Chapter 825: Death On The Battlefield

Deserves to be a veteran.

Even after crossing the southeast border from the future, he still knew the terrain here in a short time and guessed the direction of his escape based on experience.

With four eyes facing each other, no one moved.

Only the steed was unreasonable, and the hoof sound was still soft.

In the dark, the shadows behind Qin Xiao were lavish, killing.

"Master Wang, have you ever thought about today's scene?" Qin Xiaodan asked on top of the horse.

"Never." Feng Qingbai raised his lips. "The king thought about competing with the generals in the chapel, but he never thought that one day he would be blocked by the generals on the borders of other countries."

On the horseback, Qin Xiao looked up at the sky above him, starless. "I would have been in the DPRK for more than forty years, and I never thought that one day, he would block Wang Ye at the border. For many years, Wang Ye has treated his old husband as an opponent. Today, how about making a break. "

"The generals smashed horses and guarded the territory of the Southern Tombs. The king thought that even though the generals were unpredictable, they were loyal to the country and the DPRK. What would the general do today would bring turmoil to the kingdom?" Feng Qingbai's eyes Calmly, the voice was faint. "Is this really what the general wants?"

"If the lord dies today, the old man should plead guilty to the people of the Nanling for his death. The old man can do all he can for the kingdom." The epee has no sharp edge and blunts out the sheath. Give the kingdom, let me live for myself. "

A great sword trembled, Qin Xiaochen drank, "In this battle, fight alone, the battle will end! The generals will obey orders, all back!"



Feng Qingbai didn't move, and his eyes swept across the army behind Qin Xiao. The light was dim. He could still see the shock and pain on the faces of the soldiers and admire Qin Xiao's admiration.

Only the Qin Xiao is the only person in the entire Nanling who can make the national soldiers obey only the commanding generals.

The soldiers' loyalty and love for him surpassed the court.

This is what Qin Xiao spent in decades with these soldiers to share their lives and deaths.

Feng Qingbai didn't say much.

For a moment, he couldn't figure out what it meant to live for himself in Qin Xiao's words, and what was the connection with killing him.

However, at this moment, Fang is respecting this veteran.

Just because Qin Xiao drove the generals to retreat, and the fact that he was alone with him alone was enough to make him respect.

Qin Xiao is different from Tai Liu and Zuo Xiang.

One-handed back, one-handed sword, Feng Qingbai's eyes burned, and murderous.

Respect is one thing, he must live.

Sheng Sheng is still waiting for him in Beijing.

The left shoulder was painful. At this time, he was totally unsure of Qin Xiao, and the only thing he could do was to do his best.

On the horse's back, the internal force poured into the blade and hummed.

Qin Xiao drank loudly and rushed straight from the horse's back.

The confidant generals he brought around him looked calm and stared at the two fighting. The hearts of everyone were raised at this moment.

King Nanling, with their generals, both are now the dignitaries of Nanling, and whoever lacks it is a great loss.

But none of them could stop it.

Qin Xiao battled hundreds of battles on the battlefield, martial arts outstanding, open and close together to win.

Feng Qingbai's soft sword is light and slender, with cleverness first.

But he was injured.

And this is his second hard battle in turn.

Failure to eat normally for many days also caused a great loss to his physical strength.

The passage of time seemed to be unusually slow, the duration of the fight was stretched extremely long, and the sky began to shine.

Dim light fades into gray.

Sweat soaked the clothes, and the sound of sword-to-sword filled this space.

In addition, there is asthma that is gradually exhausted by both sides.

Huh! Once again, the blade exchanged, and the fierce force trembled Feng Qingbai's arm through the soft sword, and the left shoulder wound also cracked due to force, overflowing with blood.

Feng Qingbai moves slightly delayed.

If a master makes a mistake, even a small mistake will be fatal.

His soft sword was shot down, and Wu Feng's epee came sprinting. At the back of the epee, Qin Xiao's eyes were sharp.

Feng Qingbai's pupils shrank!

He couldn't avoid this sword!

Even, he could feel the sword tip against his heart, the next moment, he would pierce it!

"Eh-bang!" In the distance, something blasted like a phoenix in the air.

The epee stopped when it was about to pierce the flesh.

Qin Xiao looked up, watching the fireworks bursting into the distance, and it was Phoenix Yufei.

It was he who gave her, the only gift she had received.

"Ha ha ha ha--" Qin Xiao laughed suddenly, his eyes turned red, and he looked at the wind and cypress, "Sinner Qin Xiao intercepted and killed the Nanling King. My soldiers will have nothing to do with them. They are here to help the border! I also ask Wang Ye to open up their nets. In the case of state affairs, Wang Ye has always been clear of rewards and penalties, and the overall situation is the most important thing. Grandpa Wang can ask?

Gaze quietly at Qin Xiao for a moment, Feng Qingbai nodded, "My king allows it."

"Thank you, Lord Wang!" Qin Xiao laughed again and tilted to heaven and earth. "In my life, Qin Xiao is worthy of heaven and earth, and worthy of his parents, and his death is well worth it!"

The epee was retracted and wiped to the neck, it was determined.

In this life, he is worthy of anyone, alone.

Now that she wanted him to stop, he had no choice but to die.

"General!" In the rear, a crowd of soldiers were stunned.

Bang, the epee fell, and there was silence.

Qin Xiao covered her wrists, and her eyes were deeply condensed with wind and cypress.

"The general has made great achievements for my dynasty. On the battlefield, there is no fear of life and death. How can he be afraid to die for trial?"

"What can I fear from Qin Xiao!"

"This time the King was trapped, the two dynasties' armies had already started a war. The general's talents were used on the battlefield to help me keep the border at Nanling. The killing was awaited by the general's triumphant return to the DPRK. The king will convict him again. Can the general disagree? Picking up the epee on the ground and returning it to Qin Xiao, "Can the people of Nanling live and work in peace and guard by the soldiers? The general is going to die and he should die on the battlefield. That is where he really died."

Holding the sword firmly, Qin Xiao condensed the wind and green cypress for a long time, and looked down, "It is determined that my people in Nanling have died!"

"Lastly, it will be determined that my people in Nanling will die!" In the rear, all the soldiers will bow in unison and declare a shock.

Feng Qingbai's lips angled slightly, "My king is waiting for your good news."

Seeing the signal flare from Yigucheng, Wei Zi led people to fight with people within the East-Vietnam border for several days, and saw the purple fireworks blooming in the day sky, all loose, and a smile appeared on the rigid face all year round, "Back! Back to town!"

The sound of the trumpet sounded, the drums burst, and the reinforcements on the battlefield boosted the morale of Nanling soldiers.

With enthusiasm, the momentum is like a bamboo shoot.

When Cheng Sheng saw the imposing figure in front of the army, he closed his mouth for a long time and laughed loudly.

In his life, Cheng Sheng most respected those who had the ability, and among them was General Qin Xiao, who had only heard of his name.

It is worthwhile to die with the general in this life!

The sword refers to Dongyue, "Kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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