Chapter 830 Fighting In The Stomach?

Xue Honglian's emotionless eyes were slowly stained with blood red.

That was the hatred condensed from the blood of the relatives.

But only for a moment, red was swallowed up by pure black again.

He will not forget the hatred, the scene that Qing Lian saw with his own eyes was also what he saw with his own eyes.

"I have more than three hundred people in Baicao Valley, and in the end only I climbed out of the dead pile, but you look at me now! If there is no hatred that supports me, I don't want to live at all, because life is better than death!"

Xue Honglian's eyes fell on the wheelchair, and her two legs that were hanging down were soft like bones.

Uncle survived. At first, he could only lie in bed every day. He couldn't do it with his fingers. The pain of broken bones and cramps made him infertile.

He spent nearly eight years with Qinglian Lotus before allowing him to sit up in a wheelchair and eat chopsticks.

And that's it.

For the past eight years, my uncle hasn't lived like a person.

The pain came from the back for a while, twitching his nerves, and bean sweat dripped from his forehead. Xue Honglian held her mouth open. "Uncle, I never forget hatred. But I do n’t understand why my uncle is so persistent in killing Feng Qingbai, that thing had nothing to do with him. "

"How can it be irrelevant!" Xue Zhong growled, if mad, "He is the blood of that person, then he is our enemy! Father debts!"

The tablets on the table looked at the scene quietly, and the excited response in the narrow space seemed to be sobbing, as if the individual tablets were crying.

The man in the wheelchair was gone, Xue Honglian was still kneeling there, with a blank expression.

"Are you a fool? Let your uncle hit him if you want to hit him? You can run farther and he can catch up?" The exit voice hated iron.

"He asked you to take the letter to the Five Princes of East Vietnam. How would you get the letter? Did you really help him kill several other crown princes?"

"Hey, safflower, don't pretend to die, make a noise!"

"Passed out? Really passed out? Then why don't you sleep for a long time and don't come out anymore, how about the little master taking you to Langji Tianya?"

Xue Qinglian's mouth was low for a long time, and she didn't wait for Honghua to punch him.

"Hisse! Lying!" He reached out and touched the painful back, stained with blood, and his pants were already a lot of red, Xue Qinglian fangs.

That guy can really hold it up, it doesn't matter how much it hurts, he deserves to faint.

From the side pocket of the side robe, he pulled out the gourd-shaped jade pendant. Xue Qinglian took a small sip very reluctantly, a warm current flowed from his throat into his lungs, and quickly spread his limbs and bones.

The pain on his back had dissipated abnormally, and he could even feel that the flesh-wound wound was forming a film.

That day, Feng Qingbai was let go. In order to be able to deal with his uncle, Honghua inserted a knife near his heart, and it was almost the same if he immediately died. If it were not for this potion, it would take at least half a year to recover.

Fortunately, he had the name of a ghost doctor, which did not cause his uncle to doubt.

"Fu Yi is not kind, and he hasn't given me such a good thing. He turned to find her to go!" He had long suspected that Fu Yi had the best thing in his hand, and this time it was exposed.

Turning the gourd jade pendant, Xue Qinglian's eyes flashed brightly, thoughtfully.

The next day, the subordinate reported to Xue Zhong, "The young master disappeared, and no figure was found everywhere in the middle of the house. Finally, he found this in the young master's room."

Take a letter from the next person.

After Xue Zhong opened it, Rong Sezhi said, "Xue Qinglian!"

"Uncle, I'm sorry, Grandpa is not a killer, not so obedient." After successfully walking out of the Dongyue Imperial City, he looked back at the towering gate, Xue Qinglian ticked off and quickly left.

Time quietly enters September, and Jin Gui in the palace's imperial garden has begun to bloom, and the entire harem is filled with elegant fragrance.

In the morning, I walked around the Royal Garden and came back, just for breakfast.

The old lady in the Yangxin Hall had stood up and was leaning on the soft couch to read the scriptures.

People are terribly thin.

After telling the truth that day, the Emperor looked even more indifferent to Liu Yusheng.

She will never ignore her unless necessary. Perseverance did not drive her out of the Yangxin Temple, for fear that it would be because of her growing stomach.

She patted her hands on the belly like a small ball, Liu Yusheng sighed, this is her magic weapon now.

Only by holding her stomach in front of the emperor's wife and pretending to be uncomfortable can her heart be softened.

When it comes to living in the palace, she doesn't care, she can leave anytime.

But now she didn't want to leave so easily. Before the mystery was solved, she didn't want to leave and could not bear to leave.

The queen queen was an old woman pretending to be tough, but lonely and poor.

After fully understanding her past experience, looking at her silver hair only made people feel distressed.

"Mrs. Queen, Jin Gui in the Royal Garden is so beautiful and scented, Minger, you can go with me, it's not good to be bored in the Yangxin Hall all day."

Crossing the threshold, she frowned as soon as she approached the empress, whoopped her stomach.

The Queen Mother did not even raise her eyelids.

The old woman standing behind her squeezed her eyes at Liu Yusheng, and saw that Liu Yusheng was still holding her belly and bent over, but helpless, "Concubine, you can sit next to you, nothing to disturb the Queen Mother."

The princess had already used it more than ten times before the queen, and it didn't work anymore.

Liu Yusheng faced bitterly and slowly straightened his waist. "No, I really hurt, and the one in my stomach kicked me several times."

This time she didn't pretend.

The waist just straightened up, and the little guy in the stomach once again had a series of kicks. The summer clothes were thin and light, and the movements in Liu Yusheng's belly could be seen across the clothes.

"Oh! This kick is awesome! Princess Wang, please sit down!" The old lady saw it, and when she was surprised, she stepped forward to support her and let her sit down on the soft couch next to Liu Yusheng's suggestion. "The old slave has never seen such a big noise, and the belly has a big bag!"

"No, usually the fetal movement is not so severe, and it is particularly noisy today." Especially after entering the Yangxin Temple, the most violent incident made Liu Yusheng cry and laugh.

"Look at it, here it is again. Is this a small fist or a small foot?"

"So big a bag, I guess the little guy will do some tumbling inside and take my head against me."

The sound of my words filled the ears of the two of you, the queen queen was silent, and now I could n’t see it anymore. The scripture in my hand was a decoration.

Did not hold back, glanced at the corner of the woman's stomach, just saw the protruding corner of the belly, supporting the clothes.

"Why is it so noisy?" The Empress Dowager said indifferently. When she was pregnant, her fetal movement was not like Liu Yusheng for five or six months. She was only four months old. Did the baby fight in the stomach?

Liu Yusheng immediately cried, "I don't know what happened, it hurt me!"


(End of this chapter)

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