Chapter 832: His Allegiance Is The Empress

"What gifts have you prepared?"

Qian Wanjin laughed, "I know Qiu's nature as a miser. He must like the congratulations I prepared. All of them are glittering. I can always watch them in the storeroom. His favorite is this tone!"

Liu Yusheng and Shi Xianrou looked at each other, and Jun Jun couldn't help.

Shi Xianrou resignedly, "You know, the taste of my little gold is a bit unique."

"Indeed." Everything was gleaming.

"What's my taste? I like gold! Gold is money, and money can make ghosts grind!"

"Don't be mad, your taste is very good. I like nothing." Shi Xianrou coaxed very seriously. "If we encounter any difficulties in the future, when you are shy in your pocket, the gold you wear The silk thread can be of great use. "

"That is, this is my foresight, although we can't be downcast."

"What my wife said."

Liu Yusheng kicked out the two who were so loving, and then asked Shizu and Agarwood to prepare their bags.

Without having to bring anything, pack up two of the clothes she can wear now.

Xinghua Village naturally has clothes at home, but it can't be worn now.

"Still have to prepare a gift of your own." Liu Yusheng braced his cheeks and looked at the old woman with her eyes closed on the soft couch. "My second brother likes to pull money, and is very wealthy, queen mother, what do you think I will give him? satisfied?"

The queen queen ignored her.

This is a common state during this time, and the queen mother only cares about her belly.

Don't be mad.

"I can't find anyone here to talk to, queen mother, just ignore me for a while, just a little while, give an idea?"

As he said, Liu Yusheng stood up, supported his stomach and walked softly, and sat down beside the couch. ,

The old woman opened her eyes, and her gaze fell on her stomach. "Do you want to touch your belly?"

"... Touch it." It wasn't too much trouble. She obviously wanted to tease her baby. "What's better to send? My elder brother, my elder child will be called Eryi."

"Gold, silver, and jade are the most valuable. He likes to pull money, so he will send valuable." For those who love money, it is most suitable to send common things.

"Send a gold-plated item?"

The Empress Dowager said, "There is a string of flying fish tourmalines in the Ai family, which is more valuable than gold, and tourmaline has the meaning of blessing. Sending that is feasible."

Gold-plated? Because she wanted to figure it out, she wanted her brothers and sisters to give her gold plating.

"How can I get something from the Queen Mother ..."

"Then you find it yourself."

"... Thank you Queen Mother." With less than a day left, where can she find something?

It's not that she can't let Zisu go back to the treasury of the royal palace to collect, but she now has a big belly and wants to collect the desired things from thousands of things, and she really has no energy.

Qian Wanjin came to the palace to pick her up the next morning.

Before leaving, the queen mother asked the old lady to hand her a brocade box containing the string of flying fish tourmalines. Green and transparent, the sound of ethereal collisions is a rare good jade.

You can get out of the house after you have packed your things. It's strange that Xiaofenger didn't come here in time today.

"Xiao Feng'er won't be delayed by anything?"

Qian Wanjin didn't mind, "He is an emperor, and he has to go to the early dynasty every day. He may have been tripped up by things in the court. Fukiao, set off quickly, or he won't come back if he doesn't leave, he has to wait. Is he coming off? "

"Always tell him, or he can annoy you when he comes back."

"I'm afraid he bothers me? Hahaha! Big deal, I won't go into the palace."

Liu Yusheng ignored him. If he didn't enter the palace, Xiaofenger should bother her.

That guy, don't look at the usual lively and simple appearance, the temper is twisted and ordinary people can't help it.

Even Feng Qingbai had been tangled by him.

While talking about the outsiders coming, Ming Huang figure is particularly conspicuous.

"Imperial Emperor, Emperor Emperor! Uncle Emperor has written!" Feng Moji's eyes were wide, and his eyes and brows were all happy.

Liu Yusheng hurried forward two steps, if not for Qian Wanjin, she was afraid to run to meet him, "Letter? Show me!"

When she heard his name, her heart throbbed with joy and excitement.

He wrote, and that means that others are okay.

"Here, I just received it." When he saw the flying pigeon flying overhead, he turned back again, otherwise he would not be late, "the uncle said in the letter that things on the border had subsided, He headed directly to Yunzhou from the border. See you at Xinghua Village! "

The hand-written secret letter was indeed written by Feng Qingbai. After reading a few words, Liu Yusheng's mouth was already high.

No regrets.

"Let's go, let's take a boat out of the palace!" Lifting the skirt to leave, Liu Yusheng stopped suddenly and looked back at the old lady sitting quietly on the soft couch, her expression was very empty.

She rejoices in the wind and green cypress and peace, but the queen queen remembers the hatred of that year and may not be pleased.

"Mrs. Queen, I promise you, I remember, I will definitely ask, and give you a clear answer at that time." Liu Yusheng pursed his lips, "I believe it will never be him."

"What is clear and what is the answer?" Qian Wanjin and Feng Moyu couldn't understand.

The old woman's eyes slowly raised, looking at Liu Yusheng, the hands on the knees were twisted with each other, the phalanges were pale, "Feng Qingbai went to Xinghua Village?"


"What about General Qin?"

A few people stunned for some reason.

The Queen Mother's questioning seemed inconsistent to several people.

What is the connection between Feng Qingbai and General Qin.

Liu Yusheng condensed the queen mother's soulless look, and her eyes flickered slightly. "The wind and cypress are all right, and I think General Qin will be all right. The general led the troops to reinforce the border. The secret letter said that things there had subsided, so it must be my Nanling army. Victory. General Qin may be on his way back. "

The queen queen shook her head, her face turning paler and paler.

not necessarily.

He may not be all right.

May not return.

Feng Qingbai is keen on man-machine alertness. After Qin Xiao was on the side, Shi Kewei would cause doubts when he led his troops again.

He has been afraid of Qin Xiao for more than ten years. If there is an opportunity, will he let Qin Xiao pass?

"Mrs. Queen?" Liu Yusheng's heart twisted in the sudden sorrow of the old woman.

But when she saw the queen queen stood up, Dingding condensed her, "Lai Family, go to Xinghua Village."

"The queen mother is going to Xinghua Village ?!" Feng Moyu was surprised, his face was a little heavy.

The queen queen does not deal with Uncle Huang. Now that Uncle Huang returns home safely, it is not surprising that she is this face, but she wants to go to Xinghua Village. What is the intention?

Liu Yusheng looked at the empress for a moment and nodded, "Okay, I'll take you back."

The Queen Mother couldn't wait to ask Feng Qingbai herself. It wasn't just her grandson's affairs that year, she was more worried about General Qin.

She has been in love, not to mention that the Queen Mother is not concealing well in anxiety.

She thought, she faintly guessed something.

Qin Xiao, General Qin, used to be the iron triangle power in the court with Tai Fei Liu and Zuo Xiang. He really did not support Tai Fei Liu.

He is loyal to the Empress Dowager.

Little fairies, now at 11:44, only three chapters are rushed out, and another chapter may be written very late. After reading this chapter, you go to bed first, get up and watch the new ha ~

(End of this chapter)

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