Chapter 843: The King Disdains

Four eyes were opposite, and no one spoke.

At this time, the surrounding light was still dim, and the atmosphere seemed a bit more depressed.

The two seemed to confront each other, and neither of them would speak first.

Gaze crossed the woman's silver and white hair. After a moment, Feng Qingbai opened her lips, "Not me."

The Empress Dowager's eyes were sharp and sharp, "Who else can you have?"

She wanted to keep her appearance calm as ever, but she couldn't do that now.

He said it wasn't him, he said it wasn't him!

He can also look expressionless when mentioning that tragic baby!

"I don't know who it is, but I never ordered the killing of a baby doll, and I don't need to do it." Feng Qingbai said, "Royalty, I have countless enemies. Many people want to kill me like crossing the river. In the end, I still care about another little doll that may come to seek revenge in the future? I only explain this time, in the face of Sheng Sheng, otherwise I will not come to this tongue at all. I can do it , I dare to admit it. Believe it or not, it's up to you. "

Staring at Feng Qingbai's indifferent face staidly, the queen queen crumbled, and his words smashed what she had always believed out of the hole and slowly shattered.

Shaking his head, he shivered, "No, you lied to me, you lied to grief!"

"Why should I lie to you? Maybe my king still had a bit of jealousy against her queen mother. Now, no. Qin Xiao's military power has taken back the court. The queen mother feels that you still have any way to fight against this king and cheat someone who has already constructed this Those who ca n’t be threatened, my king disdain. ”With that said, ignoring the queen ’s pale face instantly, Feng Qingbai turned back to the room, and before entering the room, the voice faintly drifted into the queen ’s ears.“ The border is calm, Qin Xiao Xiaoshi and Shi Kewei are already together, returning home safely. "

The empress queen's trembling eyes condense, and then she fluctuates again, her eyes flushed little by little.

Feng Qingbai's last sentence was designed to tell her two words, peace.

Qin Xiao is safe.

He actually saw the purpose of her eagerness to come here.

Wisdom, keenness, sharpness, insight, and fierceness, this is Feng Qingbai, when he was the king of Nanling.

As he said, without Qin Xiaoyi relying on her, she is just a helpless wife, and even with the identity of the empress queen, there is no way to restrain people like Nanling Wang.

She can no longer pose any threat to him.

He didn't need to bother to lie to her.

But it wasn't him, not Feng Qingbai, who would be so ruthless to kill her grandchild at the full moon?

Sitting blankly at the window, the straight sitting position slowly collapsed, and the queen queen appeared to be as old as never.

The Queen Mother did not leave the room all day. Everyone who came to visit said that she was asleep, and the meal delivered to the room was still intact. Finally, she was sent back to the cooking room as it was.

"Feng Qingbai, have you talked to her?" Before going to bed at night, Liu Yusheng asked the man for an opportunity.

"Well, make it clear."

"So she trusts you?"

"I already said it, believe it or not, it's her business," pressed the woman's half-stretched body back, Feng Qingbai said, "you are pregnant now, don't worry about other things so much, The queen mother is not an ordinary person. She can walk out of that hurdle without worrying about her. "

If the queen queen does not even have that capacity, she will not continue to stand here alive today.

With hatred in mind, she can continue to stand up against him even with her hair grayed out. Now it is just that the object of hatred has changed. What is wrong?

Can't hate him, the old woman can't live?

For people outside the Liu family's courtyard, Feng Qingbai's sympathy has always been very small, even not so much.

Because others have nothing to do with him.

Liu Yusheng couldn't sleep, still worried, holding his big belly in praise for a long time, and finally decided to continue to harass Feng Qingbai.

"Where is the Queen Mother?"

"Beijing. Her mother triumphed long after her failure to win, and she heard that she was not close to her mother and never returned after entering the palace." Knowing that she could not beat her, Feng Qingbai's tone was helpless. Her mother should be gone now, most of her dead, and the rest scattered incognito. "

This has always been the case.

If you fail, you will either die, or you will pinch your tail in the future to avoid jumping around in front of the winner.

Lest it be easy to pick it up and lose it again.

"So, the Queen Mother is really all alone." There are no mothers to rely on, no friends to help care, and her blood is all dead and clean.

No wonder she would boil a lot of silver.

The queen mother is younger than her grandmother, but when she is standing with her, she looks older.

Feng Qingbai sighed, "It's so easy to buy people's hearts, so soft-tempered, what should I do in the future?"

"What do you do, don't you still have it? Besides, how am I so calculated?"

Smiling and pinching the woman's small nose, Feng Qingbai also argued differently from her. He hoped that she would not understand all her life.

If she understood it one day, it must be that he was no longer guarding him.

He must be dead.

It was so easy to come back, plus the border was calm and the country was stable. There was nothing particularly urgent in Beijing that needed to be rushed back to deal with, and a few people who came back to the banquet did not rush back.

Stay in the compound for a few days.

When I was idle at home, a few young people were thinking about how to have fun.

"The grape groves behind Xinghualing are just ripe. Why don't we find time to go to the grape groves and eat grapes in the past two days?" Liu Zhiqiu suggested.

He and Liu Muqiu's newly-married Yaner is as gelatinous as paint, and he feels good about everything. Even the grape grove in Houshan, which is too lazy to look at these years, has become a holy place to promote feelings.

Liu Yusheng nodded. "Okay, the grape grove is flat, and the road is easy to go, suitable for people with a big belly like me."

Everyone expressed deep contempt for her sentence.

In order to be able to play a game, say something nice.

Just like her, taking a further step in the yard can shock Feng Qingbai, and they dare to take her to the grape grove? It is not enough for several people to be stacked.

Feeling vaguely to be abandoned, Liu Yusheng immediately looked at Feng Qingbai.

The man didn't look at her, "You want grapes, I'll pick them up for you."

"I'm almost at home growing mushrooms."

Qian Wanjin gathered his head and looked her up and down. "Where is the mushroom, pull it down and make soup for the milk."

"Slender, pick up your piece of gold, annoying!"

Shi Xianrou came up and climbed Jin Jin's shoulder, shaking his head. "I'm out of temper and want to play. I'll fix this tree in your house."

Green cypresses, trees too, are kind of straight.

To make him crook his neck, he had to use a trick.

Ordinary people can't do it.

Liu Yusheng has to rely on himself.

Seeing that Big Brother, Second Brother, and Qian Wanjin walked away in pairs, Liu Yusheng's eyes were green regardless of her. That is, you are not drinking too much today. "

(End of this chapter)

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