Chapter 855 This thing is not refined!

After receiving the news from Liu Yusheng, Qian Wanjin immediately ran to the palace.

At Liu Yunge, despite the warning sign standing at the door, he kicked Xue Qinglian's room door open, ran over and held Xue Qinglian's face up and down.

"Is it green or red? Squeak, isn't Xue Honglian posing? Think of pretending to be Xue Qinglian to live in the palace, relax the vigilance of the big guy, and then you can take the opportunity to assassinate Feng Qingbai?"

The next instant, Qian Wanjin fell down, lying at Xue Qinglian's feet with four backs and eight forks, and got a man squinting and squinting, "idiot."

"Crouching! Xue Qinglian, it's you Wang Bagua! It's been half a year since it disappeared, no news, what are you doing back?" Lying on the ground, Qian Wanjin scolded.

Momentum has nothing to do with posture, even if he is lying down, he is full of momentum.

Anyway, Xue Qinglian doesn't really kill him, so he lies down and scolds him.

Xue Qinglian beckoned him, "I will not be able to report to you when you return? You are not the father."

Qian Wanjin yelled at him, "You want to call me Dad, and grandpa doesn't want you to be such a big son!"

"piss off!"

"Get me up and go away immediately! Look at your face without love!"

"Break through Laozi Xianggui and want to go so easily? Your warning at the door is a decoration? Since it's here, you don't want to leave!"

Qian Wanjin froze slightly, and saw the man holding a dagger next to him squatting down, his eyes were scared, "Hey, hey, what do you want to do? Xue Qinglian, let me tell you, if you dare touch me, my little stone will definitely look for it You are desperate! "

"It's not bad to have you buried."

Seeing that the man took his hand and waved the dagger, Qian Wanjin was so scared that his eyes closed and the ghost cried, "Xue Qinglian, Xue Daxia, Xue Shenyi, Brother Qinglian, forgive me and never dare!"

"Suggesting goods," Xue Qinglian rolled her eyes, "What's the matter? You can scare your pants even with such a small wound, but you dare to come and scream in front of me."

Qian Wanjin opened his eyes and opened a slit to look at his hands. His arms were still fair and smooth, and there was no **** wound. No wonder he didn't feel the pain.

But a small opening was made in his fingers, and blood quickly stained his hands.

"Xue Qinglian, we care about your second uncle! My little one faints his blood!"

"Don't hesitate when you're done, aren't you tired? This will help you stop the bleeding and look good."

"What to see, I see your uncle-" Qian Wanjin's screaming stopped abruptly.

Seeing Xue Qinglian wipe on his finger, the blood stopped immediately, Qian Wanjin's mouth was half open, and he recovered his voice after a while. "Okay, Xue Qinglian, you can do more of this medicine. I'll give it back to Xiao She must have used the stone. "

Their small stones are on the battlefield at any time, and they have no eyes and swords. Fighting with people and getting injured are commonplace.

With this thing, the critical moment is not too bad for life-saving medicine.

After thinking about it, he said, "This kind of thing is better to keep it secret, and the hemostatic effect is so good. Many people will come to ask for it. If you come across all those who have to report, if you do n’t give it, give it to someone. Offended. With so many powers in the world, can you finish it? "

"This is for me."


Xue Qinglian took out the medicine bottle with a little pride and shook it in front of Qian Wanjin. "This medicine is called Shenshui. What I know so far is at least flesh-and-bone, and the effect is more than stopping bleeding. Is it simple? You have no idea, good It's a violent thing to you. "

Qian Wanjin blinked and looked at the pill bottle that he had known. He tried to pull out exactly the same from his chest. "I also have it. When the young man was twelve years old, Fu Li gave me such a bottle. Hahahaha ! "

Years before Xue Qinglian.

Let you ya sir!

After laughing, the two looked at each other, their eyes widened.

"Meat bones ?!"

"Twelve years old?!"

From each other's words, both of them tasted different.

Qian Wanjin was still unbelievable holding the medicine bottle. When Fu Yi sent the medicine to him, he was told that he would be able to save it at a critical moment, because it was a gift from Fu Yi, and she made a special order, and he kept it with him.

However, he really didn't take his heart for what Fu Yi said could save lives. How old was Fuyu at that time? Six years old. How could a six-year-old baby take what she said seriously. A trivial matter can be said to be so big, he just had to listen to cheer her up.

But Xue Qinglian said, can this thing be flesh and bones? !!

Xue Qinglian also stayed for a long while, and always had Qian Wanjin's words in her mind, which was given to him by Fu Yi when he was twelve years old.

When Qian Wanjin was twelve, Fuxi was only six? Even if she had been studying medicine when she was in the womb, she would not have been able to make this magic medicine at the age of six!

This thing is not refined at all!

The two looked at each other and looked at the medicine bottle in Qian Wanjin's hand. After a while, Xue Qinglian took the medicine bottle and poured a drop into another clean container. Regardless of Qian Wanjin, he asked him to save Very precious 嚷嚷, red-eyed contrast What is the difference between the two potions.

Qian Wanjin was cut again, and the wow ghost called again to watch the wound stop bleeding and coagulate. For the previous wound, the mouth had begun to close, leaving only a small blood line.

"Xue Qinglian, is Fuyu a fairy falling from the sky? Come on, let me take a look. I may be dreaming." Qian Wanjin glared and murmured.

"Don't lie down, hurry up." Xue Qinglian rubbed her face.

"How can I get up without giving me an antidote?"

"The poison has long since solved your own reluctance to move!"

Qian Wanjin climbed up from the ground with a green face, and patted off the dust on his body. "Let's go to Fuyu?"

"Naturally, you have to look for it in private. This thing can't be known." Combined with the power of the world, Feng Qingbai may not be able to protect the well-rounded.

"What are you two doing? The second half screams and screams, and the whole backyard can hear voices." It happened that the woman came helplessly reprimanded.

The sound of ping pong and the pain of hitting the table and chair immediately came from the room.

"Fuyao, don't come in if you spilled medicine on the door of your room. You're pregnant!" Xue Qinglian reminded loudly while rubbing her knee caught by the corner of the table.

Qian Wanjin slipped the fastest, knocked over the bottles and cans on his desk before rushing out, and ran without a word.

Don't forget to take his medicine bottle before leaving.

Liu Yusheng didn't know what the two were doing inside, only saw Qian Wanjin rushed to her in front of her, and her eyes were wide and gloomy when she looked at her.

"What are you doing?" Liu Yusheng stepped back cautiously.

Any expression of such expressions is definitely fine.

(End of this chapter)

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