan for and plan for troop transfers. "

"The soldiers will hoard the territory of Nanling outside Yigu City and set up camp 30 miles away from the border. Once the Emperor of Dongyue moves, the general will immediately lead his soldiers to reinforce my uncle. If that happens, the general will return with his soldiers. What I want is to deter the Dongyue Emperor and make him afraid to act lightly! "Feng Moji stared straight at Qin Xiao," This is the imperative. "

Needles can be heard in the temple.

After a while, Qin Xiao arched his hand, "Old Minister, take orders!"

The general left the hall, Feng Moyu watched his figure blend into the night, and gently swept the chess box in front of him on the table. Several figures fell in the hall.


"It's okay, come back."


Outside the hall, after entering the night, Qin Xiao turned his head and looked at the Taihe Hall, still bright, with no expression.

Just now in the hall, murderous breath was leaked everywhere.

If he doesn't answer the last sentence, it may be difficult for him to leave Taihedian tonight.

Said one emperor and one courtier.

Juvenile emperor has grown up, and the means are more and more like Feng Qingbai, and even more severe than Feng Qingbai.

Feng Qingbai has to deal with him, but also has to think carefully to find a reason to convince people, so as not to disturb the people in the court.

But the emperor had to deal with him, and seemed to have no worries. He would kill as long as he didn't want the result.

Can take the world by storm.

Because if you follow the game between the monarch and the emperor, the emperor can't hold back Qin Xiao, just like that game of chess.

After all, the emperor lost his son.

Therefore, the emperor said that the mulberry was collected first, and then lost land.

His Qin Xiao was Sang Yu, and the military power in his hands was lost.

The emperor deployed heavy soldiers in the hall, not merely to scare him.

What a good boy.

Feng Qingbai's personal training.

The next day, Qin Xiao proposed in the early dynasty to personally lead troops to reinforce the southeast border, the emperor allowed.

The news reached Liu Yusheng's ears, and it was already afternoon.

It was she who learned from the newspapers of the old and the empress.

The Queen Mother didn't say anything about it, but after hearing the news, there were folds between her brows and she couldn't spread out in the middle of the afternoon.

"But the Queen Mother is worried about General Qin?" Liu Yusheng asked when the medicine in the medicine furnace had been refined and paused.

"Why can Ai's family be worried? This is the emperor's decision. It's the emperor's affairs with the courtiers. Ai's harem woman doesn't understand and will not ask questions."

"Then why are you frowning?"

"When did Ai's family frown, nonsense!" Since the day when the emotions became apparent, when the Queen Empress faced Liu Yusheng again, it was difficult for the empress to continue to maintain peace.

The old lady had a hard mouth again.

Liu Yusheng smiled. "Otherwise, Xiaofenger will come here. I will ask him what he intends to do. In fact, I guess that the emperor will do this. He should be worried about Feng Qingbai. This time Feng Qingbai interviewed Dongyue. Emperor, there was only one guard around, and Dongyue emperor had 200,000 troops behind him. If Dongyue emperor were to play arrogantly, Feng Qingbai might not be able to retreat from the whole body. I ’m going to be weaker in the end. The general personally led his troops to reinforce, not to mention that the strength of the army can make the East Vietnamese emperor jealous, it is only the prestige of General Qin, and it can also make the Dongyue emperor a little bit reluctant. "

"When did Ai's family want you to preach?"

"Yes, the queen queen understands it. I'm talking a lot."

Feeling that she was emotionally unstable again, the queen queen did not speak anymore, took out the scriptures and read it, and after reading it for a long time, there was no way to feel calm.

What Qin Xiao said when she came to visit her that day did not come to mind.

——In another three days, the king of Nanling will arrive at the southeast border and talk with the emperor of East Vietnam. If the interview fails, the minister will be responsible for leading the army, and the Queen Mother will do everything for you.

As early as Feng Qingbai's departure to the border, Qin Xiao had expected that the emperor would eventually lead his troops to go out.

In this game, who counts?

Raising her eyes, her eyes fell on the woman at the low table.

The woman was gazing at her with a slight smile. These days, no matter how she loses her temper and how she reprimands her, the women have suffered one by one without showing any dissatisfaction.

Her belly was already pregnant, almost four months, and her thin clothes couldn't hide her.

In another six months, the unborn baby will be able to fall to the ground.

She smiled so quietly and tenderly now. If something happened to Feng Qingbai at the border and she couldn't return, by then, would she still laugh?

The baby in her belly will also become a baby without father.

As she used to ...

There was a scarlet in front of me. On that day, the blood on the ground, and a mass of blood in the blood were blurred!

boom! She dropped the scriptures in her hand fiercely, and the queen mother's eyes were scarlet. "Go out, get out! Get out!"

Liu Yusheng is so inexplicable.

What a good old lady suddenly initiated a temper, and looked differently than before, looking at her eyes, like hatred, hatred.

My heart sank, and I took two steps forward, "Mr. Queen ..."

"Princess, please leave first. The queen mother is emotionally unstable now, so you don't need to stimulate her here anymore!" The old lady stopped her and ordered a guest.

"Well, what's wrong with the queen mother?"

"Prince, please!"

The old lady's hatred grew stronger and stronger, her body shivered, and her silver wires seemed to be bleak.

Liu Yusheng pursed his lips and retreated.

Back in the side hall, my mind was always haunting the expression of the Queen Mother just now, lingering.

Uneasy in my heart.

That kind of anxiety was so strong, so strong that my heart became sore.

To make the Queen Mother so hate must have caused her sadness.

She didn't understand which word touched her wound and made her almost crazy.

Clapping his head, he couldn't figure out how to think about it, Liu Yusheng yanked his hair suddenly.

There was a sudden slight tremor in the lower abdomen.

It feels like there is feather, brushing gently in the belly.

Liu Yusheng looked down, dull, and then covered his hands on the abdomen, a speechless emotion rose from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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