Chapter 827: Why Didn't You Let Him Off

The old man immediately attached ears and told Liu Yusheng about the last night's events.

Including what the Queen Mother said, what expressions and reactions. She is also anxious.

The Grand Palace, no one who really cares about the Queen Mother can find it.

If there is anyone in the palace who can make the queen mother react emotionally, there is only the princess.

At least after the princess lived in, the queen mother sulked several times.

This has never happened before.

Right and right, dead horses are treated as living horses!

After listening to Yan's words, Liu Yusheng's eyes flashed thoughtfulness.

The queen mother seemed to be very tight on her stomach.

Do you like royal son-in-law or do you like little baby?

Suddenly I remembered something that happened a year ago.

Immediately before returning to Xinghua Village, my grandparents were invited into the palace together to have a feast with Xiaofenger.

Later the queen queen came over and she suddenly said that she would hug little edamas.

She remembered that when the queen mother was holding the edamame, although there was no change in her look, her movement of holding the edamame was clearly soft.

That kind of soft, only those who really like little baby will unconsciously show up.

Eyes were slightly bright, and Liu Yusheng raised his hand and knocked on the knocker. "Mrs. I am a cricket. My fever has retreated. Thank you Queen Mother for helping the doctor call last night, otherwise my two maids are not familiar with everything in the palace, I am afraid I have to Burn for one night. It doesn't matter if you burn me stupid, you are afraid of affecting the unborn baby in your stomach. "

Quiet inside.

"Mrs. queen, I woke up in the morning and did n’t eat anything. My stomach is so hungry. I let them rest in Shizu and Agarwood. If you do n’t open the door and let me in, I will be hungry all morning. I am a junior and my queen is not For breakfast, how can I eat it myself. "

Still nothing.

The old lady had a hard heart.


"Princess, what's wrong with you?" The old lady was startled.

Liu Yusheng blinked at the old uncle, "Old uncle, I and my stomach started to hurt again ... It must have retreated from the high fever, and I haven't eaten anything at night until now, and my stomach can't stand it ..."

"That, that ..." Laozhu looked at the closed door and raised her head hard. "The queen queen, please open the door first. The princess really has a stomachache. I'm afraid she's hungry for the fetus. You If you are angry with the princess, or if she would sit inside and eat something, would you ignore her?

Liu Yusheng raised his forehead and lowered his voice, "Old man, have you never given birth?"

"This is what the princess said! The old slave has been waiting beside the queen mother, never married, how could it be possible to have a baby!" The old woman's face flushed and angrily.

This is tarnishing her reputation!

"Old man, don't get me wrong. I asked like that because you said something wrong. How can you say that you are hungry for a fetus? You cannot feel hungry when the fetus is in the belly!"

The old lady was speechless, and she cried after a while. "What now? What's going on inside? If there is anything in the queen mother, how can the old slave afford it!"

To the old awkward old lady, there is really nothing she can do. Liu Yusheng looked up and sighed.

Then he dragged the old man to the side, "Is there a window in the inner room?"

"Yes, why does the princess find a window?"

"The queen queen does not open the door. I can only climb the window."


In the corner of the inner room, the old woman was sitting on the ground leaning against the corner, her expression empty and numb.

The eyes seemed to be crying, but no tears came out.

She let go of her enemies.

Let go of the enemy who killed her son and killed her grandchildren.

All her blood is dead, leaving her to live in this world, like living in purgatory on earth, tormenting her body and mind.

What is she doing for?

For revenge, because it is too unwilling.

But what's she going to see them now?

"The child is innocent," the old woman smiled, her smile barren. "How innocent is my sister-in-law? Why don't you let him go, Feng Qingbai, why don't you let him go? Why don't you let him go ..."

"I have pity on his baby, who will pity my grandson again?"

The royal family won, and the king defeated.

Her two sons lost and died, she admits.

They died in their ambitions.

But what about Yuner?

What a sin to her uncle!

There was a strange noise from the window.

The Empress Dowager turned her head to look, and the woman held her stomach and climbed up to her windowsill.

The half-height window sill said that it crawled and climbed, completely disregarding the danger of having a big belly.

The empress queen silently gazed at her, expressionless.

It was Feng Qingbai's child, and his wife was not worried, why did she worry about them.

"Go out, otherwise, the mourning family asks you to throw you out." She lip, her voice overflowing with a gossamer, extremely hoarse.

"My queen mother, I'm a little afraid of heights." With an old woman condensing, Liu Yusheng whispered, trying to keep calm.

The queen queen in front of her is completely different from the neat and dignified in ordinary days.

Her silver wires were scattered and her face was as pale as paper, and those eyes made her worry most.

Empty and sorrowful, floating with sorrow no more than sorrow.

But the breath around her was extremely unstable.

With just a little more stimulation, she seemed to go crazy.

The empress is on the verge of crashing.

What exactly made her change so much overnight?

Liu Yusheng froze, and suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable.

She would rather be annoyed by the queen mother to lose her temper with her, even if she is proud and sullen, it is better than her paleness.

"The mourning family told you to go out," said the old woman again.

Staring at her eyes, empty, lonely.


Liu Yusheng saw hatred in it, and surging hatred.

"The queen mother ..."

"Go out!" The old woman's eyes were so sharp that she grabbed her hand to take things and smashed into Liu Yusheng.

Liu Yusheng subconsciously wanted to avoid, but when a person squatted on the window sill, his foot was unstable, and it was too late to grasp the edge of the window, and the whole person fell.

"Ah!" Liu Yusheng's face changed suddenly, her belly!

"Qin Yi!" While she was screaming, her mother's mother screamed in her ears.

A pair of hands held her firmly and lowered when she was about to fall to the ground.

Breathing violently on the chest, even when standing on the ground, Liu Yusheng was still shocked and pale.

She almost regretted it!

Slightly depressed my heart, only to find that the young man who was holding her just now appeared suddenly indoors.

On the other side of the corner, the queen queen had already stood up and looked at her in shock, her chest violently undulating.

The queen queen was just calling the man to save her.

The queen mother looked at her with hate, and when she was in danger, she still chose to save her.

This old lady ... Liu Yusheng suddenly had a sore nose, and tears burst out of her eyes inexplicably.

Can't help it.

Suddenly there was an urge, Liu Yusheng ran over and hugged the old woman who was rushing.

She didn't know what she had experienced, which would make her so hate and so painful.

She wanted to hug her now.

(End of this chapter)

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