Chapter 845: I Think I Can Keep My Life

"Mrs. queen, queen queen?" Madam Liu sat down beside the bed, and after calling two times she saw that she was not suffocated, and she started pulling them up. "Ah, you didn't fall asleep. Why didn't you lie and hold your breath? Get up! , The sun is better outside, the big guy is chatting over there, and you used to be lively with us. "

"You, you let go! Manny! Let's go!" Leng Buding was dragged up by her, the queen queen was almost out of breath, her eyes widened and her silver wire trembled.

She entered the palace at the age of sixteen and has become a queen. Forty years now, she has always been extremely honored and honored. Who dares to manipulate her like this?

This wife is so reckless!

Because of her pride and favor, Piansheng's struggle for the idea didn't make much difference in Mrs. Liu's hands, and Shengsheng was dragged out of bed!

"You, let go! The sad family is really angry!" She just saw that she was a country woman who didn't understand anything and didn't care about her. When she was really angry, even if Feng Qingbai was protecting her, she could I ca n’t please her!

How can she treat her like this and rely on her tolerance!

"Oh, it's okay, don't make it. Seeing that you are lying in the room without the sun is prone to mildew. You look at your face now, and you tell the old lady to say, is it pale and pale? No. How can sunlight be healthy? People are older, and they need to take care of their bones and keep in good health. Our health-prepared health tea comes with two cans when you go back to the palace. Drink a small pot every day for one month. Keep your face flushed. "

The queen queen was so angry that her head was wrong, and she said one and she said two.

Just to oppose her!

Working hard three or two times, dragging an old woman with no chickens in her hands, Mrs. Liu went out and took them all the way under the grape shelf.

At the back, the old lady watched the person pressed down on the stone bench and then chased out with an anxious expression on her face, "Mother Queen, Queen Mother!"

The queen queen panted, looked at her coldly, and now came after, what did she do just now!

Slaves need to protect the Lord faithfully, what is the purpose of not protecting the Lord!

The old lady stiffened her head, only when she didn't see anything. Now the queen mother blame her for her weak care. When she was pulled out just now, didn't she ask her to protect her.

Everyone talked and laughed, but did not cool down because it was too late.

Liu Zhiqiu clapped his hands, "Okay, now that we are all together, pick the grapes quickly, and let the sun dry for a while, the grapes of the spirits are all gone."

After all, the vines were cut and erected, and they were not really planted in the yard. The grapes stayed shortly.

At this height, Fu Yan can pick it up with his hands and can play with everyone without any effort.

She was happy, so the big guy was happy.

With an order, each of them started to choose their hands.

Mrs. Liu took the small scissors from the basket next to her and put them into the hands of the queen mother. It can be used to make wine and boil grape sauce. "

I looked at the small scissors in my hand, the queen mother couldn't believe it, this reckless woman wanted her to pick grapes?

When did she do such a thing!

I ’ll reach out to hand the scissors to the old lady, and it ’s the reckless woman who took her a step further. “Hey, come here too, happy together, have n’t you picked grapes before? Would you make wine? Jam? Do it?"

They talked and walked away, and made a go. The empress left the queen and stared at the back of the two in a daze.

Looking at the other side, Feng Qingbai raised his sleeves in both hands, and twitched his two fingers. When he raised his hand and dropped it, a bunch of purple grapes were put into the basket.

The king of Nanling has been noble and honorable. If she puts on display, this occasion is a bit inappropriate.

Look again at the rough and long-lasting small scissors made of pig iron. The scissors have rust spots on them. I don't know how many years I haven't been willing to throw them.

She used small gold scissors to build pots in the palace.

Bashful woman, she doesn't know how to use good money with a lot of money.

Seeing the bunch of grapes on the shelf decrease, the queen queen finally stood up and she tried.

Isn't it just cutting grapes?

Picking up a bunch of grapes, I didn't dare to use too much force. The reckless woman said that she could not hurt the grapes, and the scissors gently pressed on the grape stalk, and clicked the grapes to her hand.

It's easy.

The empress queen glanced with satisfaction.

"Mrs. queen, this little basket is for you. I collapsed on my arm like me and put it on my feet. The cut grapes are put in the basket." A bright-eyed middle-aged woman came over and gave her a smile. Bamboo basket, she recognized it was Liu Yusheng's mother-in-law.

The voice was soft and soft, and it was quite pleasing to the ear. The queen queen calmed down and took the basket.

Not too far away, a few big men gathered together and picked grapes and ate them. There were no bunches of grapes in the basket, and the skins of the grapes were almost half a basket.

"Looking at the grapes, I can remember that when I was a kid, my adult was so high on his knees, followed us to pick grapes up the mountain, and finally picked a ganoderma lucidum." Liu Da spit out the grape skin, remembering the year.

"That Ganoderma lucidum was sold at that time, and I went to the school with Zhiqiu Cai. It seemed like I had sold dozens or two of silver at that time?" Liu Zhixia also laughed.

Since then, the brothers have been reading at home.

First selling Ganoderma lucidum, and later making wine, the family became better and better.

Even in the village, new weather is slowly emerging. The rice planted is increasing year by year and the taste is still very good. Some people in the village are slowly beginning to call their furniture 福福 娃娃.

Liu Zhiqiu answered, "I remember the time when I followed the cypress to pick grapes together. He came later with the cricket. The big guy was almost picking up a full basket. He was worried that cricket would not be happy. He put the big treasure in the basket. All the grapes were pulled out and put into a small basket, and Dabao was so angry that he almost didn't cry on the spot. "

Lifting that stubble, everyone laughed.

Feng Qingbai's eyes were soft and he looked at the woman who was eating grapes next to him. He had purple grape juice on his hands, and he noticed his tongue and smiled at him.

At that time, the time was very good, there were Sheng Sheng, and his mother-in-law, so many people in Liu family accepted him.

While everyone was chatting, the Empress Dowager was also watching, and was unconsciously attracted to the past.

Looking at the men and women smiling at each other, it turned out that King Nanling had been very good to Liu Yusheng since he was a child.

That kind of feeling is two small no guesses, so the feeling is so deep, except for each other, can not stand everyone else's eyes.

She was ... the same way.

The two little guesses, the young plum bamboo horse, thought that they could live together forever.

Today I finally completed four chapters on time! With hands on hips, continue to repay debt tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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