Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 841: I let him come to the ground (vote 15)

Chapter 841 I Let Him Come to the Ground (Vote 15)

In the room, the empress was lying in bed behind her, and the old lady stood on the bed with her hands folded, looking sad.

The queen queen did not eat, and as a slave, the old lady had to be hungry.

Mrs. Liu went in and patted the old man's back. "You go to the cooking room to eat first, and I will accompany you here."

The old uncle hurriedly said, "This is absolutely necessary, the old slave is waiting."

Knowing that the hierarchy between the master of the palace and the minions is very strict, Mrs. Liu no longer advises and sits on the bed with the bowl. "It's time for dinner. Are you hungry, queen mother?"

"Ai's family is not hungry, let's step back."

Mrs. Liu's mouth twitched, and she stepped back, she was not her daughter-in-law.

This old lady can't put herself up anywhere.

"Hungry and hungry also eat something, don't you worry us this way? Alas, the rice bowls are brought to you. If you feel tired and don't want to move, just eat in the room, otherwise I can feed you." He stretched out his hand and patted the old woman twice. "Hurry up."

"Bold!" The queen mother almost bounced, glaring at Madam Liu, she dared to shoot her!

"Oh, mom, it scared me," Madam Liu patted her chest, shocked. "Why did you suddenly break it open, do you know how scary it would be?" When you get up, hurry up and eat, and finish the bowl. Just take it back to the stove. I'll go first. The big guy is still waiting. "

His hand was stuffed with rice bowls, and he was warming in his palms. The wife murmured as he walked out the door.

The Queen Mother, "..." his face was darker than the dark sky outside.

The old uncle heard it, and frowned, but did not dare to say a word.

The temperament of the people in this courtyard is different from ordinary people.

They say they are not world-class and they treat people very well.

They say that they are world-famous, and they always have unexpected words and deeds.

In short, she was now convinced that the princess was teaching from the compound.

From top to bottom, a temperament.

Looking at the sulking old woman, the old lady dared, "The queen queen will be cold if you don't eat any more. This Liu family courtyard is different from the palace. If you are hungry at night, you won't eat it late.

As soon as the empress queen swept away, the old lady snorted immediately.

She was so brave that she dared not say more.

The aroma of the dishes in the bowl is seductive, and she keeps drilling into her nose, picking up chopsticks, and the queen queen moves slowly.

It's funny that a reckless woman was counted by an old man.

After eating and grooming, I stayed strong for a day. After getting old, the Queen Mother fell asleep without returning to the room. The old lady dared to go to eat.

There was still no movement in the next room.

At this time the night was getting darker, and the moon was almost climbing to its head.

In the second courtyard, Liu Zhiqiu did not directly rush back to the room to spend his happy night, but sprinkled powder around his room.

After so many years of understanding, what kind of temperament is Qian Wanjin still not clear about?

It's bound to come at night, and if you don't, you'll overhear.

He has a strong temperament, and it will certainly not be restrained. There is a blood rush to the brain. Can he really stop at the critical moment to catch the thief outside the window?

Spreading medicine is safe and secure, with no worries.

"Brother Zhiqiu, are you alright?"

"Wait a while, sprinkle more on the front window and the rear window. I let him come to the ground."

"It's so dark outside, you can't see it if you sprinkle the medicine, it is estimated that they will step in." Liu Muqiu blushed and reminded boldly.

I thought that when Uncle Red was married, she had also listened to the feet, although she was carried away halfway and didn't hear it. But are you experienced?

Later, she and Zhiqiu are about to make a hole in the house. She doesn't want to be heard by her own corner.

What a shame!

Liu Zhiqiu stood in front of the window for a while, tangled to warn him about a vertical sign, and patted with his two hands in the end, leaving.

"If you have to listen, do it, let him listen all night. You can't do anything with nosebleeds, and I don't know who is more tormented."

This is the difference between getting married and not getting married.

After entering the room and closing the door, Liu Zhiqiu went to the table to pour wine. The necessary rituals in front of the cave house could not be saved, but he still had to drink.

The bride was sitting next to the bed, her hijab had been lifted, her hands were crossed, her eyelashes were drooping, she was very tame and well-behaved, and her face was red.

The sound of the door closing trembled her eyes.

"Little Bailian, it's time for a drink."


Oops, the last one, I'm still very plastic, hahaha!

(End of this chapter)

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