Chapter 820 Who Counts Who

Moreover, when Xiaofenger came over this time, it was not normal.

Now it ’s midday on the moon, she is going to go back to the palace to rest after finishing the last pot of pills. Naturally, the queen mother will have to rest as soon as she leaves.

Xiaofenger knew their schedule, and would not bother to come after dinner.

Today is exceptional.

"Did something happen?"

Feng Moyu didn't know that the woman was so sensitive. She was holding her back and didn't know how to answer.

Conceal or speak out?

At last the sight fell on the woman's raised abdomen, Feng Mo smiled, "It's nothing, the uncle is not here. I can handle so many government affairs every day by myself, but I can't push it to the Cabinet or Hanlin Academy. It's a bit of energy."

"In the past, I tried to be lazy, but now I have a brain blow in government affairs," the woman shook her head, and advised him, "doing things requires a combination of work and rest, don't press yourself too tightly."

"I see, Huang Huang."

Seeing that the woman started packing up the medicinal herbs scattered on the table, it was about to return to the side hall to rest, Feng Moyu helped her together.

On the soft couch over there, the queen mother still leaned on the couch to read the scriptures, her face paled under the bright candlelight.

It's rare to hear her knocking on a wooden fish again now, but she usually reads out the scriptures during her free time.

In the diet, they are more vegetarian.

She doesn't seem to be attached to the Buddha.

"Mrs. Queen, it's getting late, don't read anymore, take a break early. Reading this kind of light for a long time is not good for the eyes." The woman talked again when she came to greet her.

The queen queen hummed, her eyes were not raised.

"Old man, don't let the queen mother read any more books when we leave, and wait for her to fall asleep earlier."

"Slave knows."

After the woman turned and left, the queen queen looked up at her back.

At the age of nineteen and twenty, she cares everything, and it comes to her.

Then I looked at Feng Moyan. Although the teenager was pretending to be indifferent, occasionally, between her eyes, the weight of her brows could not hide her eyes.

Something must have happened, otherwise Feng Moyu would not be so emotionally exposed.

It can be related to Qin Xiao to make Feng Moyu like this.

He is now with his army and has already traveled halfway.

"My queen mother, I don't want to read anymore, it's time to rest." A reminder came from my ear.

Closing the scriptures and putting it down, the queen mother said indifferently, "You helped the Princess of Nanling to control the mourning family? The mourning family is your master."

"The old slave didn't dare, but the empress queen had to take care of the Phoenix body." The old lady quickly pleaded guilty.

Over the years, the Empress Dowager closed her heart to raise her heart. Every day she felt sad and sorrowful. She had already hurt her foundation.

In the past, when the princess did not live in the Yangxin Hall, the queen mother often coughed and could not sleep at night, and the situation has only been better recently.

The queen queen also knew her own situation, and said nothing, and went into the inner room.

Looking out through the window of the inner room, the moonlight was thick.

The same moonlight hit the surface of the canal, reflecting the sparkling light.

At first glance, the river seemed to fall into the sky.

The great army crossed the river, one after the other, and the dragon grew on the canal.

Ride the waves.

Long dragon head, Qin Xiao wearing a silver battle armor, his hands on his back, his eyes fell on the far end of the night.

The ship on the river has been here for nearly 20 days, and the army will reach Yigucheng in about 10 days.

The young emperor was anxious, and ordered him to send a 200,000 army to Yigucheng to deter the Emperor Dongyue.

Thinking of playing chess with Tianzi that night, Tianzi gave him ten ambushes in the Taihe Hall, and Qin Xiao's eyes were dull.

"Ignorant child."

He fought for decades in the battlefield of Qin Xiao, and he has made great achievements. After passing through numerous storms, how can he be scared by a child.

It is the difference between the monarch and the prince, and he has long ignored it.

What he refused to do, even if he took the knife holder around his neck, he still thought of his head down.

The clouds are treacherous on the chapel, every step is deliberate.

Who counts who, before the end, who can guess.

"General, there is a ten-mile **** on the northern outskirts of Yigucheng, a grassland with a radius of hundreds of miles, suitable for camping ..."

"Okay, then camp ten miles." Qin Xiaodan said, "Let's go down and order the deputy left, center, and right three roads in the future. I will have something to say."


On the other side of Yigucheng, Feng Qingbai and Dongyue Emperor have already had three talks, and they all broke up.

Cheng Sheng looked in his eyes and was in his heart. In the past few days, he can no longer afford to put on his face, and he is haunted by wind and cypress. "Master, the two parties have already held three talks. The East Vietnam Army has been stationed outside the border, and it poses a great threat to our Nanling. If it is not possible, it is better to go to war and strengthen our country! "

"General Cheng is confident that he can win?" Feng Qingbai asked.

"This ... although I dare not say that it is ten percent sure, but as long as we can wait for the reinforcements to move to the DPRK, the grain and grass can guarantee sufficient, and he should not try to break through our border town in Dongyue!"

Feng Qingbai looked up at the moonlight, his expression confused and thoughtful, "If the last interview tomorrow, if the king still can't persuade the Emperor Dongyue, he will make another decision then."

Passed Cheng Sheng, Feng Qingbai did not return to the room, sitting in the courtyard of Yamen, looking at the moonlight.

In these days, three successive interviews were held with the East Vietnamese side. Although the East Vietnamese emperor showed shakiness, he never retreated.

He talked to him again and again.

Tap your fingers on your knees, re-sort things over this period of time, and think again, Feng Qingbai's eyes lightened.

Not slackening his mouth, and using interviews to keep him from Yigucheng, Dongyue emperor was dragging him.

Behind that, it is bound to be a big event.

-Quickly leave.

Xue Honglian's reminder rang in her ear that day, her lips ticked, Feng Qingbai smiled lightly.

It seems that someone joined Dongyue Emperor and wanted to keep him in Yigucheng forever.

The two countries are at war.

He could retreat in the first three times. Tomorrow is the fourth time. Can the Emperor Dong Yue still abide by that rule.

I'm afraid not.

"Master, do you really want to go tomorrow?" Wei Zi appeared.

"Go, why don't you go. If you don't go, it would be a joke for the rats."

"Master, the Dongyue Emperor is reticent, insidious and deceitful, and is by no means bright and light. His subordinates worry that tomorrow will be a grand feast.

"Even if it is a Hongmen feast, the king has to go and see for himself?" Otherwise, how can he catch the black hand behind him.

Knowing that he had no way to persuade the master, Wei Zi frowned. "Tomorrow will accompany the master together, and he will never leave the master!"

"No, you can't go tomorrow. If you go, they can't find any help when they want to run. You are outside the palace, waiting to meet your king."

Wei Zi was speechless. He didn't understand that it was all this time, how could the master behave so lightly and lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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