Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 834: Queen Mother, do you want us to help you (vote 12)

Chapter 834 Mother Empress, Would You Want Us To Help You (Vote 12)

The carriage was near Xinghua Village, and the drapery curtains were lifted, and the ancient locust trees at the entrance of the village could be seen at a glance.

It was in the evening when the sunset was oblique, and the sky was burning with red clouds, and the whole village was surrounded by purple and gold.

The old ladies and old ladies were sitting around and wondering what they were talking about.

One-two-year-old, two- or three-year-old infants shuttle around or crawl around, or jog with their feet, and older children hold the winding roots of the ancient locust tree and climb up.

There was a smile on the corner of Liu Yusheng's mouth, and just looking at the scene from afar, he already felt kind.

As soon as the carriage entered the village entrance, the old guys at the foot of the tree noticed them and kept saying hello.

"Well, why are you back now? Your grandma sees the sky these days. He was just here!"

Liu Yusheng responded with a loud laugh, "It's a little late, my uncle and auntie, I'll come home later!"

"Definitely go, you go home quickly!"

Qian Wanjin also stretched his head out. "Old guys, I brought you and the baby with presents. I'll get them later, but I won't be late!"

"Okay, okay, you get home on the front feet, and we come on the hind feet! Hurry up and get things ready!"

Laughter haunted the village.

The queen queen was sitting in the carriage, inexplicably relaxed, and the kind of cheerful laughter was very easy to infect people.

After the carriage entered the village, it slowed down. The sound of horseshoes tapped and reached the gate of the Liu family courtyard. People rushed out before the carriage stopped.

The curtain of the car was smashed. Liu Yusheng saw that it was his father who rushed to the front, but it was faster than the old lady at home.

"I knew it would be I came back! Hey, come down and show my dad!" Liu Dachong approached the carriage and ran forward at the speed of the carriage. When the carriage stopped, he busily stood in front of the carriage and said, Slow down, Dad will help you, but don't bump into it, you are now twins ... how, why is your stomach so big ?! "

"Pop!" The back of his head took a paw, and his wife yelled angrily at the back. "What's the name of a belly like this? I'm twins now! It's not normal to have a big belly!"

"Mother, you lightly, I have to help!"

"I want you to help, there is A Xiu there!" Said looking into the car, but did not see Feng Qingbai figure, but instead saw an old woman with a grace and dignity, the white hair was very easy to identify, the wife Liu hit Stuttered, "Mr. Queen Mother ?!"

The Liu family who followed the two hind legs stunned for a while when they saw the queen mother, my mother! How did the queen queen come to their mountain stream!

The car was so proud of money, "I knew that the family would definitely respond to this, hahaha!"

"Do n’t laugh, get out of the car, and how long do you want to stay in the car?" Liu Zhixia jumped first, took Fu Yuzheng and Xiao Maodou, and then took Liu Yusheng with Qian Wanjin and Shi Xianrou. Squeeze and squeeze Liu Da directly to the back.

I could n’t help, and my mouth was so anxious, "Be careful, be careful! Slow down! Wait until I stand and let go! Zhixia, you help me! Or I'll come! Useless is a scholar! You What strength can you get with a pen! "

Liu Zhixia's face is very dark, he has no energy? Dad's words can make him unhappy for a long time, do you know?

Fu Yuzheng held little edamas beside him, almost couldn't help laughing.

Looking at the man who was still nervous and trying to move forward, Chen Xiulan held him. "Don't you call, can the children still know? There was nothing wrong with you, all of you are nervous."

"Uncle, don't underestimate my brother," Liu Zhiqiu, as always, stopped when the carriage stopped. First, he turned over the back of the car. It used to be done by one person, but now by two people. "My brother is so strong. Won. "

Now, hum.

During the noisy, Liu Yusheng landed safely, sweating a little on her forehead, and was nervous by her father's nervous look.

She came down and stood, and the family found that Liu Dazhen was right earlier. Her belly was so scary that it was almost the same as the full month.

Mrs. Liu frowned, "Did you eat so well in the palace and raise it so fat? It's only been more than four months, so it's so big, you can't get it until the full term? It's too hard to have a good time. ! "

Du Juan also said, "Yes, yeah, I still can't eat like this for six months, otherwise I will always suffer when I give birth!"

The family studied Liu Yusheng's belly, and in a blink of an eye, he forgot to forget the queen queen who was still in the car.

The queen queen was not annoyed, and looked at the scene quietly.

Seeing a little lost.

She grew up in a wealthy family since she was a child. Everyone around her has a mask on her face, so she never leaks her emotions easily.

Those who have a city house in their hearts can't move.

Everyone is guarding people from seeing their minds and avoiding losing out in power struggles.

But in front of these people, the emotions on everyone's face are not concealed.

Joy, sorrow, laughter or annoyance, unusually vivid.

"Mrs. Queen, the slave will help you down." The old lady said lightly.

"Ouch! We forgot that the queen mother is still in the car! Hurry up and help people down!" Madam Liu patted her thigh outside and scared the queen mother.

Seeing that the distinguished old woman was shocked by herself, Mrs. Liu was embarrassed, "Do you want us to help you, queen mother? Our countrymen are rough, so don't let it go."

The Queen Mother looked down and said, "No."

"You don't have to do it! You came to my Liu's house, that's a noble guest at home, but you can't run into it! Slender, cuckoo, take your hands!" The wife directed, completely unacceptable, and put the queen queen in front of the car on the shelf. Came down.

The queen mother pursed her lips and was a little angry.

Since she had to help her, why bother asking her if she wanted to.

She refused and tore her off again, and all the countrymen were reckless!

A few juniors secretly bit their lips and smiled, and they were arrogant and sullen.

The family entered the house only after a busy bustle at the gate of the compound.

After sitting down, everyone asked about Feng Qingbai, and he had a big belly. He would never let him come back if he didn't delay something very important.

Liu Yusheng then told his family about the trouble of Dongyue Xingbing.

"Fortunately, things are settled and people are safe. That's good, that's good." A few elders patted their chests fortunately.

"He came directly from the border, could he catch up? If he didn't come back, my congratulations would be lost again." Liu Zhiqiu was worried about this.

Liu Yusheng was helpless, "Second Brother, I have prepared for you."

"What you prepared was what you sent. That's the same. Anyway, I'm married, you don't want to leave one by one. Let's not get rich by this marriage. Anyway, let me make a little fortune."

(End of this chapter)

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